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Living with AIDS

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I was going to reply last night but i was simply overwhelmed by the nice things youve all said.

I was brought to tears by the kindness you are showing me, a stranger.

You are giving me hope, not that ill beat AIDS, i wont but that ill live out the rest of my days now knowing there are genuinely kind and loving people around who arent put off by my illness.


Skinz. I was worried it would be a shock, my family dont like "homos" or "queer degenerates" but i told them anyway and in dads words ill now reap what ive sowed. That made me more nervous about telling the rest but i did anyway and thats when mum gave me the karma speech.

To say i was expecting some grief would be accurate, to say i didnt expect them to treat me quite so bad would also be accurate.


PlainTalker, Saffy, Nimrod, Mr Bloom, Mjhal, Bypaddblade, Smithy266, Harestone and Skinz

From the bottom of my heart i want to thank you for your kind words of support.

You dont know how much it means to me


Also, to those who have sent me messages, a big thanks to you too. I cant reply just yet though as it looks like ive not reached the minimum amount of posts but rest assured when i do ill reply immediately.

Thank you again :)

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Your family sound extreme in their reaction. I can't imagine what it must feel like to be rejected like that by your parents. Sadly my mum and dad are dead, but I know when they were alive they'd have stuck by me though thick and thin.


My thoughts are with you, and I hope you find some solace from the forum, or from a support group or both.



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I was going to reply last night but i was simply overwhelmed by the nice things youve all said.

I was brought to tears by the kindness you are showing me, a stranger.

You are giving me hope, not that ill beat AIDS, i wont but that ill live out the rest of my days now knowing there are genuinely kind and loving people around who arent put off by my illness.


Skinz. I was worried it would be a shock, my family dont like "homos" or "queer degenerates" but i told them anyway and in dads words ill now reap what ive sowed. That made me more nervous about telling the rest but i did anyway and thats when mum gave me the karma speech.

To say i was expecting some grief would be accurate, to say i didnt expect them to treat me quite so bad would also be accurate.


PlainTalker, Saffy, Nimrod, Mr Bloom, Mjhal, Bypaddblade, Smithy266, Harestone and Skinz

From the bottom of my heart i want to thank you for your kind words of support.

You dont know how much it means to me


Also, to those who have sent me messages, a big thanks to you too. I cant reply just yet though as it looks like ive not reached the minimum amount of posts but rest assured when i do ill reply immediately.

Thank you again :)


You can PM once you have made five posts, Rob... (It's just a forum rule).


As I was saying last night, hopefully the docs have you on some regime (the antiretrovirals or whatever the current best practice treatments are) to help stave a lot of the persistent/ opportunisticc infections off.


I have lost friends to AIDS, and have friends living with it. As I understand it, the newer regimes of treatment can, now, give someone with HIV a near -normal life expectancy. IMO, that's a very hopeful advance. Thank god, it's now more a matter ofa person living with an HIV diagnosis, rather than "dying" of AIDS..


As for your family's attitude, of "not liking 'homos' or ' queer degenerates'..." well, I'm just appalled! You haven't suddenly grown another head, or become an axe murderer... You are still YOU, so, why they should freak out like this, is beyond me.


---------- Post added 22-01-2013 at 15:30 ----------


Your family sound extreme in their reaction. I can't imagine what it must feel like to be rejected like that by your parents. Sadly my mum and dad are dead, but I know when they were alive they'd have stuck by me though thick and thin.


My thoughts are with you, and I hope you find some solace from the forum, or from a support group or both.



Seconded, thirded and fourthed. ;)

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Yeah, you stick around here Rob, whilst you may get the odd silly troll remark there are too many decent people here to name, full of support and kind to the nth degree and ready at the drop of a hat to help, or just offer comforting words. We're all one big family here mate, welcome in. :thumbsup:

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.. And keep smiling. I'll send you a pm with my e mail and Facebook .. If you have it .. Feel free to join the mad house, errr, family.


Any spelling mistakes I put down to my meds.


You know that song woody sings in Toy Story .. You've got a friend in me . Well, think of all us lot singing it at you when you're feeling down.



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Can one of the moderators not waive that rule in this case?


I don't have jurisdiction in that field, I'm afraid, but if you contact the senior team, via a Helpdesk Ticket, and ask if this can be done, you'll get an answer as to Yea or Nay. That's the best I can do.

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Good to hear from you again Bob. Despite their 'stance' it must have come as quite a shock to you, how your family have reacted. If it's any consolation, deep down and privately they are probably feeling shocked, powerless, and upset by your news. If you can find it in your heart to forgive them for their ignorance and how they have hurt you, it can only help as you will be able to focus more clearly on your own wellbeing. Lots of people are now routing for you and sending you lots of love.

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I don't have jurisdiction in that field, I'm afraid, but if you contact the senior team, via a Helpdesk Ticket, and ask if this can be done, you'll get an answer as to Yea or Nay. That's the best I can do.


Is there really any need anyway, rob could just post a couple more throw away comments and job done. :)

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