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British citizen faces death penalty in Indonesia.

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They might have, if they'd looked. I'm not sure I'm as confident as you appear to be about the Indonesian justice system.


Besides, she shouldn't be facing death anyway. It's just plain wrong to kill people anyway (that's why murder is a crime)especially just for smuggling drugs .


So you dont see smuggling a suitcase full of lethal drugs that could kill many as a serious offence ?

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If this was the case they wouldnt have found overwhelming evidence that she was simply smuggling to line her own pockets.

Lets face it, you could always try the 'someone made me do it' argument for any charge...smuggling, murder, rape, theft.... its potentially a great argument but a little delving into a persons past and their personal life could soon cast serious doubt on it.


Like the Indonesian Governement hasn't ever been accused of corruption, human rights abuses etc etc... but that said, my response was to your 'don't do the crime if you can't do the time' type reply to maxmaximus.


Whether this person did it to line their pockets or not, is irrelevant.. the reason she got the death penalty (which was incidentally over and above what the prosecution were seeking) was because she 'didn't care' and 'the damage it did to the image of Indonesia as a tourist destination'... NOT that she actually smuggled some drugs.


The argument stated, that you addressed in answering maxmaximus; was that shooting someone is more likely to be off-putting to potential tourists than the fact a tourist smuggled in some coke.


I can tell you right now there are lots of people saying 'what if?' as in what if we went there for our holidays and what if someone did plant something on me? what if someone did coerce me? Then their reasoning tells them.. sod it I'd rather not take that risk, and go elsewhere for their holidays..

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So you dont see smuggling a suitcase full of lethal drugs that could kill many as a serious offence ?


I believe it was cocaine? So, no, I don't believe it was an offence for which the death penalty is appropriate. But that's mainly because I know enough about drugs to realise that 99% of all harm attributed to drugs is actually a consequence of the 'war on drugs'.


So, personally, I'd want to tackle the actual source of the harm, after which, drug smuggling would not be a problem.


People are harmed through taking drugs because, due to the 'war on drugs', they never know what they're taking and what toxins it contains, or, indeed, what potency of active ingredient is present in it.


Much like people died from drinking 'moonshine' during the 'war on alcohol' aka prohibition.

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So you dont see smuggling a suitcase full of lethal drugs that could kill many as a serious offence ?


I'm well aware that almost everywhere in the world it's regarded as a serious offence. I don't believe it should be though and I certainly don't think it's right to kill people for smuggling.

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The point, dear Adam, is that it's fundamentally wrong to kill people. Even people who've done 'bad' things.


By that bit of "high falutin' moralizing" that would make every British serviceman who fought for his country in times of war some kind of criminal because he was "fundamentally wrong" in killing the enemy?

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I can tell you right now there are lots of people saying 'what if?' as in what if we went there for our holidays and what if someone did plant something on me? what if someone did coerce me? Then their reasoning tells them.. sod it I'd rather not take that risk, and go elsewhere for their holidays..


These people had better get used to a nice trip to Blackpool then because im sure every foreign country has at least a lengthy prison sentence awaiting those caught smuggling large quantities of cocaine. The liklehood of getting drugs planted on you are so small as to be insignificant.

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These people had better get used to a nice trip to Blackpool then because im sure every foreign country has at least a lengthy prison sentence awaiting those caught smuggling large quantities of cocaine. The liklehood of getting drugs planted on you are so small as to be insignificant.


Being locked up is just ever so slightly better than being dead don't ya think? Mainly because.. well I'd still be alive, but almost as importantly if I was innocent I'd at least be able to appeal, and keep on appealing...


And as for the likelihood of it happening, there's been many cases where it's been reported as happening.. even a SF member in the shape of andygardener has given anecdotal evidence to suggest it does happen...


A quick Google search on 'drugs planted in luggage' shows that it's clearly a point people are concerned about..

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I'm well aware that almost everywhere in the world it's regarded as a serious offence. I don't believe it should be though and I certainly don't think it's right to kill people for smuggling.


So you believe think drug smuggling should be a minor offence ? What would you like the punishment for drug smuggling to be ? Maybe a £60 fixed penalty.

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There are plenty of prior warnings about the penalty for smuggling drugs issued by countries such as Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand and Indonesia. They are given to all visitors before landing and there must be warnings displayed all over the airports in several European languages as well as others.


If greed and personal gain overrides common sense then you pay the penalty. Very simple

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