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Turning people into idiots

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It is important to dumb down society, as having an educated informed population is dangerous for certain ruling classes. Having ill informed politicians, spawned from such a system is also very commendable.


Let them, the masses, have their circuses, where all they are interested in is self gratification and identifications with mass media fabricated celebrities. Keeping the individual, the self as the primary issue, allows an authority to manage such peoples. They will accept the dictate of those that they are told, know better than they do, and see further than ordinary people do. One has to create a, them and us, a master and slave relationship, even if the chains these days are invisible, but felt through debts, bills and other responsibilities.


So the clever people on this site, can realise they can also exploit the ignorant, play them for suckers, just as corporations and banks have done. Steal money while telling ordinary people its an investment, except in your, as opposed to their future. learn from the media in disclosing only what the ignorant need to know, and they need to know nothing of value at all. When it comes to academics, specialisation is the answer, allowing the right hand to be unaware of the left, keeps them confined to their areas of expertise.


So I endorse the dumbing down of the majority, the serfs of the future, where laws can criminalise them all, as incarceration inhibits breeding of the unfit, and educationally challenged.


Hitler is an icon of evil, but we all know the Nazis had great ideas, from medicine, engineering, and more. These ideas have of course been completely repackaged and sanitised. Sterilisation of the mentally challenged has of course now been stopped, but the scope for aggressive implementations of surveillance is a corporate dream come true. Its just a money making machine, and its offshoots grow unabated. If one could incarcerate nations from birth one could decide who gets fed, who lives and those that are just not worth it, can die not from mass murder but natural causes like neglect. Well such extreme realisations are for the future for the educated and semi educated nations, although practiced widely in the under-developed world, but the bricks for this are being put in place today. So farming the ignorant, manipulated through the smug semi educated, using the wonders that modern technology can provide, a captivating utopia for some.

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It is important to dumb down society, as having an educated informed population is dangerous for certain ruling classes.


It's even more dangerous for conspiracy theorists as an educated, informed population wouldn't buy their twaddle.

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It is important to dumb down society, as having an educated informed population is dangerous for certain ruling classes. Having ill informed politicians, spawned from such a system is also very commendable.


Let them, the masses, have their circuses, where all they are interested in is self gratification and identifications with mass media fabricated celebrities. Keeping the individual, the self as the primary issue, allows an authority to manage such peoples. They will accept the dictate of those that they are told, know better than they do, and see further than ordinary people do. One has to create a, them and us, a master and slave relationship, even if the chains these days are invisible, but felt through debts, bills and other responsibilities.


So the clever people on this site, can realise they can also exploit the ignorant, play them for suckers, just as corporations and banks have done. Steal money while telling ordinary people its an investment, except in your, as opposed to their future. learn from the media in disclosing only what the ignorant need to know, and they need to know nothing of value at all. When it comes to academics, specialisation is the answer, allowing the right hand to be unaware of the left, keeps them confined to their areas of expertise.


So I endorse the dumbing down of the majority, the serfs of the future, where laws can criminalise them all, as incarceration inhibits breeding of the unfit, and educationally challenged.


Hitler is an icon of evil, but we all know the Nazis had great ideas, from medicine, engineering, and more. These ideas have of course been completely repackaged and sanitised. Sterilisation of the mentally challenged has of course now been stopped, but the scope for aggressive implementations of surveillance is a corporate dream come true. Its just a money making machine, and its offshoots grow unabated. If one could incarcerate nations from birth one could decide who gets fed, who lives and those that are just not worth it, can die not from mass murder but natural causes like neglect. Well such extreme realisations are for the future for the educated and semi educated nations, although practiced widely in the under-developed world, but the bricks for this are being put in place today. So farming the ignorant, manipulated through the smug semi educated, using the wonders that modern technology can provide, a captivating utopia for some.


Whereas you know better eh? :)

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