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Making a fortune out of lies, and your taxes

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We call it the war on terror, why because that is what we are told it is, but its really about a war on poverty.


This year 1 in 8 youths are unemployed, and its been going on for years, and is significantly more in under developed countries.


Here we have a benefit system, in which only the old will die significantly from being unable to make ends meet. The rest manage except the 6000 or so suicides we harvest yearly. But in poor countries there is nothing, and begging from the equally desperate gets someone nowhere.


Fortunately for children with nothing there are schools that feed, house and educate them, mostly funded by Saudi Arabia. These schools are called Madrassas, and the form of Islam insisted upon being taught as part of the funding is Wahhabism. The joke is Saudi Arabia is funding these schools all over the place, and their form of Islam id confrontational if not aggressive, and has been a major influence over the ideologies held by the Taliban and the rest of so called Islamic terrorism.


So if you really want to know what is going on, is this, we buy oil from Saudi Arabia, they give some money back in weapons purchase, when Cameron and his like go to sell defence mechanisms, and other money goes to promote the ideology behind world terrorism. So Jo public is unaware that he, through his taxes are indirectly funding global terrorism, a state of necessary perpetual war, that is designed to fund the Corporate Defence Industry, backed of course by the banks. War is the most profitable industry humans have ever invented, and the corporate interests and other interests that gain from this never ending money making machinery has to be sanitised, sterilised so the ignorant public are unaware of the continuous rip off.


So next time the news blathers on about another soldier killed, you can be sure that from a certain section of society, its doubles all round, as they cheer another reason to continue the war, that is created for sheer profit.


We often use other countries to do our dirty work for us, and Saudi Arabia is most cooperative, buying real British Weapons of mass destruction, so they can not only suppress their own population, many of which live in poverty, and want democracy for some reason, but also Bahrain where they every day suppress violently, occasionally kill people peacefully protesting.


Don’t you just love the smell of hierocracy????!!!!!!

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We call it the war on terror, why because that is what we are told it is, but its really about a war on poverty.


This year 1 in 8 youths are unemployed, and its been going on for years, and is significantly more in under developed countries.


Here we have a benefit system, in which only the old will die significantly from being unable to make ends meet. The rest manage except the 6000 or so suicides we harvest yearly. But in poor countries there is nothing, and begging from the equally desperate gets someone nowhere.


Fortunately for children with nothing there are schools that feed, house and educate them, mostly funded by Saudi Arabia. These schools are called Madrassas, and the form of Islam insisted upon being taught as part of the funding is Wahhabism. The joke is Saudi Arabia is funding these schools all over the place, and their form of Islam id confrontational if not aggressive, and has been a major influence over the ideologies held by the Taliban and the rest of so called Islamic terrorism.


So if you really want to know what is going on, is this, we buy oil from Saudi Arabia, they give some money back in weapons purchase, when Cameron and his like go to sell defence mechanisms, and other money goes to promote the ideology behind world terrorism. So Jo public is unaware that he, through his taxes are indirectly funding global terrorism, a state of necessary perpetual war, that is designed to fund the Corporate Defence Industry, backed of course by the banks. War is the most profitable industry humans have ever invented, and the corporate interests and other interests that gain from this never ending money making machinery has to be sanitised, sterilised so the ignorant public are unaware of the continuous rip off.


So next time the news blathers on about another soldier killed, you can be sure that from a certain section of society, its doubles all round, as they cheer another reason to continue the war, that is created for sheer profit.


We often use other countries to do our dirty work for us, and Saudi Arabia is most cooperative, buying real British Weapons of mass destruction, so they can not only suppress their own population, many of which live in poverty, and want democracy for some reason, but also Bahrain where they every day suppress violently, occasionally kill people peacefully protesting.


Don’t you just love the smell of hierocracy????!!!!!!

.............as the good book says.............man is born sinful!
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