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Did you go to Wisewood school?


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  • 2 weeks later...

Has anyone heard of a reunion towards the end of the year for pupils who attended Wisewood School ?

If there is a reunion is it for the infant, junior and secondary school (or all 3 ) and is it for all years going back to the 1950s ?

When I left the junior school in 1958/9 the headmistress was Miss Bates. Other teachers names I recall are Mr. Lacey, Mrs McDonald, Mrs. Oldfield and then sadly my memory gives out on me.

Edited by harvey19
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  • 2 weeks later...
I was there and left in '86 so was a couple of years behind you.


Do you remember a guy (sure his name was Shaun Walker) getting up in assembly and telling Mr Turner to f**k off????


Best day of school ever!!!!!!


I was (probably) in your year but I wasn't at school that day but its one of those things that everyone talked about for years.

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  • 6 months later...
Has anyone heard of a reunion towards the end of the year for pupils who attended Wisewood School ?

If there is a reunion is it for the infant, junior and secondary school (or all 3 ) and is it for all years going back to the 1950s ?

When I left the junior school in 1958/9 the headmistress was Miss Bates. Other teachers names I recall are Mr. Lacey, Mrs McDonald, Mrs. Oldfield and then sadly my memory gives out on me.


Some names in your post caught my eye, harvey19. I went to Wisewood J & I School (“Wisewood Primary” according to the official school stamp) from 1953 to 1960 and to Wisewood Secondary Modern School from 1960 to 1962.


Some other names for you:-


Miss Sewell, who retired soon after I started. Cause or effect? Who can say?

Miss Simmons

Miss Sugarman

Mrs J E Jarvis, teacher of Class J4a


I don’t recall a Mrs MacDonald (but it’s a terribly long time ago). However, I remember, as if it were yesterday, the other teachers you mention (all of whom taught my class).


As for spelling, until today, I would have written the names just as you have, but looking back at the two reports I have [on “(P. Form 415)” “(PRIMARY)”], the Head Teacher signed herself E P Bate (not “Bates”) - though I’m sure that in referring to her, we always called her “Miss Bates” (without anybody correcting us), and the one male teacher in the school, of Class J3a, signed himself F J Lacy (not “Lacey”).


I’ve learnt something! Thankfully I can still read the small print. Seemingly we are not too old to learn - even if some lessons take the best part of a lifetime.


Happy days (though, at the time, I wouldn’t have thought so, and would have preferred the freedom to roam)!

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