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Did you go to Wisewood school?


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Does anyone remember mrs ross?QUOTE]


I hated her! I once got a recipe out of a cookery book and she refused to believe it was a proper recipe... I brought in the book to show her & she called me a liar and refused to even look at the book. Looking back I feel quite sorry for her, obviously had a lot of problems of her own.


I left in 98 by the way. Best teacher was Miss Harrison / nee White, left about 1995 I think!?

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Slander! Slander! LoL


I'm a true child of wisewood, left in '04!


but harlow was a real b*tch, everybody hated having to goto her office or indeed her lessons, strange as it seems now she did seem to like me however.


did anybody here have mr ray for maths or miss revill (my form tutor), or miss isle! (LOL I STILL LOVE THAT NAME)



If anybody from my year is interested i made a site (havnt updated it in year but thats not the point) with loads of photos of our year

check out http://www.chattycathy.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/mylastday.html its not master design or anything but it was good fun for the last week of school :P

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Gezza03 ive had a look at your photos and know a few of them, Mark and Jordan i know, they live on next road from me, Adam and Chud, i used to hang about with when i was at school as we used to knock about with Adams cousin, Paul, Craig, he works at woolworths now dont he? and Alix i know vaguely as she went out with my mate Matt Poole, also Kirsty Willett i know her name and face as i was in same year as her bro, Lewis.


A few of them like Johnny and Mark and that lot i know their faces as they used to (dont know if they still do) hang about with my mates brother Daniel Fillingham.


are you on any of these piccis then coz i remember nearly all the lasses faces...



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