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Barack Obama 2013

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Gun control isn't going to happen, I don't think, and it won't be through a lack of interest in Obama's case. The US political system makes life very difficult for him and there is a huge amount of support for gun-ownership. Being written in the US constitution, it is one of those principles of US society that will always find protection, however unfortunate we might regard it.

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Will there be any progress on gun control or his foreign policy


Another 4 years of broken promises


The Obameter


The only promise he kept was to buy his kids a dog.


He's a personable enough fellow and a great autocue reader but he could just as easily be replaced by a Disney Animatronic.


The next 4 years will be very bad economically for America. It won't be Obama's fault but neither is he going to be much of a force for positive change.


He's allowed Wall Street free reign (why oh why is Jon Corzine not in jail?) and simply continued many of the Bush polices, despite criticizing them at the time.


Example 1. The Bush Tax Cut:


In 2008, Obama said that, as President, he would repeal the Bush tax cuts for the rich. In 2010, he extended those cuts.



Example 2. Raising the Debt Ceiling:


The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the U.S. Government can’t pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government’s reckless fiscal policies. … Increasing America’s debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that ‘the buck stops here. Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better. I, therefore, intend to oppose the effort to increase America's debt.


That was in 2006 by the way. ;)


As a Senator, Obama opposed raising the debt ceiling, and said adding 4 trillion in was ”unpatriotic”. As President, he insisted the debt ceiling be raised and has added substantially more than 4 trillion to the debt.



And the sad thing is, Mittens Romney would have been worse!

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Gun control isn't going to happen, I don't think, and it won't be through a lack of interest in Obama's case. The US political system makes life very difficult for him and there is a huge amount of support for gun-ownership. Being written in the US constitution, it is one of those principles of US society that will always find protection, however unfortunate we might regard it.


Why should you feel unfortunate? Nothing much to do with you or the UK

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So, he has just recently given his second inauguration speech accompanied by the usual over the top American schmaltz.


Will there be any progress on gun control or his foreign policy, will anything effect us in the next few years?

He appears to be making more effort then some of his predecessor's.

Has there ever been a perfect President?

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Obama is an ideologically bereft lightweight in the same mould as the pair of camp estate agents that we have running this country.


He seems to think that endlessly repeating his empty “Change” mantra constitutes having political vision.


He is extremely lucky that his opposition in the recent Presidential election was a swivel-eyed lunatic who believes in Creationism rather than a competent, sane politically aware individual.

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I feel with Obama we're further away from global Armageddon than we would be from his rivals or predecessors.


Agreed! Though only by a bit :hihi:


To be fair on Obama, he's not really been able to achieve anything primarily because of the political gridlock.


Though the guy did go down in my estimations during the BP/Deepwater Horizon mess, and how he handled it.. practically laying the blame with the UK.

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He makes Bush seem a very reasonable and decent guy, an opinion I would not have thought possible


In what way ? Bush did, in fact still does according to an interview with sky about a year ago, perpetuate the myth that Iraq was involved in 911. I'd agree Obama hasnt done alot but he hasnt caused the outright chaos bush did.

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