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Metal Thieves In Sheffield - New Tactics

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If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck and looks like a duck............ These duckers have been nicking gulley covers near me. Only a matter of time before someone drives over one of these massive holes and writes off their vehicle or someone falls down one!


If you see any missing covers report it to the council. I reported several missing on our road last year and they were quickly fitted with non metal ones. I would hate to think of anybody having an accident because I had ignored it.

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I remember about 25 years ago I worked at TCD on Stone Lane in Woodhouse, and they were selling a van, and had agreed a price & sale. Before it was collected a van pulled up with gypsies in & they asked how much it was to buy the van, the owner explained that a sale had been agreed, to this the gypsy pulled out a wad of notes that "would choke a donkey", and said name you're price.


They were fine that they could not buy it, but made me wonder how do they get the money, now I have a better idea.

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I am involved in specifying infrastructure stuff (not usually drain covers though). Where we have stainless steel equipment, we often paint it a drab colour, just to disguise it a bit – I’m not sure how well that works, they probably still know. We often specify grp for stairs, open mesh flooring etc. It is usually more expensive than steel, and normally chosen in corrosive environments, but an additional advantage is that it has no scrap value, so is sometimes used in places vulnerable to theft..


I don’t know what unattractive material could be used instead of cast iron for drain covers.


In the case of road signs, I’m surprised they use aluminium. Some sort of non-recyclable plastic wouldn’t have the same desirability.

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Not new tactics , as old as the hills that one.


Where abouts in Sheffield are you please - I will ask our warehouse staff to keep eyes peeled.


You should also report anything like this to the police , they are quite keen on following things like this up.


This was in the city centre, just before 2 o'clock.

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[quote=Eater Sundae;9512881.......


I don’t know what unattractive material could be used instead of cast iron for drain covers.




They use a very dense plastic. They have something like "Made from non-metallic material" embossed on them.

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they are vandals and thieves :rant:


No, they're far worse than that. If they are removing large drain covers in woodland, surrounded by grass, then anyone walking their dog at night could have been unlucky and not be found until the next morning. They have no regard whatsoever for their fellow human beings. This is far lower and more disturbing than just a common thief or vandal.

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