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How desperately sad: 12 yr old hangs himself after being excluded

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Instead of castigating the mother, lets spare a thought for the poor 12 year old who, was in such a state he chose to sadly end his life. His gran had died, and his parents split up this has proved to have had an enormous effect on his life, his mother will have a lifetime to reflect on what she did or didn't do.


Sadly he no longer has a life to look forward to, RIP young un.


Spot on. He was obviously desperate and there may have been many different things going on in his life that made his so distressed. Throwing blame around does nobody any credit and untill all the facts are known knee-jerk condemnations and mouth-foaming diatribes about poor parenting don't really help.

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Whatever the reason for why this happened nothing can turn back the clock for this little lads life. I cant imagine what went through his head in those final moments. He must have been terrified. Poor thing. His mother and family will also suffer with their loss and I imagine his mother will feel guilty forever. All we should be saying is rest in peace little lad.

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Even though his mother gave them permission to send him home?


Would they send the child to the local pub if his mother gave permission?


The point is, the school had a duty of care and they sent the child out without any adult supervision. In my experience schools ask the parent(s) to come to the school and collect the child, not kick them out of the school gate and dust off their hands.

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Would they send the child to the local pub if his mother gave permission?


The point is, the school had a duty of care and they sent the child out without any adult supervision. In my experience schools ask the parent(s) to come to the school and collect the child, not kick them out of the school gate and dust off their hands.



My son was ill in school last year, he had a house key etc but they wouldnt let him leave until I picked him up. This was year 10, he was 14.

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Whatever the reason for why this happened nothing can turn back the clock for this little lads life. I cant imagine what went through his head in those final moments. He must have been terrified. Poor thing. His mother and family will also suffer with their loss and I imagine his mother will feel guilty forever. All we should be saying is rest in peace little lad.


I agree with you, I feel so sorry for the child, his state of mind must have been desperate to do what he did.


However, I think its unfair that people are already blaming the mother when all we've seen is a report from the DM. Lots of kids have parents who have split, why should that mean that only one of them is responsible for their child's welfare? I can't imagine the family will ever stop suffering.

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Spot on. He was obviously desperate and there may have been many different things going on in his life that made his so distressed. Throwing blame around does nobody any credit and untill all the facts are known knee-jerk condemnations and mouth-foaming diatribes about poor parenting don't really help.


If you remove the tragedy then what you have left is an excellent thread for those that would quite happily rip this kid apart with "well we dint av special needs in my days, all this ADHD stuff and malarky, just a load of old codswollop, needs a clip around the ear, neva did me no arm."


My daughter for some reason at the age of six went completely off the rails for about 8 weeks. Perfect kid before and even more so after. If that period in time reflects any of the issues that some parents experience on a continuous basis year in year out then they have my uppermost sympathy.


For a young child to take his own life indicates a very troubled mind.

A young working mother..phew, shes getting off lightly. Imagine if she was unemployed?

The fact alone that the child had problems should have been enough of a Red flag to not allowing him the freedom to leave un-escorted. On the face of it poor decision in my books.

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My son was ill in school last year, he had a house key etc but they wouldnt let him leave until I picked him up. This was year 10, he was 14.


You also have to figure in that the boy in the link had just previously been throwing himself at a glass panel/door and was in a dangerous state.


---------- Post added 23-01-2013 at 14:42 ----------


Have you read the article, the mother told them to send him home even though she wasn't home and wouldn't be till 8pm. **** parent and even worse that she is publicising what a crap parent she is.


Yes, I'd read that. I think the school made a poor decision though. I'm not blaming anyone, I just think it's all extremely sad and feel very sorry for the boy.

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The episode demonstrates the difficulties facing schools when children are persistently disruptive,and they lack the means to accommodate children with such acute problems.I do not think it helpful to heap blame -it is easy to do this but can anyone get a full picture from the few details supplied? It is clear that such children really should be closely supervised at all times.

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