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Britain’s brain drain damaging our economy.

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Many leave to work abroad and pay taxes abroad but return in their old age to collect a pension and free health care.

Yes many of them go to Saudi Arabia where they don't have to pay tax.They can return home quite wealthy if they are prepared to stay while putting up with with a few restrictions and behaving themselves.

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Won't happen. Never happened in the past and it won't happen in the future


In your haste to make that most excellent and pertinent point you appear to have skimmed over the part in the OP that says:


in the ten years to 2011, a total of 3,599,000 people permanently left the UK


Either 3.5 million people have vanished into thin air or they've left the country.


Which is it?

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In your haste to make that most excellent and pertinent point you appear to have skimmed over the part in the OP that says:




Either 3.5 million people have vanished into thin air or they've left the country.


Which is it?


I remove people every day, I don't se what your point is

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What does the OP propose that we do to prevent so many people seeking a better life elsewhere?


Tax cuts.


Free means tested university education for some degrees and only for the brightest students. Refundable if they want to leave the country to work.


Stop the free movement of people into the UK with zero net immigration, if no one is leaving, no one can come in. If people still move abroad to work then we replace them through immigration if we can’t replace their lost skills through training.


Government funded training to help employers train new staff.


Work for benefits for all able bodied people.

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Tax cuts.


Free means tested university education for some degrees and only for the brightest students. Refundable if they want to leave the country to work.


Stop the free movement of people into the UK with zero net immigration, if no one is leaving, no one can come in. If people still move abroad to work then we replace them through immigration if we can’t replace their lost skills through training.


Government funded training to help employers train new staff.


Work for benefits for all able bodied people.


You were doing quite well until this bit, which is a very poor idea. Are you intending to make it illegal for anyone to emigrate? I'd suggest that that's an outrageous restriction on people's freedom.

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You were doing quite well until this bit, which is a very poor idea. Are you intending to make it illegal for anyone to emigrate? I'd suggest that that's an outrageous restriction on people's freedom.


May I suggest you read it again, especial this bit.


Stop the free movement of people into the UK with zero net immigration, if no one is leaving, no one can come in. If people still move abroad to work then we replace them through immigration if we can’t replace their lost skills through training.


As you can see the answer is NO

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I remember one of those idiotic US presidental candidates saying tax cuts would make employers create jobs. How thick is it possible to get?


In your case it would appear considerably. It's been explained to you before why this works, I'm sorry if you wilfully refuse to listen as you do to so many things.

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