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Muslim Vigilantes Gang On Streets Of London

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I've come across something similar myself lately when hearing a comment implying that all Catholics are fascists

Nobody ever wrote that. Don't take things out of context, and don't carry arguments into other threads. You're either being purposely deceptive or thick; and I flatter you enough not to consider you the latter.

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yeah i read about this the other day, thought it strange none of ya had picked up on it.




in your islamophobic slant you fail to publicise the following quotes







and its good to see stonewall reacting to it BUT not falling into the same islamophobic trap as certain people on here




maybe being a minority they understand about not stereotyping cos of the actions of a few?



my source



and yes <removed> you fall into the same old trap, just because the perpetrators are of colour and the victims are/maybe white....it has to be race, when in reality its religious extremism perpetrated by a very few


The condemnation from East London Mosque might almost be believable if it wasn't for the fact they continually invite homophobic hate preachers to whip up hate in the devotees.


East London Mosque condemns homophobia, yet advertised four anti-gay speakers last month alone

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It's what's happening too, with the 5th arrest reported on the BBC site this morning. They probably made it very easy for the police by filming themselves.


Brilliant, hopefully if they have the guilty parties they'll be sent to the same prison as Stephen Lennon ;)


---------- Post added 25-01-2013 at 16:59 ----------


The condemnation from East London Mosque might almost be believable if it wasn't for the fact they continually invite homophobic hate preachers to whip up hate in the devotees.


Indeed, however you'll see this a lot..organisations condemning violence but then doing all in their power to stir it up.

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Brilliant, hopefully if they have the guilty parties they'll be sent to the same prison as Stephen Lennon ;)


---------- Post added 25-01-2013 at 16:59 ----------



Indeed, however you'll see this a lot..organisations condemning violence but then doing all in their power to stir it up.

Now then BF you know this isnt the case, its the minority thats at fault...according to the moderates(fallacy) anyway.

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There is no such thing as a 'Muslim area' in any city as far as I know. As is there no such thing as a 'Christian area' or 'Jewish area'. These prats have no right to go about trying to enforce their stone-age laws and beliefs on others.

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Nobody ever wrote that. Don't take things out of context, and don't carry arguments into other threads. You're either being purposely deceptive or thick; and I flatter you enough not to consider you the latter.


I had no intension of carrying any argument i made a comment that i used to to highlight an observation i have made which i believe relates to the subject of this thread.

What i was attempting to illustrate(though i admit not very effectively) was the stereotyping of religions and races,a feature in nature i find most irritating.


And please refrain from directing your "don'ts" and commands to me in that rude manner.

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