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Muslim Vigilantes Gang On Streets Of London

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Is that the sum total ? A fifteen year old girl who was shot by for wanting education ..seeing as it was Muslims that shot her its not what you would call a good example of positive Islam


No, that is not the sum total, as I said, it is just one example. It is an example of both the positive and negative in Islam, but please do consider Malala's work and not just her terrible suffering. Another positive example is the condemnation of the vigilantes from within their own community.


You asked if there were any positive stories. I think we both know you were implying there weren't. You could easily do your own research and find Muslim organisations for progressive thinking and opposing fundamentalism and terrorism if you wanted balanced and rounded knowledge on the subject. I am sorry to say that I don't think you do and that is a shame.


For every example of positivity in Islam there will be a negative equivalent that you can gleefully counter-post. The intelligent thing to do would be to accept the positive evidence you are offered and make that a part of your view, alongside the negative. The Muslim world is massive and multi-faceted and cannot be understood or explained by viewing it all through a narrow, prejudicial prism. By all means condemn fundamentalism, terrorism, bullying and antiquated, discriminatory practices in the name of Islam, I certainly do. I also condemn similar abuses and anachronisms in many other religions. Just don't assume there are no positives in such a huge movement.


In order to properly understand the big picture, everyone should fear becoming mentally clouded and obsessed with one small section of truth.

Xun Zi

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No, that is not the sum total, as I said, it is just one example. It is an example of both the positive and negative in Islam, but please do consider Malala's work and not just her terrible suffering. Another positive example is the condemnation of the vigilantes from within their own community.


You asked if there were any positive stories. I think we both know you were implying there weren't. You could easily do your own research and find Muslim organisations for progressive thinking and opposing fundamentalism and terrorism if you wanted balanced and rounded knowledge on the subject. I am sorry to say that I don't think you do and that is a shame.


For every example of positivity in Islam there will be a negative equivalent that you can gleefully counter-post. The intelligent thing to do would be to accept the positive evidence you are offered and make that a part of your view, alongside the negative. The Muslim world is massive and multi-faceted and cannot be understood or explained by viewing it all through a narrow, prejudicial prism. By all means condemn fundamentalism, terrorism, bullying and antiquated, discriminatory practices in the name of Islam, I certainly do. I also condemn similar abuses and anachronisms in many other religions. Just don't assume there are no positives in such a huge movement.


In order to properly understand the big picture, everyone should fear becoming mentally clouded and obsessed with one small section of truth.

Xun Zi


No one has yet, as far as I can see, shown a recent positive story about moslems doing good. Surely there must be something?

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Have you looked?


No. Don't have to look for bad stories


---------- Post added 26-01-2013 at 14:38 ----------


Mohamed "Mo" Farah, CBE can run faster than you.


Is he a Moslem? What has he done to benefit others?

So what if he can run fast? How does that benefit others?

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Still searching I guess


Well, so far already in the thread we have the condemnation of the vigilantes by the local Muslim community, Malala Yousafzai and her father. I have suggested that people could do a quick Google for organisations such as Muslims for Peace, Free Muslims Coalition, Islam Against Extremism, Muslims for Progressive Values and Liberal movements within Islam



Off the top of my head you can add the French Mosque that will hold same-sex marriage http://www.france24.com/en/20121202-paris-france-homosexual-gay-friendly-mosque-condemned-muslim-leaders


How Islamic finance and a more ethical capitalism go hand-in-hand http://socialenterprise.guardian.co.uk/social-enterprise-network/2013/jan/24/islamic-finance-ethical-capitalism-social-enterprise


Muslim-Jewish marriages herald a brave new world http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/belief/2013/jan/19/muslim-jewish-marriages-brave-new-world


Good News Stories About/By/For North American Muslims in 2012 http://theamericanmuslim.org/tam.php/features/articles/positive-news


Islamic charity opens women-only homeless hostels http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-19989961


Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Association starts poppy appeal http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-20109337



Now, I haven't scrupulously researched every link as the point of this post is that you can find all of this if you can be bothered to look. If there is a rogue link in there I apologise. What cannot be disputed is that some posters have clearly been too naive, blinkered or lazy to consider the complete picture.

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Well, so far already in the thread we have the condemnation of the vigilantes by the local Muslim community, Malala Yousafzai and her father. I have suggested that people could do a quick Google for organisations such as Muslims for Peace, Free Muslims Coalition, Islam Against Extremism, Muslims for Progressive Values and Liberal movements within Islam



Off the top of my head you can add the French Mosque that will hold same-sex marriage http://www.france24.com/en/20121202-paris-france-homosexual-gay-friendly-mosque-condemned-muslim-leaders


How Islamic finance and a more ethical capitalism go hand-in-hand http://socialenterprise.guardian.co.uk/social-enterprise-network/2013/jan/24/islamic-finance-ethical-capitalism-social-enterprise


Muslim-Jewish marriages herald a brave new world http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/belief/2013/jan/19/muslim-jewish-marriages-brave-new-world


Good News Stories About/By/For North American Muslims in 2012 http://theamericanmuslim.org/tam.php/features/articles/positive-news


Islamic charity opens women-only homeless hostels http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-19989961


Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Association starts poppy appeal http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-20109337



Now, I haven't scrupulously researched every link as the point of this post is that you can find all of this if you can be bothered to look. If there is a rogue link in there I apologise. What cannot be disputed is that some posters have clearly been too naive, blinkered or lazy to consider the complete picture.

Is that it ? mixed marriages and the like,things like that have been accepted as normal for years so why does it make it special because a muslim church is doing it ,and if you bothered to read it its not being accepted by all by any stretch of the imagination,it wont last long.Poppy appeal ? Iv always been wary of any charity ,somewhere along the line someone is making some serious money that is not getting where it should.Women only refuge ? youre kidding me theyve been around for years.

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Off the top of my head you can add the French Mosque that will hold same-sex marriage http://www.france24.com/en/20121202-paris-france-homosexual-gay-friendly-mosque-condemned-muslim-leaders



Opened on Friday in a small room inside the house of a Buddhist monk.


gay-friendly mosque in Paris has been condemned by some of the city’s Muslim leaders for going “against the spirit of Islam”.


Is not supported by any formal Muslim institution and many imams in France oppose it.


Interesting, but not sure what it proves about Islam other than its intolerant.

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