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Muslim Vigilantes Gang On Streets Of London

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I thought Lemquis explained earlier that Muslims were not a race...do try to keep up


Please refrain from patronising me. I know full well that Muslims are not a race.


If the people harassing had been white muslims I doubt very much whether the thread would have been started. For that reason I stand by what I posted.


Also, please have the common decency to refer to other members by their correct names and not some jokey name that you in your infinite wisdom deem to be mockingly funny because it is not. It just makes you appear to be an uncultured lout and we wouldn't want that would we? :)

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not when people have not broken the law...you think its right that gays cannot walk past a mosque...without being threatened...

as for slapping a few house breakers thats a different matter...


No I don't. Please don't put your words in my mouth, I hate the taste.

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Officers investigating "Muslim vigilante" attacks are appealing for a victim who was abused by the gang for being "gay" to come forward.


The Gang have also targeted people drinking alcohol ,and also told a woman wearing a mini skirt not to"Expose" herself near a Mosque. They have posted a video of their campaign of Harassment on Youtube . Their Homophobic abuse of a Gay man has led police to investigate this Group.


Now i personally dont care what colour people are , and i have no problem with any race ,but this Gang is out of order and needs stopping. This gang are clearly doing this from a Race perspective ,as they clearly tell people to get out of there as its a Muslim area.




yeah i read about this the other day, thought it strange none of ya had picked up on it.




in your islamophobic slant you fail to publicise the following quotes


Last week, the East London Mosque condemned men shown in another video posted on the internet claiming to be "patrolling" Whitechapel.


The East London Mosque responded to the video saying: "Individuals claiming to be self-styled 'Muslim patrols' have been harassing members of the public on the streets of east London late at night, including outside our mosque after it has closed.


"These actions are utterly unacceptable and clearly designed to stoke tensions and sow discord. We wholly condemn them.


"The actions of this tiny minority have no place in our faith nor on our streets.



and its good to see stonewall reacting to it BUT not falling into the same islamophobic trap as certain people on here

Gay rights group Stonewall said: "This incident is yet another reminder of the homophobic abuse that gay people face all too often.


Stonewall said: "YouGov polling for Stonewall shows that every year one in eight lesbian and gay people are the victim of crimes or harassment simply because they are gay.


"We urge victims of all homophobic crimes and incidents to report them to the police and for the police to take action to protect gay people from these disturbing crimes.

maybe being a minority they understand about not stereotyping cos of the actions of a few?



my source



and yes <removed> you fall into the same old trap, just because the perpetrators are of colour and the victims are/maybe white....it has to be race, when in reality its religious extremism perpetrated by a very few

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now then fish face, fish breath, yes you, Halibut,

Would you care to come and meet up with me if I gave you my address via PM ? I'll walk you through the Muslim Ghetto's here in Sheffield and show you how we have been swamped by immigrants etc. I'll even dress up in a Hoodie, I'll pick out young/old, male/female Asians and pull them up and tell them to stop what they are doing if you like, (see where that get's me! ) are you up for it ?

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now then fish face, fish breath, yes you, Halibut,

Would you care to come and meet up with me if I gave you my address via PM ? I'll walk you through the Muslim Ghetto's here in Sheffield and show you how we have been swamped by immigrants etc. I'll even dress up in a Hoodie, I'll pick out young/old, male/female Asians and pull them up and tell them to stop what they are doing if you like, (see where that get's me! ) are you up for it ?

why would you want to pull them up to stop them doing what their doing??

tbf i think most people are gonna get irate if a complete stranger comes along and starts poking their nose in, interfering and stopping you doing what you were doing....i know i would, nowt to do with religion

why not walk straight past doing what you do, and allow them to go about doing what their doing..............or is that too easy and less hateful?

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This gang are clearly doing this from a Race perspective ,as they clearly tell people to get out of there as its a Muslim area.



Circa 2000 I was seeing a lass who lived in the Tinsley area(she's white in case you're wondering). I went to visit her one saturday and I was approached and surrounded by a gang of Pakistani lads; one of them said words to the effect of, "what you doing in this muslim area, white boy?".


It was quite a scary moment but I didn't allow it to taint my view of Muslim people in general.

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yeah i read about this the other day, thought it strange none of ya had picked up on it.




in your islamophobic slant you fail to publicise the following quotes


Mel, Penistone999 hasn't posted a single "islamophobic" thing on this thread, or any other as far as I've seen. He's posted a link to a news article and given an entirely reasonable view on the matter. Failing to trawl the net for other quotes is not "islamophobic". This sort of knee jerk claims of "islamophobia" does nobody any good, least of all Muslims. As the only (as far as I'm aware) Muslim contributor to the thread put it nicely "They are a bunch of muppets who deserve a big kick up the backside."

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