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Muslim Vigilantes Gang On Streets Of London

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Mel, Penistone999 hasn't posted a single "islamophobic" thing on this thread, or any other as far as I've seen. He's posted a link to a news article and given an entirely reasonable view on the matter. Failing to trawl the net for other quotes is not "islamophobic". This sort of knee jerk claims of "islamophobia" does nobody any good, least of all Muslims. As the only (as far as I'm aware) Muslim contributor to the thread put it nicely "They are a bunch of muppets who deserve a big kick up the backside."


come on man, youve been here a while now, we ALL know who and we all know WHY they post these threads, its NOT to publicise bad acts, its NOT to talk about the news its to whip up anti muslim sentiment


as for failing to trawl the net? come off it the bbc is one of the biggest news sites on the net

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why would you want to pull them up to stop them doing what their doing??

tbf i think most people are gonna get irate if a complete stranger comes along and starts poking their nose in, interfering and stopping you doing what you were doing....i know i would, nowt to do with religion

why not walk straight past doing what you do, and allow them to go about doing what their doing..............or is that too easy and less hateful?




Because, essentially, that is what the 2 Muslim retards in the OP's report are doing to innocent passers by in their area.. Sticking their nose in and trying to intimidate people into stopping doing what they are quite rightly entitled to do. All Dean1 is illustrating, is that to do the same to Muslims (or anybody else for that matter) would be met with defiance.


There is nothing 'racist' or 'Islamist' about the OP's report.. quite the opposite. The fact is that 2 nutters in London are targeting Non Muslim people for ridicule on the grounds that they are not living/behaving according to Muslim beliefs. The people on this thread 'dumbing down' these attacks by these two prats and trying to turn the thread into another tedious 'race issue', would be the first to express outrage if Muslims were getting abused by 2 white BNP skinheads.


A crime of Religious bigotry is happening and i hope they get caught and prosecuted.

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You can come too 'Whitby Boy', swathes of immigrant Ghetto's in and around Whitby, not !

Keyboard warrior's that's all you are, live in the real world mate, live amongst them.


Who's 'them' and what's it like living among them?

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Because, essentially, that is what the 2 Muslim retards in the OP's report are doing to innocent passers by in their area.. Sticking their nose in and trying to intimidate people into stopping doing what they are quite rightly entitled to do. All Dean1 is illustrating, is that to do the same to Muslims (or anybody else for that matter) would be met with defiance.


There is nothing 'racist' or 'Islamist' about the OP's report.. quite the opposite. The fact is that 2 nutters in London are targeting Non Muslim people for ridicule on the grounds that they are not living/behaving according to Muslim beliefs. The people on this thread 'dumbing down' these attacks by these two prats and trying to turn the thread into another tedious 'race issue', would be the first to express outrage if Muslims were getting abused by 2 white BNP skinheads.


A crime of Religious bigotry is happening and i hope they get caught and prosecuted.


they DID get caught if you read my link, the only person bringing up race in the story was the op, which i pointed out is factually incorrect, as i said to andy above its the OP whos tried turning the whole story into something it isnt.

its purely a couple of religious nutjobs taking things far too far and thankfully they got arrested


no idea what sentence they got however :huh:

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Please refrain from patronising me. I know full well that Muslims are not a race.


If the people harassing had been white muslims I doubt very much whether the thread would have been started. For that reason I stand by what I posted.


Also, please have the common decency to refer to other members by their correct names and not some jokey name that you in your infinite wisdom deem to be mockingly funny because it is not. It just makes you appear to be an uncultured lout and we wouldn't want that would we? :)

Touchy touchy, it was a typo I missed the "a" out.wasn't patronising you,was correcting your obvious lack of knowledge in what you now claim a deliberate mistake..nice try

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You can come too 'Whitby Boy', swathes of immigrant Ghetto's in and around Whitby, not !

Keyboard warrior's that's all you are, live in the real world mate, live amongst them.


thankyou for admitting you really are an idiot who doesnt live in the real world

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come on man, youve been here a while now, we ALL know who and we all know WHY they post these threads, its NOT to publicise bad acts, its NOT to talk about the news its to whip up anti muslim sentiment


as for failing to trawl the net? come off it the bbc is one of the biggest news sites on the net


There are certain (mainly former) posters whose motivation I would question in posting this because that's all they posted. The OP is not in that category and the only things I've seen him be "phobic" of are speed cameras (which I disagree with him on) and the muppets at Sheffield City Council (which I heartily agree with him on).


It's unreasonable to damn a perfectly reasonable person as "islamophobic" for posting a story about a crime that involves Muslims because we've had a few bigots on here trying to paint all Muslims in a bad light.

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they DID get caught if you read my link, the only person bringing up race in the story was the op, which i pointed out is factually incorrect, as i said to andy above its the OP whos tried turning the whole story into something it isnt.

its purely a couple of religious nutjobs taking things far too far and thankfully they got arrested


no idea what sentence they got however :huh:


Where did the OP bring up a race issue? :huh:

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There are certain (mainly former) posters whose motivation I would question in posting this because that's all they posted. The OP is not in that category and the only things I've seen him be "phobic" of are speed cameras (which I disagree with him on) and the muppets at Sheffield City Council (which I heartily agree with him on).


It's unreasonable to damn a perfectly reasonable person as "islamophobic" for posting a story about a crime that involves Muslims because we've had a few bigots on here trying to paint all Muslims in a bad light.

a biased side to the story, ignoring the positive aspects? which i was only pointing out to even the playing field

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