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Age of women giving birth

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I disagree on age. I was 16 when I had my dd1&Dd2 at 21... I went to college. I've worked since I left college.. I can emotinally cope.. I can very easily manage financially. My childre are in good education my eldest is a lydgate school my youngest goes to a very good nursery(beechhill) the kids see grandparents often on my side they love it. They adopted me when I was 6months. And now my dad is 60. So to me he still sees them and he's ended up quitting smoking & drinking not that he did it a lot but he is diabetic &he goes to the gym my girls have given him a new life! He even went sledging with them x

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I suppose in this day and age, there's more to life than having children as soon as you possibly can. I mean, why would you want to get lumbered with children, without first seeing something of the world, experiencing life and building a career and life for yourself.


I'd go with that. How many students of the 70s did a "gap year" and had cheap world travel at their fingertips?


Plus, people are saving longer before getting their first mortgage, so it stands to reason if that's coming later then so will the kids.

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The only drawback of later maternity is that female fertility declines after 30 and many more couples will have problems conceiving than when people started their families in their early twenties. It was one couple in six twenty years ago, now more like one in five, it seems.

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