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74% of French say Islam is an 'intolerant' religion


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Let's have some context, shall we?

From the source (Le Monde article) quoted by the OP's link, why not?


Dans un tout autre domaine, seulement 29% des personnes interrogées jugent que "l'immense majorité (des immigrés vivant en France) est bien intégrée" et 70% partagent l'idée qu'"il y a trop d'étrangers en France". 57% estiment que "le racisme anti-blanc est assez répandu" dans l'Hexagone. Si les religions catholique ou juive sont jugées dans l'ensemble tolérantes, 74% sont d'avis que ce n'est pas le cas de la religion musulmane qui, pour 80% des personnes interrogées, "cherche à imposer son mode de fonctionnement aux autres". La personne de confession musulmane est volontiers associée à "l'intégriste" puisque plus de la moitié des Français pensent que les musulmans sont "en majorité" (10 %) ou "en partie" (44 %) "intégristes".


Un chiffre inquiétant que le philosophe Abdennour Bidar invité à réagir à ce sondage par Le Monde appelle à contextualiser. "Il faut se demander ce qu'il reste de la gravité de ces résultats quand on en soustrait des éléments de contexte et une part d'irrationnel : la crise économique qui suscite une angoisse diffuse, n'attendant qu'un sujet pour se cristalliser, un fond d'intolérance ou de racisme ordinaire irréductible".


Cependant, ce spécialiste de l'islam et de la laïcité nuance : "j'entends quand même derrière ces réponses une inquiétude objective, qu'il ne faut pas ignorer. C'est un avertissement à l'islam ; l'idée que l'islam a un problème avec lui-même et qu'il a du mal à se régénérer. Il est urgent que les musulmans s'interrogent de façon critique sur leur religion et sur leur communication".



So, the catholic and jewish faiths are deemed tolerant.

74% believe this is not the case with islam.

80% believe islam is "seeking to impose its mode of operation upon others".

The person of islamic faith is easily associated with "integrism" (fundamentalism) because half (10% + 44%) of the (polled) French think muslims are fully (10%) or partly (44%) fundamentalists.


The philosopher Abdennour Bidar, an islam and secular specialist, readily lends some subjectivity to the results, due to a lack of context and irrational fears. Nevertheless, the results still translate an objective disquiet, which should not be ignored.


Now, for context, I distinctly remember a comparable YouGov poll recently quoted by Warsi, which gave a 76% stat for the same question for Brits.



Fewer than one in four British voters believes Islam is compatible with the British way of life, the UK’s first Muslim woman Cabinet Minister reveals today. The Minister for Faith and Communities reveals stark polling conducted by YouGov which found that just 24 per cent of voters think Islam is compatible with being British, while more than half disagree. Only 23 per cent say Islam is not a threat to Western civilisation.
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I don't have the figures at hand but France has a larger population of muslims than the UK for a similar amout of population. I'm unsure of the nationality background of those muslims but it's probably they come from former French colonies in Africa.


That said, the French don't like anyone, even themselves, and least of all the English.

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Isn't it the interpretation from the follower rather than the religion at fault?


I'm pretty sure the Koran doesn't say "beat up gays" but there's a Muslim gang doing it in London. Same with the hate that Westboro Baptist Church preach.


In simple terms yes. The lack of change in religious text created thousands of years ago by proto-religions with a huge cases of inferiority complex means we have religions today that not only go against our modern values but openly tell people to grate against society as a whole.


On your second point, the Qur'an goes even further than just beat up those it does not agree with. It openly calls for Muslims to kill non believers.


And when the sacred months have passed, then kill the polytheists wherever you find them and capture them and besiege them and sit in wait for them at every place of ambush. But if they should repent, establish prayer, and give zakah, let them [go] on their way. Indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.



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Let's have some context, shall we?

From the source (Le Monde article) quoted by the OP's link, why not?




So, the catholic and jewish faiths are deemed tolerant.

74% believe this is not the case with islam.

80% believe islam is "seeking to impose its mode of operation upon others".

The person of islamic faith is easily associated with "integrism" (fundamentalism) because half (10% + 44%) of the (polled) French think muslims are fully (10%) or partly (44%) fundamentalists.


The philosopher Abdennour Bidar, an islam and secular specialist, readily lends some subjectivity to the results, due to a lack of context and irrational fears. Nevertheless, the results still translate an objective disquiet, which should not be ignored.


Now, for context, I distinctly remember a comparable YouGov poll recently quoted by Warsi, which gave a 76% stat for the same question for Brits.


EDIT source


I don't believe this is "context". The French population is very different to that of the UK, their population ratios are different, their demographic is different and their history is different.


---------- Post added 25-01-2013 at 12:38 ----------


Try telling that to whales.


It would be difficult, unless you speak in squeaks and clicks.

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Crikey, have you turned into a bleeding heart liberal jc? There are many of your acolytes on the right in this country who would happily prescribe such therapy for homosexuals.



and we both know they'd be a lot more of your muslims mates in this country happily dishing out their kind of therapy for gays:hihi:

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