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74% of French say Islam is an 'intolerant' religion


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it's obvious that you have no idea what the Qur'an says otherwise you would not have taken this hackneyed (By the anti-Islammers) verse out of context.


Try actually LOOKING at the verses around this, to see what the situation was when this verse was revealed, and you will see that the Muslims were in a state of war with the polytheists, at that time,and THIS was why that particular verse was revealed.


So you are saying the Quran was written in reference to what was happening thousands of years go and is not relevant to modern times. This is very refreshing to hear. Could you share your understanding with the rest of your Muslim brothers and sisters.


Here is another direct quote form the Quran you may want to disregard:


And fight them until there is no fitnah and [until] the religion, all of it, is for Allah . And if they cease - then indeed, Allah is Seeing of what they do.



and this one:


O Prophet, urge the believers to battle. If there are among you twenty [who are] steadfast, they will overcome two hundred. And if there are among you one hundred [who are] steadfast, they will overcome a thousand of those who have disbelieved because they are a people who do not understand.



Lastly what happens when a Muslim decides they no longer wish to be a Muslim, what parting gift are they given by their mosque and community?

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Looks like the French are getting fed up with Islam. Maybe on the back of the Mali war and the Albanian hostage crisis, but none the less, they are reacting to it and unlike us Brits, they tend to act.


Ipsos has just published a survey that could highlights a growing dissatisfaction with Islam in France. Not only do 74% of French people think Islam is 'intolerant' but 8 out of 10 French people believe the Islam tries to impose its views on others.




Whatever next? 75% of French say the sky is blue? :hihi:

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99% of atheists believe all religions are intolerant and try to impose their views on others!!.


I dont believe in god but i dont hate religious people i just find it odd that they believe in a mystical god and not science which works on evidence rather than stories passed down through generations.But if people need to believe in a god to be able to cope with the reality of life then thats fine with me.Whats not fine with me is when wars are fought and innocent people are killed through religious hatred.

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I dont believe in god but i dont hate religious people i just find it odd that they believe in a mystical god and not science which works on evidence rather than stories passed down through generations.But if people need to believe in a god to be able to cope with the reality of life then thats fine with me.Whats not fine with me is when wars are thought and innocent people killed through religious hatred.


The problem with some religious folk is they have an insatiable desire to meet their God and don't mind taking a few non believers along for the ride.

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So you are saying the Quran was written in reference to what was happening thousands of years go and is not relevant to modern times. This is very refreshing to hear. Could you share your understanding with the rest of your Muslim brothers and sisters.


Here is another direct quote form the Quran you may want to disregard:




and this one:




Lastly what happens when a Muslim decides they no longer wish to be a Muslim, what parting gift are they given by their mosque and community?


Don't twist what I said. I have pointed out before, about naysayers taking verses out of context, and explained about hermeneutics and exegesis...


Lastly what happens when a Muslim decides they no longer wish to be a Muslim, what parting gift are they given by their mosque and community?


Well, I only know of one lady, personally, who left Islam after converting. I can confirm that she lives happily and without interference in the S8 area.


---------- Post added 25-01-2013 at 21:36 ----------


In the Injil, (gospels) Isa (Jesus, PBUH) gives a commandment, that we love one another.


This is reported as having happened, roughly 2,000 years ago (give or take a couple of decades)


Now, are you trying to tell me that, seeing as it was 2,000 years ago, that instruction is now irrelevant? That we SHOULDN'T love our neighbour?

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Same-sex intercourse carries the death penalty in five officially Muslim nations: Saudi Arabia, Iran, Mauritania, Sudan, and Yemen. [3] It formerly carried the death penalty in Afghanistan under the Taliban, and in Iraq under a 2001 decree by Saddam Hussein.In many Muslim nations, such as Bahrain, Qatar, Algeria or the Maldives, homosexuality is punished with jail time, fines or corporal punishment. I:)

This same sex intercourse sounds very interesting how does it work then, what does one do, is foreplay involved, who draws the short straw ,does it last long, is it men or women who do it. Come on Mr Cocker! lets have a laugh who wears the frock.

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I would imagine that the percentage of French Muslims believing France to be an intolerant country is higher than that.


---------- Post added 25-01-2013 at 11:33 ----------



^^^^what you said.

Why? The French allowed them in, fed them, clothed them, housed them, gave them free healthcare, free education, rights for women, protection from abuse for girls, a more advanced and civilised way of life and a chance to live and prosper in a modern society with lovely food, great wine, adequate beer and slightly undercooked bacon! I don't see what's intolerant about that, and if the Muslims do think the French are intolerant after they have been given so very much for free and without strings attached, then they are unworthy of it!


---------- Post added 25-01-2013 at 22:15 ----------


Or is it the French are intolerant of Islam....


Anyway who cares- Islam is here to stay.


Patrick. J. Buchanan


Coming to GET YOU....:hihi:

Islam will die out.


---------- Post added 25-01-2013 at 22:19 ----------


74% of French people are very intolerant.
Ce n'est pas vrai!


---------- Post added 25-01-2013 at 22:23 ----------



Same-sex intercourse carries the death penalty in five officially Muslim nations: Saudi Arabia, Iran, Mauritania, Sudan, and Yemen. [3] It formerly carried the death penalty in Afghanistan under the Taliban, and in Iraq under a 2001 decree by Saddam Hussein.In many Muslim nations, such as Bahrain, Qatar, Algeria or the Maldives, homosexuality is punished with jail time, fines or corporal punishment. I:)

Not so: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bacha_bazi

Homosexuality seems to be very popular in Afghanistan, particularly if it involves older men interfering with young boys. Seems to be well tolerated over there in practise, whatever the Koran might say.

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Why? The French allowed them in, fed them, clothed them, housed them, gave them free healthcare, free education, rights for women, protection from abuse for girls, a more advanced and civilised way of life and a chance to live and prosper in a modern society with lovely food, great wine, adequate beer and slightly undercooked bacon! I don't see what's intolerant about that, and if the Muslims do think the French are intolerant after they have been given so very much for free and without strings attached, then they are unworthy of it!


Oops! I think you're mis-associating 'French Muslims' with people who require free healthcare, free education and free clothing.


Incidentally, you are aware where the cradle of civilisation was located? It weren't France!

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Oops! I think you're mis-associating 'French Muslims' with people who require free healthcare, free education and free clothing.


Incidentally, you are aware where the cradle of civilisation was located? It weren't France!

No I'm not misassociating anything! France has had massive Muslim immigration over recent years - totally out of control. Even worse than ours! BTW, all folk in France get free healthcare, a bit like we do, even those who are Muslim and were born there! (Didn't you know that?)


The "cradle of civilisation" is a much disputed term, and does not have anything to do with Islam in practise. How could it? How could the foundation and propagation of any superstition have anything to do with "civilisation"?

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Don't twist what I said. I have pointed out before, about naysayers taking verses out of context, and explained about hermeneutics and exegesis...




Well, I only know of one lady, personally, who left Islam after converting. I can confirm that she lives happily and without interference in the S8 area.


---------- Post added 25-01-2013 at 21:36 ----------


In the Injil, (gospels) Isa (Jesus, PBUH) gives a commandment, that we love one another.


This is reported as having happened, roughly 2,000 years ago (give or take a couple of decades)


Now, are you trying to tell me that, seeing as it was 2,000 years ago, that instruction is now irrelevant? That we SHOULDN'T love our neighbour?

Dodging the question on the quotes by using a positive quote from what is a different source doesnt really fit in with the question put to you,what is your thinking on the quotes taken from the quoran ?

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