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Drivers Too Lazy To Signal!!

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Here I go ranting again but one thing that gets my goat is lazy careless drivers not bothering to signal!.For instance you stop at a roundabout to let a usualy speeding car have right of way and the ignorant lazy twonk takes a left without a signal,instantly I burst forth with some choice Latin verbs I,ve collected over the years.My present wife goes off her chump with me but it makes me so mad,another thing the way some drivers speed around roundabouts not signaling their intentions one way nor the other,its so dangerous its as though if you don,t go everywhere flat out its a major crime!.With the amount of traffic on the roads now its a waste of time and money speeding everywhere,no sooner do you pass something you have to slam on the brakes,the easiest way to burn fuel and wear out brakes and tyres costing hard cash.Thats it rant over Adios Amigos Hasta La Vista!:rant::roll::confused:

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You should always be at a safe stopping distance behind the car in front and you should never assume that a signal given by another driver will necessarily be acted upon.


If you drive with those two bits of guidance in mind, the behaviour of idiots should be less stressful to you.

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I live on the slip road that runs parallel to Halifax Road (where the speed cams are).

My problem is people not heeding 'MY' indicator...if I come straight across the 4 road junction from Chaucer to turn let down my slip road, I indicate as soon as I've crossed the lights and well before my turn, it's a tight turn needing a 15-20 mph speed, but the amount of people who are following me to go straight up Wilcox Road are still right up my arse and have even had people swerve to my right to go round me at speed.

I indicate in good time, brake accordingly and some numb-nuts just can't comprehend what I'm doing.

So it's not just people who can't indicate (by the way those pretty yellow flashing lights ain't just for Christmas), there are morons too blinkered to see light indicated intention too!!

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I live on the slip road that runs parallel to Halifax Road (where the speed cams are).

My problem is people not heeding 'MY' indicator...if I come straight across the 4 road junction from Chaucer to turn let down my slip road, I indicate as soon as I've crossed the lights and well before my turn, it's a tight turn needing a 15-20 mph speed, but the amount of people who are following me to go straight up Wilcox Road are still right up my arse and have even had people swerve to my right to go round me at speed.

I indicate in good time, brake accordingly and some numb-nuts just can't comprehend what I'm doing.

So it's not just people who can't indicate (by the way those pretty yellow flashing lights ain't just for Christmas), there are morons too blinkered to see light indicated intention too!!

Rest assured that if they go into the back of you it will be their fault.

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In our area, East Kent, if a car is signalling right as they approach a roundabout it doesn't necessarily mean they are turning right,it can more than likely mean they're not turning left.

So you're never sure where they're going.

I've even seen learner drivers do this whilst having a lesson.

It seems to be confined to this area, unless it's spreading.

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Here I go ranting again but one thing that gets my goat is lazy careless drivers not bothering to signal!.For instance you stop at a roundabout to let a usualy speeding car have right of way and the ignorant lazy twonk takes a left without a signal,instantly I burst forth with some choice Latin verbs I,ve collected over the years.My present wife goes off her chump with me but it makes me so mad,another thing the way some drivers speed around roundabouts not signaling their intentions one way nor the other,its so dangerous its as though if you don,t go everywhere flat out its a major crime!.With the amount of traffic on the roads now its a waste of time and money speeding everywhere,no sooner do you pass something you have to slam on the brakes,the easiest way to burn fuel and wear out brakes and tyres costing hard cash.Thats it rant over Adios Amigos Hasta La Vista!:rant::roll::confused:


Usually speeding?


You stopped because they were already on the roundabout? And they exited without signalling, meaning you had no need to stop?

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