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Drivers Too Lazy To Signal!!

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Lazy inconsiderate scum.


And that comment refers to...?


Actually, with the descriptions on this thread of other drivers' behaviour and the aggression evidenced by some of the forum members' posts here, it makes you wonder whether driving in Sheffield in best avoided.


There is absolutely nothing you personally can do to change other drivers' behaviour, except perhaps that of your own children. You can set a good example but selfish people rarely notice good examples. Sounding off on this forum will make no difference. All you can do to protect yourselves from the cretinous actions of others on the roads is to drive calmly and professionally, ie. stick to common sense and the Highway Code. Even that isn't a guarantee against scrapes and bumps caused by others but that is one of the hazards of choosing to drive on Britain's congested roads. If it raises your blood pressure that much, it probably isn't worth it. Although driving is not traditionally thought of as a Buddhist activity, a Zen approach to it can only improve things.


To digress slightly...now that they have the means to identify uninsured drivers (this was 20%of cars on the road at one point a few years back), confiscate their cars and crush them, I'd like to know why all our insurance premiums haven't gone down.


Now that's something worth getting cross about!

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Your present wife?


You have an absent one as well?


Or are you just planning to trade her in soon?


What a strange thing to say!


I think it strange that you have remarked on this point of detail,as many people now have quite short-lived marriages and many seem all the happier for this.I hope however you are not a victim of this one-sided trend.

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Your present wife?


You have an absent one as well?


Or are you just planning to trade her in soon?


What a strange thing to say!

AliceBB I,m only joking we,ve been married for 47yrs,she doesn,t read my threads or I would be a dead duck!.:D:hihi::hihi:

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You should always be at a safe stopping distance behind the car in front and you should never assume that a signal given by another driver will necessarily be acted upon.


If you drive with those two bits of guidance in mind, the behaviour of idiots should be less stressful to you.


.........This doesn't apply to roundabouts though does it??


I hate it when lazy drivers fly round the roundabout without using their indicators. When you think it's safe to pull out, then you have to slam the anchors on because the car you thought was going straight on, is in fact turning right!!

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I always remember a bit of advice from my driving instructor way back in the late 50s" Always expect the driver in front to do something stupid at any time,because you can be sure when you don,t expect it he will!".Good advice that has stood me in good stead for years!.:D

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Any chance of explaining?

On aproaching the roundabout I saw him on my right hand side driving at speed almost on the same,I stopped to give him right of way he turned left with no signal as I said lazy bad driving,I hope that clears it up for you!.

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So does he usually speed? Or do people who don't indicate usually speed?


You saw him on the roundabout, or approaching the roundabout?


"almost on the same"?


Just trying to figure out the scenario... Maybe he was in a left only lane and didn't think a signal was necessary?

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