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Being fooled again and again, while UK sinks, some fiddle away!

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I have been attempting to demonstrate we are economically going down the pan, for nearly 4 years. The government rejoices in telling the plebs employment is rising. That’s questionable, open to interpretation, meanwhile wages are going down, job security rises as does the price of necessities. Does anyone here understand simple arithmetic?


We now owe 492% of GDP, or almost five times the value of everything we produce in a single year. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-15820601. We can never get out of this mess without a financial crash that wipes out all savings in the banks, pensions and everything we now know. If you owed this, and could never pay off the interest, never mind the debt, what would happen?


Why are the government taking money from the poor? Why are services being cut, and cut in a never ending spiral into oblivion? Will people wake up in a decade when its too late to do anything? Yes, with the media misleading, politicians lying, and the banks grabbing every penny they can that is exactly what IS happening. If employment and business is growing how come we are into another depression, NO GROWTH and its going to last at least a decade, as tens of millions suck on the tit of poverty.


We cannot play war games against the poor in third world countries, calling them terrorists all the time, when they like you want to support their families, and also have jobs. Who pays for such soldiers? The need to eat, be clothed, and support families. War is just a way out of poverty as the lads fighting all our wars over the centuries know so well.


Wake up…please…

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I have been attempting to demonstrate we are economically going down the pan, for nearly 4 years. The government rejoices in telling the plebs employment is rising. That’s questionable, open to interpretation, meanwhile wages are going down, job security rises as does the price of necessities. Does anyone here understand simple arithmetic?


We now owe 492% of GDP, or almost five times the value of everything we produce in a single year. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-15820601. We can never get out of this mess without a financial crash that wipes out all savings in the banks, pensions and everything we now know. If you owed this, and could never pay off the interest, never mind the debt, what would happen?


Why are the government taking money from the poor? Why are services being cut, and cut in a never ending spiral into oblivion? Will people wake up in a decade when its too late to do anything? Yes, with the media misleading, politicians lying, and the banks grabbing every penny they can that is exactly what IS happening. If employment and business is growing how come we are into another depression, NO GROWTH and its going to last at least a decade, as tens of millions suck on the tit of poverty.


We cannot play war games against the poor in third world countries, calling them terrorists all the time, when they like you want to support their families, and also have jobs. Who pays for such soldiers? The need to eat, be clothed, and support families. War is just a way out of poverty as the lads fighting all our wars over the centuries know so well.


Wake up…please…


Why are services being cut, and cut in a never ending spiral into oblivion?

We now owe 492% of GDP, or almost five times the value of everything we produce in a single year.


You answered your own question.

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You answered your own question.


In theory, although there's (realistically) little chance of us ever getting out of the debt we're mired in (see my sig).


As Moneyweek has it


In all recorded history, no country has ever recovered from the financial position we find ourselves in today. No government has ever been able to reverse this trend. No emergency action has ever come close to a solution.



Despite David Cameron's talk of "austerity", he's going to add an estimated £700 billion to the national debt in just five years. That's more than Tony Blair and Gordon Brown added to the national debt in eleven years. It's more than every British government of the past 100 years put together.


What we're getting at the moment is lot of fudging, posturing and hot air. Most politicians can't even tell the difference between debt and deficit [LINK: time index 07:17]


The only reason we're not currently in the same mess that Greece is in is because we have access to a printing press.


Those of us who remember the 1970s may be in for a spot of déjà vu.

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Yes.....but did you see CorrieEnders tonight.......

Oh and dancing on Xfactor celebrity is on tomorrow.....

Hang on, my friend has just put on Facetube that they've just seen some fab shoes....OMG!



Keep sleepwalking, the op makes some valid points but sheeples fail to understand.

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Not me but a great analsys.

There are essentially only two ways out of this crisis;




1) the debts must be allowed to be defaulted on, in which case, a significant proportion of our "money" supply goes up in a poof of smoke with all of the deflationary consequences that follow.




2) they print the money, push it out into the economy and make good on all of the debts. In which case, the money supply is trashed into inflationary oblivion.




3) Issue loads of bonds, and rack up massive sovereign debt in the hope that somebody will figure out how to pay them back at some point long after they have retired form politics (otherwise known as "kicking the can down the road")


What our illustrious leaders appearing to be attempting to implement is a slow motion version (2) with a significant dollop of (3) thrown in for good measure. All of which is designed to avoid (1).


If they "succeed", they will fail and I think it likely they won't even succeed. Gravity will have it's way, in the end.

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I have been attempting to demonstrate we are economically going down the pan, for nearly 4 years. The government rejoices in telling the plebs employment is rising. That’s questionable, open to interpretation, meanwhile wages are going down, job security rises as does the price of necessities. Does anyone here understand simple arithmetic?


We now owe 492% of GDP, or almost five times the value of everything we produce in a single year. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-15820601. We can never get out of this mess without a financial crash that wipes out all savings in the banks, pensions and everything we now know. If you owed this, and could never pay off the interest, never mind the debt, what would happen?


Why are the government taking money from the poor? Why are services being cut, and cut in a never ending spiral into oblivion? Will people wake up in a decade when its too late to do anything? Yes, with the media misleading, politicians lying, and the banks grabbing every penny they can that is exactly what IS happening. If employment and business is growing how come we are into another depression, NO GROWTH and its going to last at least a decade, as tens of millions suck on the tit of poverty.


We cannot play war games against the poor in third world countries, calling them terrorists all the time, when they like you want to support their families, and also have jobs. Who pays for such soldiers? The need to eat, be clothed, and support families. War is just a way out of poverty as the lads fighting all our wars over the centuries know so well.


Wake up…please…


So what are YOU going to do about it apart from continually whinging about banks, corporations and making excuses in defence of Islamic terrorists.


Empty barrel making a lot of noise

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In theory, although there's (realistically) little chance of us ever getting out of the debt we're mired in (see my sig).


As Moneyweek has it







What we're getting at the moment is lot of fudging, posturing and hot air. Most politicians can't even tell the difference between debt and deficit [LINK: time index 07:17]


The only reason we're not currently in the same mess that Greece is in is because we have access to a printing press.


Those of us who remember the 1970s may be in for a spot of déjà vu.


I agree but we do need to keep it under control and manageable, that means controlling our spending.

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There's a very simple answer to our economic problems.


Remove any such topics from the media, which mostly involves scaremongery and people will soon start spending resulting in a kickstart to the economy.


Ok some would say people would soon get back in serious debt doing this but I think the majority of the population are somewhat wiser now so the positive of such an outcome would outweigh the negative.


Removing all the constant doom and gloom would also massively boost people's morale and motivation.

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