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Being fooled again and again, while UK sinks, some fiddle away!

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that's the sum of household debts, company debts, government debts and bank debts

A fairly meaningless figure to compare to GDP.


---------- Post added 26-01-2013 at 08:28 ----------


Vague Boy - the country owed far more at the end of the 2nd World War, and we managed to pay our way out of that...

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There's a very simple answer to our economic problems.


Remove any such topics from the media, which mostly involves scaremongery and people will soon start spending resulting in a kickstart to the economy.


Ok some would say people would soon get back in serious debt doing this but I think the majority of the population are somewhat wiser now so the positive of such an outcome would outweigh the negative.


Removing all the constant doom and gloom would also massively boost people's morale and motivation.


As long as we also ban programs showing people how to make money buying and selling houses to each other, just by putting a lick of paint on the front door to increase its value by 10%.

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Our Country has and continues to be plundered, there is no way out, and a simple explanation is below.


If like the UK, you owe nearly 5 times what you earn per year, how can you ever get out of debt? You have to buy food, pay for shelter and bills, maybe wife and kids. You life is over, its not yours anymore, you are in debt forever. You and maybe your partner have to work all the hours you can till you die, and still that would not be enough, which I hope you agree with.


This debt of nearly five times what you owe, has low interest rates at the moment, and if bills, rent whatever goes up, do you agree you get further in debt?


So what next? Send the wife and kids out for the sex trade? Well we cannot all do that can we? But even if we did this, the debt never ends anyway. In third world countries such debts are passed on through generations, and families remain in debt forever. Debt Slaves.


So if you get it so far it’s an impossible debt, that can only grow bigger, and never get smaller ever.


You can cut down on food, heating and stuff, but then it might affect your health and work record, so its a catch 22 situation. You lose all the time! So controlling spending as suggested is absurd, as its like trying to bail out a sinking ship using a thimble. This is possible providing one has time and no more water is flooding in.


So the ignorant crap on about the debt, and ordinary people, through media identification, get the blame. But who seduced the UK politicians into this debt? How was this con devised? It required very clever lawyers, accountants and their masters the people with the money. Banksters!


Lawyers can make words mean anything they want, accountants can manipulate figures to whatever is required. Heard of Enron, the accountants there? Brilliant con-job wasn't it?


The banks are crooks, but on scale most find it impossible to comprehend. Do you need a list what our banks have been fined for, in the last few years? Laundering drug cartel money, selling fraudulent financial products. Just minor infringement, as they all got off .


Self regulation is what its all about, in banks, drug and chemical companies, in all big corporations. They are so powerful that they can evade the law, make deals on paying tax, get the laws changed, so in effect there are no laws for them at all. Do not forget all this stolen wealth we are told will make business grow, make more job, create a booming economy. hail to the wealth maker, we are told.


Wrong they are the wealth destroyers, squirreling the money away abroad, into private accounts, spending very little of their wealth, so no one but them can have it. Sod job creation, sod the economy, sod the population, sod the country, just a clever way of saying one thing, while doing another. They have the best spin/liars spouting this crap out through the media all the time. Propaganda for the ignorant plebs.


Wake up!!!

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Blessed are the wealth destroyers, for they shall inherit the Earth. Or something like that.


I don't know enough to claim that one way or another is the one that will lead the most number of people to prosperity. If anyone can convince me to follow a believable economic path then I'm all ears...

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Our Country has and continues to be plundered, there is no way out, and a simple explanation is below.


If like the UK, you owe nearly 5 times what you earn per year, how can you ever get out of debt? You have to buy food, pay for shelter and bills, maybe wife and kids. You life is over, its not yours anymore, you are in debt forever. You and maybe your partner have to work all the hours you can till you die, and still that would not be enough, which I hope you agree with.


This debt of nearly five times what you owe, has low interest rates at the moment, and if bills, rent whatever goes up, do you agree you get further in debt?


So what next? Send the wife and kids out for the sex trade? Well we cannot all do that can we? But even if we did this, the debt never ends anyway. In third world countries such debts are passed on through generations, and families remain in debt forever. Debt Slaves.


So if you get it so far it’s an impossible debt, that can only grow bigger, and never get smaller ever.


You can cut down on food, heating and stuff, but then it might affect your health and work record, so its a catch 22 situation. You lose all the time! So controlling spending as suggested is absurd, as its like trying to bail out a sinking ship using a thimble. This is possible providing one has time and no more water is flooding in.


So the ignorant crap on about the debt, and ordinary people, through media identification, get the blame. But who seduced the UK politicians into this debt? How was this con devised? It required very clever lawyers, accountants and their masters the people with the money. Banksters!


Lawyers can make words mean anything they want, accountants can manipulate figures to whatever is required. Heard of Enron, the accountants there? Brilliant con-job wasn't it?


The banks are crooks, but on scale most find it impossible to comprehend. Do you need a list what our banks have been fined for, in the last few years? Laundering drug cartel money, selling fraudulent financial products. Just minor infringement, as they all got off .


Self regulation is what its all about, in banks, drug and chemical companies, in all big corporations. They are so powerful that they can evade the law, make deals on paying tax, get the laws changed, so in effect there are no laws for them at all. Do not forget all this stolen wealth we are told will make business grow, make more job, create a booming economy. hail to the wealth maker, we are told.


Wrong they are the wealth destroyers, squirreling the money away abroad, into private accounts, spending very little of their wealth, so no one but them can have it. Sod job creation, sod the economy, sod the population, sod the country, just a clever way of saying one thing, while doing another. They have the best spin/liars spouting this crap out through the media all the time. Propaganda for the ignorant plebs.


Wake up!!!


What do you do, job wise ? Have you thought about setting up your own business and creating some ?

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Our Country has and continues to be plundered, there is no way out, and a simple explanation is below.


If like the UK, you owe nearly 5 times what you earn per year, how can you ever get out of debt? You have to buy food, pay for shelter and bills, maybe wife and kids. You life is over, its not yours anymore, you are in debt forever. You and maybe your partner have to work all the hours you can till you die, and still that would not be enough, which I hope you agree with.


This debt of nearly five times what you owe, has low interest rates at the moment, and if bills, rent whatever goes up, do you agree you get further in debt?


So what next? Send the wife and kids out for the sex trade? Well we cannot all do that can we? But even if we did this, the debt never ends anyway. In third world countries such debts are passed on through generations, and families remain in debt forever. Debt Slaves.


So if you get it so far it’s an impossible debt, that can only grow bigger, and never get smaller ever.


You can cut down on food, heating and stuff, but then it might affect your health and work record, so its a catch 22 situation. You lose all the time! So controlling spending as suggested is absurd, as its like trying to bail out a sinking ship using a thimble. This is possible providing one has time and no more water is flooding in.


So the ignorant crap on about the debt, and ordinary people, through media identification, get the blame. But who seduced the UK politicians into this debt? How was this con devised? It required very clever lawyers, accountants and their masters the people with the money. Banksters!


Lawyers can make words mean anything they want, accountants can manipulate figures to whatever is required. Heard of Enron, the accountants there? Brilliant con-job wasn't it?


The banks are crooks, but on scale most find it impossible to comprehend. Do you need a list what our banks have been fined for, in the last few years? Laundering drug cartel money, selling fraudulent financial products. Just minor infringement, as they all got off .


Self regulation is what its all about, in banks, drug and chemical companies, in all big corporations. They are so powerful that they can evade the law, make deals on paying tax, get the laws changed, so in effect there are no laws for them at all. Do not forget all this stolen wealth we are told will make business grow, make more job, create a booming economy. hail to the wealth maker, we are told.


Wrong they are the wealth destroyers, squirreling the money away abroad, into private accounts, spending very little of their wealth, so no one but them can have it. Sod job creation, sod the economy, sod the population, sod the country, just a clever way of saying one thing, while doing another. They have the best spin/liars spouting this crap out through the media all the time. Propaganda for the ignorant plebs.


Wake up!!!


Why wake up ?, we are awake your not telling anybody anything they don't already know, we all know we are getting fleeced by toffs in fancy suits so ....


What's your plan of action ?, give us your idea of what we should all do, and please don't say revolution because only idiots say that, look at Greece/Cairo etc the list really goes on......

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You notice how these sort of threads are always hijacked by the typical rightwing trolls who are always the most gobby? But the trend over the last couple of years is always for them to try and edge their bets or spin it; it's great entertainment.

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