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Being fooled again and again, while UK sinks, some fiddle away!

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What is the point of discussing a solution if people don't think there is a problem? So dar I am attempting to being stuff to people's attention.


For many its imaginary, especially in the I'm Alright Jack, Sod you CLASS, WHICH SEEM ON THIS SITE TO BE THE OVERWHELMING MAJORITY..



So are you stating the problems but waiting for others to come up with solutions ?, or are you waiting for batman to come and save us ?




Instead of giving us FURIOUS capital letters to show your anger, why don't you give us a couple of problems and then state your solution to that problem ie which way you think the problem could be best solved instead of just posting page long rants at everyone telling them too wake up .....

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I'm afraid you will find the OP has no answer !..........except the Socialist answer to all our our ills,expand non wealth producing jobs in the public sector..........."another day older and deeper in debt" as the song points out.

(That is all they ever crow about ,they have no policies of any note to take us forward!)

They know that always rings a bell with the Zombies.


Why should erebus have an answer? That's what we pay politicians and a mountain of advisors for and they can't come up with an answer either.


It is however extremely irritating to hear people on here trying to defend the indefensible and parroting the old favourites they've heard off the politicians like we're all in this together, and it's all our fault because we spent too much... They would say that wouldn't they.


These days no one should still be unaware of what's really going on. In case it still isn't clear - and I'll try and keep it simple - all the wealth is being sucked up by a very powerful few, and we are left living on the crumbs.

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Why should erebus have an answer? That's what we pay politicians and a mountain of advisors for and they can't come up with an answer either.


It is however extremely irritating to hear people on here trying to defend the indefensible and parroting the old favourites they've heard off the politicians like we're all in this together, and it's all our fault because we spent too much... They would say that wouldn't they.


These days no one should still be unaware of what's really going on. In case it still isn't clear - and I'll try and keep it simple - all the wealth is being sucked up by a very powerful few, and we are left living on the crumbs.



Your saying the same things as Erebus but I'm wondering if you can offer any solutions, we all know the class divide, we all know corporations are making masses while the common man struggles to eat but what is your idea of turning things around, what is your plan/idea of making change so it is fair again?,


---------- Post added 29-01-2013 at 11:48 ----------


If people want to discuss things let's discuss the solutions instead of always ranting about the problems, you are all so quick to think you know it all and rant on about the government and the few towering over everyone else etc but no one yet has offered any solutions or what they think could be a solution to the problem, instead lets just moan about what's going wrong , your not telling anyone anything they don't already know .....

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OK. Let's start with some real, accountable politicians. I want to see a proper, verified CV for every politician who wants my vote, not just some flimsy leaflet pushed through the door. I want a say in the shortlisting of candidates and not have more boys from the club foisted on me. I want real people with experience of my kind of life not rich boys straight from university. I want to see 50% women in Parliament. I want an end to the gravy train which is the EU.

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If people want to discuss things let's discuss the solutions instead of always ranting about the problems, you are all so quick to think you know it all and rant on about the government and the few towering over everyone else etc but no one yet has offered any solutions or what they think could be a solution to the problem, instead lets just moan about what's going wrong , your not telling anyone anything they don't already know .....
Here's mine, from quite some time ago:


The simplest and (IMHO) most effective solution would be to declare a global bankrupcy and start afresh, and I've said that consistently since 2008. Little would be lost by the creditors in real terms.


But it is of course completely unrealisitic, as there would need to be political resolve on a scale not seen since the dark days of 1940, likely requiring Gvts of national unity on a sufficiently large/global scale to concert/coordinate/achieve it.


History shows that the alternative (the 'other' end game of a global crisis of this magnitude) is obvious. And frightening.

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OK. Let's start with some real, accountable politicians. I want to see a proper, verified CV for every politician who wants my vote, not just some flimsy leaflet pushed through the door. I want a say in the shortlisting of candidates and not have more boys from the club foisted on me. I want real people with experience of my kind of life not rich boys straight from university. I want to see 50% women in Parliament. I want an end to the gravy train which is the EU.


I do agree with the point that we need to stop putting little boys that have been fed from the silver spoon in places of power, but the biggest problem is and it's the same in 3rd world country's where we have people in power that don't really know what they are doing, and because of that greed takes over and real corruption begins, and then the real downfall of society is brought upon us,

But the biggest problem we face is how to bring about the change, how do we move the toffs out and put real people in ?

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OK. Let's start with some real, accountable politicians. I want to see a proper, verified CV for every politician who wants my vote, not just some flimsy leaflet pushed through the door. I want a say in the shortlisting of candidates and not have more boys from the club foisted on me. I want real people with experience of my kind of life not rich boys straight from university. I want to see 50% women in Parliament. I want an end to the gravy train which is the EU.


What sort of CV would you be looking for from your politicians Anna?

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Here's mine, from quite some time ago:


Possibly, but how do you think that would affect the people ?, would that not do damage to people relying on benefits and indeed the services our country offers when people are in need, and how would that affect business and especially small businesses on the whole ?

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Possibly, but how do you think that would affect the people ? <snip>
Badly, no point hiding the fact.


All the more so since the parties currently benefitting from our degrading situation (i.e. the BRICs and oil-rich countries, not these individual "supra-wealthy" beings :rolleyes:) would certainly not want to play ball, as this would effectively halt the ongoing wealth transfer for quite some time. So they would no doubt try and make the exercise more painful, playing markets to make raw materials and energy still more expensive.


Either that, and try to regain some stakes at the global poker table. Or not, and suffer the death of a thousand cuts. Alternatively, the ages-old conventional approach, whereby we'll shortly end up with a good old planetary war, to throw the debt onto the losers' shoudlers as war reparations and to stem human overpopulation for a while.


I know...ain't I full of good cheer today !?! :hihi:

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I have been attempting to demonstrate we are economically going down the pan, for nearly 4 years. The government rejoices in telling the plebs employment is rising. That’s questionable, open to interpretation, meanwhile wages are going down, job security rises as does the price of necessities. Does anyone here understand simple arithmetic?


We now owe 492% of GDP, or almost five times the value of everything we produce in a single year. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-15820601. We can never get out of this mess without a financial crash that wipes out all savings in the banks, pensions and everything we now know. If you owed this, and could never pay off the interest, never mind the debt, what would happen?


Why are the government taking money from the poor? Why are services being cut, and cut in a never ending spiral into oblivion? Will people wake up in a decade when its too late to do anything? Yes, with the media misleading, politicians lying, and the banks grabbing every penny they can that is exactly what IS happening. If employment and business is growing how come we are into another depression, NO GROWTH and its going to last at least a decade, as tens of millions suck on the tit of poverty.


We cannot play war games against the poor in third world countries, calling them terrorists all the time, when they like you want to support their families, and also have jobs. Who pays for such soldiers? The need to eat, be clothed, and support families. War is just a way out of poverty as the lads fighting all our wars over the centuries know so well.


Wake up…please…


Things cant be that bad. The banking sector is doing well. It must be- they are rewarding themselves with £40 billion pounds in bonuses over the next few weeks.

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