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Being fooled again and again, while UK sinks, some fiddle away!

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Things cant be that bad. The banking sector is doing well. It must be- they are rewarding themselves with £40 billion pounds in bonuses over the next few weeks.


Too true...they are a law unto themselves,they fear no-one and seem to act exactly as they want.

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Too true...they are a law unto themselves,they fear no-one and seem to act exactly as they want.


You no doubt use banks ? Stop using banks. Use credit unions, building societies otherwise all you are feeding the beast. If 20% of the country did that you might find the banks singing a different tune. There is a poster on here whose name escapes me (sorry whoever you are !) has links on his sig to do just that.


Which brings me to my next point (I am in fact ranting now). Take some responsibilty. Stop waiting for a government of any colour or cv to save you. It isn't going to happen. If you don't like the big corporations, where possible don't give them your money. If you can work, work ! None of that "I'm better of on the dole" crap, you're taking money away from people who might really need it.

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Which brings me to my next point (I am in fact ranting now). Take some responsibilty. Stop waiting for a government of any colour or cv to save you. It isn't going to happen. If you don't like the big corporations, where possible don't give them your money. If you can work, work ! None of that "I'm better of on the dole" crap, you're taking money away from people who might really need it.



Exactly, without the worker ants their is no colony, the buck stops with us we pay the wages, we make the money if we stop using banks, and lets say had mass strikes in every job sector they would be quick to try and make a change for what we want and quick to listen to us also, but it's the people who need to make the change instead of sitting on their hands complaining about it all, like I say it's the worker ants that make the colony without them their is no colony ....

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What sort of CV would you be looking for from your politicians Anna?


I'd want to know everything including what size underpants they wear!


Background, education, experience, jobs, hobbies, affiliations, personal statements - everything you might find on any CV.


While we're at it I'd also like to see any CEO of a public body be held personally responsible and liable for any **** ups, and have to pay fines etc out of his own pocket rather than the public purse. Any serious wrong doing. fraud, gross negligence or mismanagement should result in a jail sentence.


Top rate of tax increase across Europe so there's nowhere to hide.


Now you've got me started, I'd like to see the legal system reformed to make justice available to all again, and lawyers fees broken down and itemised to see just what we're paying for.


Similarly I'd like care home fees, university fees etc itemised and justified rather than simply plucked out of the air.


I'd like to see the real waste of money stopped in government, hospitals etc, rather than front line cuts, and I'd invest lots more money into university research and science.


I'd make transparency and freedom of information simple and available rather than the bureacratic nightmare it is at present.


I'd make university for the bightest academics again, and invest heavily in other forms of top quality training and apprenticeships for everyone else. I'd like to see a clear carreer pathway to the top available in every job no matter how lowly its beginnings.


I'd like to see investment in all our youth who are the future of this country.


I could go on ...

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Too true...they are a law unto themselves,they fear no-one and seem to act exactly as they want.


Indeed. These white collar criminals rule the world and maintain control by making us think we live in a democracy, and by keeping the majority in check with their financial whipping sticks.

Scandal after scandal is exposed yet nothing ever changes and no-body or organisation ever loses more than their job or a fraction of their profits in a fine. As we speak fraud is being committed and dreamed up. It will be exposed in time but by then the bank has made millions/billions and the bankers have taken their bonus.

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I'd want to know everything including what size underpants they wear!


Background, education, experience, jobs, hobbies, affiliations, personal statements - everything you might find on any CV.




I'm sorry I probably wasn't clear enough...I meant what would your preferred candidate have to have on his CV for you to vote for him/her?

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Exactly, without the worker ants their is no colony, the buck stops with us we pay the wages, we make the money if we stop using banks, and lets say had mass strikes in every job sector they would be quick to try and make a change for what we want and quick to listen to us also, but it's the people who need to make the change instead of sitting on their hands complaining about it all, like I say it's the worker ants that make the colony without them their is no colony ....


I agree.


People are just waking up to the power they have en masse. And with the internet it's relatively easy to organise.

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There is still lots of personal cash around, rents are high, property owners have large families, and people have not blown it all, well not in the middle classes. But, and it is a but, they are slowly finding that their offspring’s university fees and costs whittle away at the pile a bit. Then their pride and joys go and work for free at companies to get experience, in which more money is required for internments as they are called. Well it keeps them out of trouble, idle hands etc. Then the jobs they get don't pay for that house or flat needed to be an independent adult, and thus some parents are milked in a regular fashion for years. This proves there is money to spend.


Homes for the old, cost a bit too, thus screwing the other end of the pile, so the money is finite, which means them with it can laugh for quite a few years.


All this money from the old and young allow others to get rich, but the pile is being whittled away nevertheless.


But dare one ask where the wealth is going to come from in the future, we cannot all be parasites, feeding off others needs and wants, so the pool will gradually shrivel, unless we produce wealth. Robbery, fraud, theft is very short term, but friends will be impressed, and if one is successful, one can buy many fair-weather friends, for a time anyway.


We are so wealthy that people will soon have to work until they are 70, and shutting hospitals proves how healthy we have become, as we don't need so many. We also are learning to eat less, and that allows the bins to be emptied every 2 weeks, and maybe 3 soon if diets take hold to solve obesity.


Fortunately, poor people live in well-defined areas, and as petrol rises, they will not have so many cars, and thus will not need, road repairs so often, so the kids can start to play in the streets.


We are so well off that we support wars, and wars in many countries, where it’s advisable to keep one's foot in the door, locally and globally of course. We have discovered a way to keep people local, stopping mobility, we just smash up their country, take sides and they spend decades fighting each other, so not bothering us so much. We are very good at the divide and laugh at them deal with the mess, as a divided nation is no threat to anyone, which begs the question if they ever were. But it allows us to plunder their resources, bribe one or two and make money from creating misery, and why not.


We all know if or rather when interest rates rise a bit a million families will take to the road, as there is no social housing for them. It’s nice to see people on the street enjoying themselves, and one can always give their children a few pennies, and watch their little faces light up. Joy cost so little.


What makes me smile is knowing officially that it’s mainly the poor that are obese, which proves they are happy and unquestioning at swallowing s***t, in more ways than one. They will of course start to lose weight, as they will not be able to afford much food, and they will save the country energy allowing the government to hit their environmental targets, as they will not be able to afford to heat their houses or flats. So the future is bright, healthy, and humbling, especially when giving food to the poor, in soup kitchens, buts that the glorious future.


Hope we leave the EEC, and then all foreign owned industry will leave this back door opening to Europe. So not cars made here, steel, which is owned by India, as TaTa bought it all up. So lots of poor to gloat over, demine, and make one realise how superior we all are. It’s good to be able to look down on people, humiliate them for a bit of fun, so lots of laughs at others expense too

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I agree.


People are just waking up to the power they have en masse. And with the internet it's relatively easy to organise.



Kind of but one problem with the Internet, is that everything you use it for is watched and recorded, or can be looked into so leaves those in charge one step ahead so to speak....


---------- Post added 29-01-2013 at 15:45 ----------


There is still lots of personal cash around, rents are high, property owners have large families, and people have not blown it all, well not in the middle classes. But, and it is a but, they are slowly finding that their offspring’s university fees and costs whittle away at the pile a bit. Then their pride and joys go and work for free at companies to get experience, in which more money is required for internments as they are called. Well it keeps them out of trouble, idle hands etc. Then the jobs they get don't pay for that house or flat needed to be an independent adult, and thus some parents are milked in a regular fashion for years. This proves there is money to spend.


Homes for the old, cost a bit too, thus screwing the other end of the pile, so the money is finite, which means them with it can laugh for quite a few years.


All this money from the old and young allow others to get rich, but the pile is being whittled away nevertheless.


But dare one ask where the wealth is going to come from in the future, we cannot all be parasites, feeding off others needs and wants, so the pool will gradually shrivel, unless we produce wealth. Robbery, fraud, theft is very short term, but friends will be impressed, and if one is successful, one can buy many fair-weather friends, for a time anyway.


We are so wealthy that people will soon have to work until they are 70, and shutting hospitals proves how healthy we have become, as we don't need so many. We also are learning to eat less, and that allows the bins to be emptied every 2 weeks, and maybe 3 soon if diets take hold to solve obesity.


Fortunately, poor people live in well-defined areas, and as petrol rises, they will not have so many cars, and thus will not need, road repairs so often, so the kids can start to play in the streets.


We are so well off that we support wars, and wars in many countries, where it’s advisable to keep one's foot in the door, locally and globally of course. We have discovered a way to keep people local, stopping mobility, we just smash up their country, take sides and they spend decades fighting each other, so not bothering us so much. We are very good at the divide and laugh at them deal with the mess, as a divided nation is no threat to anyone, which begs the question if they ever were. But it allows us to plunder their resources, bribe one or two and make money from creating misery, and why not.


We all know if or rather when interest rates rise a bit a million families will take to the road, as there is no social housing for them. It’s nice to see people on the street enjoying themselves, and one can always give their children a few pennies, and watch their little faces light up. Joy cost so little.


What makes me smile is knowing officially that it’s mainly the poor that are obese, which proves they are happy and unquestioning at swallowing s***t, in more ways than one. They will of course start to lose weight, as they will not be able to afford much food, and they will save the country energy allowing the government to hit their environmental targets, as they will not be able to afford to heat their houses or flats. So the future is bright, healthy, and humbling, especially when giving food to the poor, in soup kitchens, buts that the glorious future.


Hope we leave the EEC, and then all foreign owned industry will leave this back door opening to Europe. So not cars made here, steel, which is owned by India, as TaTa bought it all up. So lots of poor to gloat over, demine, and make one realise how superior we all are. It’s good to be able to look down on people, humiliate them for a bit of fun, so lots of laughs at others expense too




So one minute you want to help the people by waking other up, and then you want to laugh at them because they are fat and basically stupid- not a real good way of getting people on your side is it ?


Your last paragraph does not make much sense tbh, who is looking down on others ? The British I take it you mean ......., well that's just nonsense while the minority are in it to line their own pockets, the fact is Britain is probably the world leader in giving aid, I think last I heard we gave over 13 billion pounds in foreign aid and countless amounts from charities and our own hard working pockets, oxfam etc food packages etc



Have your rantings got any rationalising behind them or just purely unthought rantings ????

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I'd want to know everything including what size underpants they wear!


Background, education, experience, jobs, hobbies, affiliations, personal statements - everything you might find on any CV.


While we're at it I'd also like to see any CEO of a public body be held personally responsible and liable for any **** ups, and have to pay fines etc out of his own pocket rather than the public purse. Any serious wrong doing. fraud, gross negligence or mismanagement should result in a jail sentence.


Top rate of tax increase across Europe so there's nowhere to hide.


Now you've got me started, I'd like to see the legal system reformed to make justice available to all again, and lawyers fees broken down and itemised to see just what we're paying for.


Similarly I'd like care home fees, university fees etc itemised and justified rather than simply plucked out of the air.


I'd like to see the real waste of money stopped in government, hospitals etc, rather than front line cuts, and I'd invest lots more money into university research and science.


I'd make transparency and freedom of information simple and available rather than the bureacratic nightmare it is at present.


I'd make university for the bightest academics again, and invest heavily in other forms of top quality training and apprenticeships for everyone else. I'd like to see a clear carreer pathway to the top available in every job no matter how lowly its beginnings.


I'd like to see investment in all our youth who are the future of this country.


I could go on ...


The cv thing is certainly a start, but even open to interpretation. Most people make the cv fit the job. For example, at the last election the hapless Tory candidate made a thing of how his mum was a nurse and his dad was miner and prior the the election he was a solicitor. Now it didn't mention if mum and dad were still talking to him or if he'd had them put in a home. It didn't state whether he knew any more about north east Derbyshire than could be found on Wikipedia. I don't recall what branch of law he specialised in. He didn't win. ;)


How about you have to live in the constituency you want to stand in for 4 years before you can stand at a general election. That would stop career politicians being parachuted in from central office with no intention of getting to know the locals just trying to get a ministerial job.

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