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Being fooled again and again, while UK sinks, some fiddle away!

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The cv thing is certainly a start, but even open to interpretation. Most people make the cv fit the job. For example, at the last election the hapless Tory candidate made a thing of how his mum was a nurse and his dad was miner and prior the the election he was a solicitor. Now it didn't mention if mum and dad were still talking to him or if he'd had them put in a home. It didn't state whether he knew any more about north east Derbyshire than could be found on Wikipedia. I don't recall what branch of law he specialised in. He didn't win. ;)


How about you have to live in the constituency you want to stand in for 4 years before you can stand at a general election. That would stop career politicians being parachuted in from central office with no intention of getting to know the locals just trying to get a ministerial job.



Yes very good, if they have to live their and they know people their they are a lot more likely to do right by the people and the area they know and care about, if they have no ties to that community then they have no reason to fight for it ....

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Yes very good, if they have to live their and they know people their they are a lot more likely to do right by the people and the area they know and care about, if they have no ties to that community then they have no reason to fight for it ....


The thing is they don't have to do right by all the people and the ones they aren't doing right by will be whinging about them not doing right by the people.

You can’t please all the people all the time, so there will always be unhappy people complaining about the government or their MP.

Our political system leaves some people whinging all the time and some whinging some of the time.

The majority just accept the elected government and do their best to make a good life for themselves and family.

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the OP doesn't know what poverty really is or how rich the UK is. They probably have never met a single person who doesn't have running water in their home, or who has to go outside in the rain to take a **** in an outside toilet. A typical self-indulgent capitalist.

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The thing is they don't have to do right by all the people and the ones they aren't doing right by will be whinging about them not doing right by the people.

You can’t please all the people all the time, so there will always be unhappy people complaining about the government or their MP.

Our political system leaves some people whinging all the time whilst the rest just keep swapping places.



Ok I understand where your coming from, I personally don't mind much of our government the main thing mentioned before is justice I believe people holding a position of power mp's etc, should be held accountable for their actions be that jail terms or fines, that way it sets an example to everyone, i think the biggest issue is people are sick of politicians and larger corporations getting away with things, the law can not work one way for someone and another for someone else , I think it is our justice system that needs a real reform so we can start making things fair for everyone, if everyone has to follow the same set of rules and to the rule then no one has a right to complain, it is the fact o people not being punished for their actions that has got this country into the mess it's Ito and that's the very reason people think they are owed something ......

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As for knowing poverty, I used to live in West Africa, and now accept that poverty is relative. So when no one has running water, and all have to walk a few miles for it, everyone is in it together, rich and poor, although varying levels of poor. So if you live in, have always lived as such, one cannot imagine running water, and only by comparing poverty levels can we look down on the unfortunate ones. They do not consider themselves as poor, as they have enough to eat, and so water is a problem, it is us high and might snobs that regard them as poor, backward whatever.


To get back to the subject of the slowly sinking economy, the banksters, or bankers to those that regard them as decent folk. They have apparently paid out, according to the news, not paid back which is the case over 8 billion in compensation to those swindled through PFI fraud. They want to end this nightmare, have a time limit on it, why because they stole between 30-35 BILLION from unsuspecting customers, and what greedy organisation wants to pay back ALL it stole.


The average pay out is 3K, so thousands more still waiting for their money back. Let us not forget the delaying tactics of refusing paying the money back and having to go to the Ombudsman. These are very trickey thieves.


Did you know the banksters with their slick and overpaid lawyers are colluding with MP's to change the laws, so they continue rip offs forever, because it will be legal. Sod compensating, sod paying for the rip off crimes, they are above the law. Just wait till loads of old people get thrown into jail for steeling food. Shame they cannot be hung.


What has happened and continues to be legalised is one set of laws for Banksters, and repressive laws for the general public. Do not forget Cameron had his hands in the till regarding MP's expenses, and all he did was pay it back. So the foxes returned a few chicks, while making sure they run the chicken farm.


The country is now run by a bunch of self interested thieves, who are now above the law.


Unions have power because they speak for thousands, this has muscle against greedy unscrupulous corporate interests. Having a couple of voices that are fed up with the corruption, the lies, the deceptions hold no weight at all. That is why I attempt to inform. Its numbers that count, just ask bankers, accountants, politicians.

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I have been attempting to demonstrate we are economically going down the pan, for nearly 4 years. The government rejoices in telling the plebs employment is rising. That’s questionable, open to interpretation, meanwhile wages are going down, job security rises as does the price of necessities. Does anyone here understand simple arithmetic?


We now owe 492% of GDP, or almost five times the value of everything we produce in a single year. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-15820601. We can never get out of this mess without a financial crash that wipes out all savings in the banks, pensions and everything we now know. If you owed this, and could never pay off the interest, never mind the debt, what would happen?


Why are the government taking money from the poor? Why are services being cut, and cut in a never ending spiral into oblivion? Will people wake up in a decade when its too late to do anything? Yes, with the media misleading, politicians lying, and the banks grabbing every penny they can that is exactly what IS happening. If employment and business is growing how come we are into another depression, NO GROWTH and its going to last at least a decade, as tens of millions suck on the tit of poverty.


We cannot play war games against the poor in third world countries, calling them terrorists all the time, when they like you want to support their families, and also have jobs. Who pays for such soldiers? The need to eat, be clothed, and support families. War is just a way out of poverty as the lads fighting all our wars over the centuries know so well.


Wake up…please…

Teddious, tedious old rhetoric once again being trotted out by I suspect a frusrated left wing soul, with not much real idea how to change the world to their way of thinking even less how to pay for it all.

It's why Labour are currently not in charge.............because they can point out what's wrong with the world but offer no convincing way out!

Robbing from the rich to give to the poor has never worked and never will................remember that lots of the new rich were yesterdays poor!

So come on, as has frequently been requested by other posters,what is your way forward and how would you fund it.

Don't just blame the bankers,they only responded to the frenzy of the general public to the "property ladder fiasco".

And truthfully is anyone whether Media,Sports Political etc worth more than £100k these days,and there are thousands from all levels of society earning obscene larger amounts than this!

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Teddious, tedious old rhetoric once again being trotted out by I suspect a frusrated left wing soul, with not much real idea how to change the world to their way of thinking even less how to pay for it all.

It's why Labour are currently not in charge.............because they can point out what's wrong with the world but offer no convincing way out!

Robbing from the rich to give to the poor has never worked and never will................remember that lots of the new rich were yesterdays poor!

So come on, as has frequently been requested by other posters,what is your way forward and how would you fund it.

Don't just blame the bankers,they only responded to the frenzy of the general public to the "property ladder fiasco".

And truthfully is anyone whether Media,Sports Political etc worth more than £100k these days,and there are thousands from all levels of society earning obscene larger amounts than this!


I don't remember erebus blaming Labour or the Tories in particular. Surely by now we are beyond blaming party politics, surely no one still believes this problem wouldn't have occured no matter who was in charge.


As for solutions, is there one? Our very well paid leaders and experts don't seem capable of coming up with one.


Personally I'm wondering if it won't all quietly disappear. We've been told so often that Europe is going to collapse, Greece is coming out of the Euro etc, then it all seems to go quiet and nothing happens. Now apparently Greece is staying in....? Why? what changed?


The whole financial system has been exposed as based on smoke and mirrors, depending on nebulous things like 'confidence.' Money isn't real..., the debt isn't real... the lenders and debtors are the same people... our whole monetary system seems to be based on lies and gambling and is so complex that no one, including those that run it, understands it. So let's just draw a veil over it and go back to the way we were....


Cameron seems to be realising that he's over-egged the pudding with tales of impending doom, (were they just to justify cuts?) and we are now being told to lighten up. What's the betting that we are soon to be flooded with feel good stories, positive vibes and statistics. Then we'll all feel better and life will carry on as usual.


Only a thought. I wonder what other people think?

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I don't remember erebus blaming Labour or the Tories in particular. Surely by now we are beyond blaming party politics, surely no one still believes this problem wouldn't have occured no matter who was in charge.


As for solutions, is there one? Our very well paid leaders and experts don't seem capable of coming up with one.


Personally I'm wondering if it won't all quietly disappear. We've been told so often that Europe is going to collapse, Greece is coming out of the Euro etc, then it all seems to go quiet and nothing happens. Now apparently Greece is staying in....? Why? what changed?


The whole financial system has been exposed as based on smoke and mirrors, depending on nebulous things like 'confidence.' Money isn't real..., the debt isn't real... the lenders and debtors are the same people... our whole monetary system seems to be based on lies and gambling and is so complex that no one, including those that run it, understands it. So let's just draw a veil over it and go back to the way we were....


Cameron seems to be realising that he's over-egged the pudding with tales of impending doom, (were they just to justify cuts?) and we are now being told to lighten up. What's the betting that we are soon to be flooded with feel good stories, positive vibes and statistics. Then we'll all feel better and life will carry on as usual.


Only a thought. I wonder what other people think?



The very rich are still getting richer. They are greedily filling their coffers at the expense of the "lower" classes. They enjoy the recession, that is why they create it.

They tell us what they think they should tell us to maintain tight control....whether it happens to be true or not.

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Left wing right wing, they all worship in the church of greed, where their god showers them with incentives, to do what is good for personal enhancement, sod the voters till the next election media fiasco. Liars can wear any colours, and some onlookers get confused with the designs, which is the point. He media’s job is meant to direct people’s thoughts. Let others do your thinking for you, is the name of the game.


All ideologies need persuasive leaders, sheep do not then need to have to think, its not good for them. Thus occasionally a few, the chosen ones, rise through the ranks, having enough influence and determination to be recognised as one of the team, hence called team leaders.


With some animals, hunger can be induced, so that when the bucket loads of food are provided mayhem ensues. The public were not responsible for the banking frenzy, the farmer provides the swill, not the pigs. So the bankers provide the swill, and the hunger is created, as we are educated through the media into acceptable particular values, and normal behaviours. The property fiasco is psychologically engineered into British cultural values, unlike almost everywhere in Europe. The same formula was used in the USA, if it could hold a pen and write their name, they were induced to sign their lives away, as the commission was like printing money. Suckers are two a penny, and their friends want in too, so like taking sweets from babies.


As for the idea that earning 100K is a lot of money, then maybe you should get out more. A one bed flat in London is 500K, and houses go for 50 million or more. 100K is peanuts, but a lot in Sheffield where 25K a year is a pipe dream for most.


So make people want more is simple, you pay their wages, and then give them a bonus. They come back for more, hungrier, and are rewarded again, it is how one gets people hooked on heroin. They always want more, and then one day you say NO! They freak out, as now used to living differently, and then you would be surprised what they would not do to get their money fix back.


BONUSES are in the millions not 100K, get a life! Become a banker and see how easy it to rob children, the blind, the poorly educated, with the right psychological inducement they will sell their children into prostitution. Get real! Wake up!

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Erebus comes on here stating how bad things are in this country.


People reply, and in some cases agree with him. Their counter attack is simply- come up with a solution, instead of spouting about it ! Having said that, these people must know there is a problem and choose to try and corner the OP, by asking him for the answers to the country's problems. This is wrong !!

We elect governments to to this job, which they are Handsomely paid to do this.

The fact is that this country is in deep deep sh-t ! - no point blaming previous governments, they all inherit the same previous sh-t !


Getting back to reality, this country owes nearly 5 times more than it earns in debt, and its only low interest rates that makes repayments feasible.


Sometime in the future these rates will rise- no need to tell you what this means. When someone with a low credit rating applies for a loan , the interest rates reflect this ! Why do you think Cameron is scared of losing our current rating ? Increased borrowing rates ? We are living on borrowed money at very low interest rates, at the moment ! This will come to an end at some point ! Thats where we need to be concerned, because when that happens, government will have to take drastic measures !


We are living on a maxed out credit card at the moment, which means we have to pay the minimum amount due, to be able to borrow again for the next month.


The present government spout about unfair it is to leave these debts to our next generation, but in reality what can/ are they doing about it ? What can they realistically do ?

Their best hope is get what they can, while they can and, then let the next government take over !

The present government are being prudent by slashing benefits and encouraging pay freezes on the working class people, that's OK until they cant squeeze anymore. What will be the next stage ? They would have to target the rich by taxing them to release the wealth that they are stashing, thus releasing the country's riches and getting the Economy moving again.


Sooner or later, these decisions will have to be made, no matter who is in power.

Hate to say this, but all the rich people out there, the day will come when you will have to pay back ! Having said that, taxing you at 90% would still ensure you live the life of a King !


Erebus thank you for your posts. You are a man of sense ! Sheep don't care unless there's no grass available.

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