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Being fooled again and again, while UK sinks, some fiddle away!

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What sort of CV would you be looking for from your politicians Anna?


I'd want to know everything including what size underpants they wear!


Background, education, experience, jobs, hobbies, affiliations, personal statements - everything you might find on any CV.


I'm sorry I probably wasn't clear enough...I meant what would your preferred candidate have to have on his CV for you to vote for him/her?


Well, 'big underpants' might be a vote winner for some people, but if the candidate for the party you were likely to vote for 'forgot' (when asked whether there was anything in his or her background which might embarrass the party) that he or she had had an affair with married colleague and if you were the head of the local party and if you complained to the Party leader and were told to "wind your neck in - that's your candidate!", would you even bother to vote?


Top rate of tax increase across Europe so there's nowhere to hide.


Common taxes require common government. How far are you prepared to go with European Unity?


Now you've got me started, I'd like to see the legal system reformed to make justice available to all again, and lawyers fees broken down and itemised to see just what we're paying for.


You do surprise me! - Most lawyers I know would be more than happy to provide you with an explanation. It's amazing how many people think the building pays for itself and the administrative staff and researchers all work for nothing.


Similarly I'd like care home fees, university fees etc itemised and justified rather than simply plucked out of the air.


Agreed. When we were looking for a care home for my MIL some years ago we asked what we would be paying for and what we were going to get for the money. We had to do the research ourselves, but we didn't have any problems getting answers.


I'd like to see the real waste of money stopped in government, hospitals etc, rather than front line cuts, and I'd invest lots more money into university research and science.


I'm sure we'd all like to see waste stopped. As far as research funding goes, it's expensive. You will find no shortage of people on this forum (and elsewhere) who complain bitterly about the 'Military-industrial complex' whilst conveniently ignoring the fact that ( in the Western World Anyway, Japan has a different model which appears to be unacceptable in the West) said 'Military Industrial Complex' is the only possible source of funding for research.


I'd make university for the bightest academics again, and invest heavily in other forms of top quality training and apprenticeships for everyone else. I'd like to see a clear carreer pathway to the top available in every job no matter how lowly its beginnings.



It all comes down to money, though. If you haven't got any money, it's difficult to invest it. We charge 'students' (many of whom are called 'students' because that keeps them off the dole figures) a significant amount of money to exist until they can be awarded a worthless (in all too many cases) qualification.


If you take those students out of their flower arranging /underwater basket weaving classes and put them into 'apprenticeships' then:


1. You will lose the income you might expect to make from them for many years as they struggle to repay their student loans.


2. You may well boost the jobless figures - some of them will sign on the dole!


3. Instead of them paying you, you will have to pay them during their apprenticeships.


4. You will have to find (and pay) people to train them.


50 years ago the UK had (probably) the best apprenticeship training schemes in the world.


We also had Morris 1000s, (Well, if you were lucky enough to own a car) no central heating, no double glazing, winters with real snow and piecework - if you could get it.

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Left wing right wing, they all worship in the church of greed, where their god showers them with incentives, to do what is good for personal enhancement, sod the voters till the next election media fiasco. Liars can wear any colours, and some onlookers get confused with the designs, which is the point. He media’s job is meant to direct people’s thoughts. Let others do your thinking for you, is the name of the game.


All ideologies need persuasive leaders, sheep do not then need to have to think, its not good for them. Thus occasionally a few, the chosen ones, rise through the ranks, having enough influence and determination to be recognised as one of the team, hence called team leaders.


With some animals, hunger can be induced, so that when the bucket loads of food are provided mayhem ensues. The public were not responsible for the banking frenzy, the farmer provides the swill, not the pigs. So the bankers provide the swill, and the hunger is created, as we are educated through the media into acceptable particular values, and normal behaviours. The property fiasco is psychologically engineered into British cultural values, unlike almost everywhere in Europe. The same formula was used in the USA, if it could hold a pen and write their name, they were induced to sign their lives away, as the commission was like printing money. Suckers are two a penny, and their friends want in too, so like taking sweets from babies.


As for the idea that earning 100K is a lot of money, then maybe you should get out more. A one bed flat in London is 500K, and houses go for 50 million or more. 100K is peanuts, but a lot in Sheffield where 25K a year is a pipe dream for most.


So make people want more is simple, you pay their wages, and then give them a bonus. They come back for more, hungrier, and are rewarded again, it is how one gets people hooked on heroin. They always want more, and then one day you say NO! They freak out, as now used to living differently, and then you would be surprised what they would not do to get their money fix back.


BONUSES are in the millions not 100K, get a life! Become a banker and see how easy it to rob children, the blind, the poorly educated, with the right psychological inducement they will sell their children into prostitution. Get real! Wake up!

"Still" bankrupt of ideas how to change things to your way of thinking then?.................you really haven't a clue except to trundle out the same wearysome lefty drivel hung in cobwebs from when I used to read it at school!

Give us some answers as to what you would do to change things,then we might start to take you more seriously!

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"Still" bankrupt of ideas how to change things to your way of thinking then?.................you really haven't a clue except to trundle out the same wearysome lefty drivel hung in cobwebs from when I used to read it at school!

Give us some answers as to what you would do to change things,then we might start to take you more seriously!


Please read Slugger's post.


Why should erebus have the answers? What is 'lefty' or 'drivel' about what he says? Please justify your response.


Or are you deliberately being rude to try and derail an interesting discussion because it's true? Why don't you give us some answers to the problems we're having (if there are any) or maybe you are so uncomfortable with the blindingly obvious you just want to bring the thread to an end.


Can I sugest you make a worthwhile contribution. We'd be interested to hear it.

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The solution to our problems will eventually come, although probably not in our generation !

It is insane to think that we can keep living on borrowed money. Credit worthiness dictates interest rates. Lack of growth means nothing more than the lack of ability to earn our keep, and therefore reflects interest rates when borrowing to finance our living. This is where we we are going to fall down !


In the past 2 world wars helped to control our populations, thus keeping things manageable. This isn't going to happen again in our Nuclear age.


Once you have squeezed the working class dry, the only other viable option is to start looking elsewhere, and the only place to left look will be the rich people, the tiny majority who own the biggest part of our wealth. I predict this will have to happen in the coming future.


Our debt problem is so massive, that any elected government daren't even begin to to truly tackle the problem.

What happens, is they fanny round the edges, and then pass the book on !


Its our future generations that will have to clear up the mess that we have left.


In the meantime the best we can do is vote for the parties that will best suit our particular needs at this time.

labour for the working class or tories for the rich. Its the only say we will have in it.

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Please read Slugger's post.


Why should erebus have the answers? What is 'lefty' or 'drivel' about what he says? Please justify your response.


Or are you deliberately being rude to try and derail an interesting discussion because it's true? Why don't you give us some answers to the problems we're having (if there are any) or maybe you are so uncomfortable with the blindingly obvious you just want to bring the thread to an end.


Can I sugest you make a worthwhile contribution. We'd be interested to hear it.

I am not interested in giving answers to the problems we are having!..............we have had them before and we will have them again.

I used to be evangelical about change all the time when I was younger but realized eventually that Mr Marketplace decides everything in the long run,somethings for the better somethings not.

You find you get tired eventually of huffing and puffing and at that point you decide to take control of your life and stop leaving it to others,and make no mistake everyone can do it to some degree although the result might not be what you desire.

Most on here live a millionaire lifestyle compared to my upbringing and we even have people posting that £100k salaries are peanuts these days,

My question to these silly people is...........popstars, sports people, bankers etc may earn obscene amounts,but what is their true worth to the British economy these days?

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Erebus comes on here stating how bad things are in this country.


People reply, and in some cases agree with him. Their counter attack is simply- come up with a solution, instead of spouting about it ! Having said that, these people must know there is a problem and choose to try and corner the OP, by asking him for the answers to the country's problems. This is wrong !!

We elect governments to to this job, which they are Handsomely paid to do this.

The fact is that this country is in deep deep sh-t ! - no point blaming previous governments, they all inherit the same previous sh-t !


Getting back to reality, this country owes nearly 5 times more than it earns in debt, and its only low interest rates that makes repayments feasible.


Sometime in the future these rates will rise- no need to tell you what this means. When someone with a low credit rating applies for a loan , the interest rates reflect this ! Why do you think Cameron is scared of losing our current rating ? Increased borrowing rates ? We are living on borrowed money at very low interest rates, at the moment ! This will come to an end at some point ! Thats where we need to be concerned, because when that happens, government will have to take drastic measures !


We are living on a maxed out credit card at the moment, which means we have to pay the minimum amount due, to be able to borrow again for the next month.


The present government spout about unfair it is to leave these debts to our next generation, but in reality what can/ are they doing about it ? What can they realistically do ?

Their best hope is get what they can, while they can and, then let the next government take over !

The present government are being prudent by slashing benefits and encouraging pay freezes on the working class people, that's OK until they cant squeeze anymore. What will be the next stage ? They would have to target the rich by taxing them to release the wealth that they are stashing, thus releasing the country's riches and getting the Economy moving again.


Sooner or later, these decisions will have to be made, no matter who is in power.

Hate to say this, but all the rich people out there, the day will come when you will have to pay back ! Having said that, taxing you at 90% would still ensure you live the life of a King !


Erebus thank you for your posts. You are a man of sense ! Sheep don't care unless there's no grass available.



Yet still you are doing the same as Erebus and stating facts that we all already know, and at no point have you given any idea's about ways to solve these situations/ better ways to deal with these problems, this section is called general discussions for the reason of discussing things not standing on your soapbox screaming the end is nigh, with no real ideas of what we can do ....


Call people sheep all you want, go around thinking you are smarter/better than others because you know we are all being had, EVERYONE else knows these things too we just don't call each other sheep and instead discuss ways in which we each believe things could be made better, then we get you and Erebus coming on here calling us sheep and shouting wake op, well tbh I think you guys need to wake up until you can offer any real opinions on ways to move things forward for the better stop posting the same old tripe.

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Yet still you are doing the same as Erebus and stating facts that we all already know, and at no point have you given any idea's about ways to solve these situations/ better ways to deal with these problems, this section is called general discussions for the reason of discussing things not standing on your soapbox screaming the end is nigh, with no real ideas of what we can do ....


Call people sheep all you want, go around thinking you are smarter/better than others because you know we are all being had, EVERYONE else knows these things too we just don't call each other sheep and instead discuss ways in which we each believe things could be made better, then we get you and Erebus coming on here calling us sheep and shouting wake op, well tbh I think you guys need to wake up until you can offer any real opinions on ways to move things forward for the better stop posting the same old tripe.


Top post. If you think global communism is a way to go - fine suggest it, maybe über libertarian policies are the way to go, that's fine too. Stating the bleedin obvious post after post isn't. Anna has come up with ideas well worth discussing and I'm sure most would discuss various ideas and solutions you have. Smugly tapping away at how unaware we are is A) a lie because we aren't and B) pointless.

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Yet still you are doing the same as Erebus and stating facts that we all already know, and at no point have you given any idea's about ways to solve these situations/ better ways to deal with these problems, this section is called general discussions for the reason of discussing things not standing on your soapbox screaming the end is nigh, with no real ideas of what we can do ....


Call people sheep all you want, go around thinking you are smarter/better than others because you know we are all being had, EVERYONE else knows these things too we just don't call each other sheep and instead discuss ways in which we each believe things could be made better, then we get you and Erebus coming on here calling us sheep and shouting wake op, well tbh I think you guys need to wake up until you can offer any real opinions on ways to move things forward for the better stop posting the same old tripe.

Haa , so you know the facts then. Perhaps your answer is to ignore them !


So long as we can get by, with our democratically elected goverment dithering round the real issues !

Pass the book seems even more credible. Sorting the problems out is a future agenda eg passing the book to our future generation.


Sheep need food and if they cant get it they will complain.

Greedy people control the outcome !

To do things properly would involve fairness and sharing ! Do you rich ba----ds want to know ?

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