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Being fooled again and again, while UK sinks, some fiddle away!

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Haa , so you know the facts then. Perhaps your answer is to ignore them !


So long as we can get by, with our democratically elected goverment dithering round the real issues !

Pass the book seems even more credible. Sorting the problems out is a future agenda eg passing the book to our future generation.


Sheep need food and if they cant get it they will complain.

Greedy people control the outcome !

To do things properly would involve fairness and sharing ! Do you rich ba----ds want to know ?



how am i ignoring the facts ?, I know this country could do with change in some sectors, i know that things could be better, i know about everything you and erebus are ranting about thus i am asking for your idea's and opinions on how things should/could be ?

which you seem to be unable to answer and instead just continue to call me and others sheep ?, do you not have a job/take benefits/buy food/clothes etc, so in essence are you not part of the same system that i the sheep am ?, which in turn will make you part of the same flock would it not ?


so let me ask you a different question and i wonder if you can give a rational, sensible response to this....


HOW would you bring about change for the better, stop greed etc ????

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Exactly, without the worker ants their is no colony, the buck stops with us we pay the wages, we make the money if we stop using banks, and lets say had mass strikes in every job sector they would be quick to try and make a change for what we want and quick to listen to us also, but it's the people who need to make the change instead of sitting on their hands complaining about it all, like I say it's the worker ants that make the colony without them their is no colony ....


Simple answer ! Whoever controls money, controls society. Its simply Human behaviour !

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Simple answer ! Whoever controls money, controls society. Its simply Human behaviour !



That hasn't answered anything and only proved the points that others have mentioned about your sensational rantings with no real rationalisation or thought behind them, you can point out the obvious but not indicate any way of fixing the very problems you rant about so thats why you get sidelined, im sure the sensible discussions will continue on this thread and im also sure you will slide away quietly as most on here will start to ignore you as you are not aiding any discussion here, you believe you are smart and have all the answers but you really are not, your just screeching what you have heard from others who also had no idea's or answers of how to solve the problems you rant about, they also got ignored and more than likely ended up drowning their sorrows alone,



so again, and try to sit and actually think about the your answer before trying to make/prove a point,


HOW would you make changes in this country for the better



THINK before you post .....


---------- Post added 30-01-2013 at 22:32 ----------


And my post that you have quoted wasn't a question .....


---------- Post added 30-01-2013 at 22:33 ----------


Simple answer ! Whoever controls money, controls society. Its simply Human behaviour !


if its simply human behaviour how can you complain about being so hard done by ?


---------- Post added 30-01-2013 at 22:53 ----------


The answer is don't vote, stop using banks, stop paying parking fines, stop paying mortgages. Simply refuse to buy into corporations.

If everyone did this people will become empancipated.



The only problem with this idea is, do people know how to survive without the big corporations anymore ?, if people don't know where to get what they want would they then in turn steal from one another to get the things they want ? That being a situation far worse IMO .....

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how am i ignoring the facts ?, I know this country could do with change in some sectors, i know that things could be better, i know about everything you and erebus are ranting about thus i am asking for your idea's and opinions on how things should/could be ?

which you seem to be unable to answer and instead just continue to call me and others sheep ?, do you not have a job/take benefits/buy food/clothes etc, so in essence are you not part of the same system that i the sheep am ?, which in turn will make you part of the same flock would it not ?


so let me ask you a different question and i wonder if you can give a rational, sensible response to this....


HOW would you bring about change for the better, stop greed etc ????


Firstly I don't rant ! You ask questions that should be directed to the people you have voted in !


Perhaps you you come under the category that makes you better off under the present regime, so you aren't going to ask questions !


As for the ???? retort, you ask questions that delude you, so look for answers with a question !


Come on, Questions are being asked. Back yourself up !!!

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Firstly I don't rant ! You ask questions that should be directed to the people you have voted in !

Perhaps you you come under the category that makes you better off under the present regime, so you aren't going to ask questions !


As for the ???? retort, you ask questions that delude you, so look for answers with a question.

Come on, Questions are being asked. What so you think ?



you have ranted my friend, and also failed to answer anything that i have asked you, the present regime- everytime you post it shows that you are a person that just needs something to fight/rebel against, with no real reason for your rebelling, if the government is'nt going to run the country who will ?, you ?


you and erebus are stating that we are all being fleeced and that we are all sheep that need to wake up so, myself and others have come here to try and discuss the different situations that affect us all and give our idea's and opinions on these problems you yourself can not answer even the most basic questions and instead of responding to me just keep on ranting, calling people sheep calling me deluded,


you offer nothing in the way of sensible debate only childish pathetic attempts of belittling others which is exactly what you say the greedy government is doing- hypocrite maybe ??



no one has asked me a question yet if you want to ask me a sensible rational question then do so and i shall answer it ....

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Hmmm, solutions ? Why not start with banking - credit unions are the way to send out a clear message to the banks that we only need them to process direct debits , we don't need them to rip off SME's with ridiculous SWAPs financing . Encourage and support credit unions and peer to peer lending instead , let's bypass banks and their highly paid executives for a start .


Unfortunately , posters seem to be correct that a lot of people are just sheepies - that's not me being patronising , the vast majority of posters on the Forum are pretty switched on , it's just all the other non-forum posters that are brainwashed by the daily TV drivel that stops people thinking about the important things that affect their lives .


A lot of people I know are trying to throw everything they can at their mortgage ( "debt until death") but this wasn't always the case . Only 15 or so years ago you could buy a decent house for about £50k , the cost of brick-making hasn't gone up all that much so we need to challenge the manipulation of house prices that happened under successive governments .


Also , people need to challenge the power of the big four accountancy firms , many of which second staff to work in various politicians' offices free of charge - we should all be responsible for monitoring our own MP's Register of Interests to see who is actually running this country behind the scenes .


These are just a few thoughts , with no cutting and pasting .

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Because: Corporate dictatorship, neo-feudalism, capitalist regime.


I'm not even kidding. The few at the top have discovered the most effective tool ever for exploiting the masses into oblivion - 21st century consumerist culture. They make us grateful we're being screwed.


We cannot play war games against the poor in third world countries, calling them terrorists all the time, when they like you want to support their families, and also have jobs. Who pays for such soldiers? The need to eat, be clothed, and support families. War is just a way out of poverty as the lads fighting all our wars over the centuries know so well.


This I disagree with. It's time we nailed the evil buggers properly - although less soldiers, more predator drones is my preferred solution. Any 'poor people' in those third world countries don't like us nailing the evil buggers that perpetuate the poverty (because fundamentalist Islam is about living in the stone age apparently) can quite easily fight on our side instead of standing by and letting the evil buggers take over their countries.


We could afford it, but we'd have to waste less of our own society's surplus productivity on useless toys and candy (ie we'd have to have fewer new generation mobile phones and tablets, and less over-priced junk foods - and more predator drones, and predator drone missiles).

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you have ranted my friend, and also failed to answer anything that i have asked you, the present regime- everytime you post it shows that you are a person that just needs something to fight/rebel against, with no real reason for your rebelling, if the government is'nt going to run the country who will ?, you ?


you and erebus are stating that we are all being fleeced and that we are all sheep that need to wake up so, myself and others have come here to try and discuss the different situations that affect us all and give our idea's and opinions on these problems you yourself can not answer even the most basic questions and instead of responding to me just keep on ranting, calling people sheep calling me deluded,


you offer nothing in the way of sensible debate only childish pathetic attempts of belittling others which is exactly what you say the greedy government is doing- hypocrite maybe ??



no one has asked me a question yet if you want to ask me a sensible rational question then do so and i shall answer it ....



Basically to keep the argument short, you are not worth arguing with !


Your answer dos not provide any solution whatsoever !

Come up with fact man and then you might shine !

Give us some thing that we can chew on ! Then we might just believe you,possibly.

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Basically to keep the argument short, you are not worth arguing with !


Your answer dos not provide any solution whatsoever !

Come up with fact man and then you might shine !

Give us some thing that we can chew on ! Then we might just believe you,possibly.



And thank you for proving my point, all you are trying to do is cause arguments,

Sir if you had a brain you would be dangerous !

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Haa , so you know the facts then. Perhaps your answer is to ignore them !


So long as we can get by, with our democratically elected goverment dithering round the real issues !

Pass the book seems even more credible. Sorting the problems out is a future agenda eg passing the book to our future generation.


Sheep need food and if they cant get it they will complain.

Greedy people control the outcome !

To do things properly would involve fairness and sharing ! Do you rich ba----ds want to know ?


Are we talking nationally or globally ? If it's globally, you and I are rich bar stewards. Nationally, let's take all the money of the rich. Then what ?

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