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Fat people comment by Anna Soubry MP - I completely agree!

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I'm not so sure about that, Christmas eve I had to pay £1.06 for two (2) smallish parsnips in the market.


You didn't have to you could have got them earlier, gone without or gone to Tesco on spital hilll and got them cheaper

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Fruit and vegetables are more expensive at the supermarkets than the grocers, and unfortunately I don't live close enough to one :(

Its too easy for some people to buy seemingly cheap ready to cook processed food than to cook more healthily with fresh ingredients.

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I completely agree with her comments, it is often seen that poor people who are often less well educated on healthy eating resort to stuffing their kids full of fast food rather then making healthy cheaper food from scratch





i presume she's had a word with Eric Pickles

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I'm glad the politicians seem to enjoy pointing the finger at the fat poor whilst plunging more families in to poverty and forcing them to use food banks, and all the while they are scoffing their subsidised salmon in the Common's restaurants.


I'm so glad we're all in this together.

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Of course obesity is linked to poverty, look at a map!


The Tories and Lib Dems are not interested in addressing this though, are they? If they were they would make their supermarket barons/mates sell fruit and veg at affordable prices to the majority, without the massive mark ups.


Did anyone see the Dispatches programme that was on the other night about supermarkets are ripping people off with the prices of fruit and veg?


Would a road map do for your investigation?My Morrisons map has speed cameras but no dumplings/puddings listed.

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