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For all the none believers

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Lol! I'm not getting into the debate about whether ghosts do or do not exist. But this absolute faith in current science is touching. I'm a student of Thomas Kuhn (The Structure Of Scientific Revolutions, 1970) and am of the view that it's a bit more complex than that.


Firstly no scientific theory is proof that something is true. Experiments in good science should try to show that the theory is false. If this fails it means that currently the theory passes muster. But at some later stage it could be proved false; Observation once showed that all swans were white - until they found black swans in some newly discovered part of the world.


So here's the illustrious roll-call of theories that once were "truth" which longer are: Ptolemaic astronomy (superceded by Copernicus), the phlogiston theory of combustion (superceded by the discovery of Oxygen), Newton's laws (superceded by Einstein) etc.


So really current science is only right until it is proven wrong, which it usually is somewhere down the line. Newton and even Shakespeare realised this.

So keep your minds open.


It would be wrong to assume that Einstein proved Newton wrong, this is not the case. Einstein merely provided evidence that under certain conditions, Newtonian mechanics break down. Newtonian mechanics are sufficient to put a man on the moon though so I do put a considerable amount of faith in them.


I don't really understand where Shakespeare falls into this. Unless I am very much mistaken, Shakespeare was a playwright, not a scientist.

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My lovely Dad passed away November 2011 ! But he adored Spitfires & my brother used to draw them all the time ! Well ! My brother had a painting in a frame hanging on his wall .When he came in the picture was on the heating radiator despite the heating not being on & just the picture was on the radiator and all the frame was in tact ! Mum had trouble putting the picture in the frame in the first place & Dad was there at the time they were trying to fit it in ! They were even thinking of cutting off the caption that came with it but Dad says No its too nice ! So when my brother told me about it I started laughing cos it is so like Dad. This has now happened 3 times & Mum has stopped putting it in a frame !


i believe it is your father saying he is still the boss and still watching over you all, enjoy the feeling he is there with you still xxxxx

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Should that read " every sentence" ?


Should a sentence begin with "and" ?


Should a sentence start with a capital letter?


Just asking :hihi::hihi::hihi:


Should there really be a space after the quotation marks in your first question?

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That's all well and good but was the song at the funeral the radio Sheffield news jingle and was his nickname for you "Hertz"?


for your info no it wasn't and if you read my post you would have seen what he would call me! so before you post a comment about something i have wrote make sure you read it properly! to me your comment is taking the **** out of what i believe! and i find it really annoying! just because you might not believe in things like this doesn't mean others don't and why would my nan have a radio jingle played at my grandads funeral? seriously that's abit disrespectful to even joke about something like that! :rant:

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