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UKIP to help BNP get European money

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To be fair to Gaddafi he met Griffin when Griffin was still in the NF. It was though not long after the shooting of PC Yvonne Fletcher. At least Gaddafi had the good taste to refuse Griffin any money. If only Nigel Farage had as good a moral compass as Gaddafi had.


You're quite right but forgive me if I decline to apologise. EDL, BNP, Stormfront are largely one in the same. Ukip are just a variation on the same theme with the "respectable" able to voice under a thinly disguised umbrella. Says something when Gaddafi sends you packing.

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You're quite right but forgive me if I decline to apologise. EDL, BNP, Stormfront are largely one in the same. Ukip are just a variation on the same theme with the "respectable" able to voice under a thinly disguised umbrella. Says something when Gaddafi sends you packing.


And Bliar's six secret visits to Gaddafi, and the deal in the desert, and the kissing session between them, how close could Liebore get, wonder if old tone came away with his pockets packed, he's such a charmer.:rolleyes:

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And Bliar's six secret visits to Gaddafi, and the deal in the desert, and the kissing session between them, how close could Liebore get, wonder if old tone came away with his pockets packed, he's such a charmer.:rolleyes:


If it makes you feel any warmer I'm not an advocate of Tony Blair...or any other lying politician. You seem as though you feel hurt because NG came away empty handed.

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This is a ridiculous thread. No matter how much you dislike the BNP, they are a democratically elected party who are entitled to it. If you dislike the BNP so much, fight against them. Stand against them in the next election and remove them from office. Don't try to break our democracy just to suit your own ends!

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If it makes you feel any warmer I'm not an advocate of Tony Blair...or any other lying politician. You seem as though you feel hurt because NG came away empty handed.


Just pointing out the similarities, I'd have preferred neither of them to have gone near the scumbag, but one seems to have used this country and it's soldiers lives to come away with the goods.


The other had nothing to offer, and like you I don't like any po lying tician, so no not hurt at all.

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This is a ridiculous thread. No matter how much you dislike the BNP, they are a democratically elected party who are entitled to it. If you dislike the BNP so much, fight against them. Stand against them in the next election and remove them from office. Don't try to break our democracy just to suit your own ends!



:huh:Where did that come from?


The BNP as a party is not a democracy...bit ironic isn't it when a non democratic party uses a democratic system as a means to get voted into office. As I said, the BNP will use any tactic including democracy to get its foot in the door. And for Ukip to rally in favour for the undemocratic BNP says as much about them as any.


Stupidly it's supporters can't see past their own hate filled agenda how ironic their own understanding of democracy works.

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:huh:Where did that come from?


The BNP as a party is not a democracy...bit ironic isn't it when a non democratic party uses a democratic system as a means to get voted into office. As I said, the BNP will use any tactic including democracy to get its foot in the door. And for Ukip to rally in favour for the undemocratic BNP says as much about them as any.


Stupidly it's supporters can't see past their own hate filled agenda how ironic their own understanding of democracy works.


Whether you like it or not, the BNP has fulfilled the requirements of a genuine political party within the EU. They then canvassed the electorate and was democratically elected to the EU parliament. All EU parties receive €x in funding. LeMaquis wants to stop this funding, denying the peoples voice in these elections. This means we have a two tier system where if party X is not liked by voters of another party they are denied their rights.


Insulting BNP voters, many of which where Labour supporters for years is never going to get you anywhere and disregarding nearly a million peoples opinion is not going to change it.

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This is a ridiculous thread. No matter how much you dislike the BNP, they are a democratically elected party who are entitled to it. If you dislike the BNP so much, fight against them. Stand against them in the next election and remove them from office. Don't try to break our democracy just to suit your own ends!


Can you tell me how the rank and file are able to exercise democracy within the BNP eg at conferences?Do the BNP represent all demographic groups in their composition?

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Whether you like it or not, the BNP has fulfilled the requirements of a genuine political party within the EU. They then canvassed the electorate and was democratically elected to the EU parliament. All EU parties receive €x in funding. LeMaquis wants to stop this funding, denying the peoples voice in these elections. This means we have a two tier system where if party X is not liked by voters of another party they are denied their rights.


Insulting BNP voters, many of which where Labour supporters for years is never going to get you anywhere and disregarding nearly a million peoples opinion is not going to change it.


In other words you're happy to give hundreds of thousands not just to the BNP but also to other far-right anti-semites.


One of the two elected BNP MEPs has since left the BNP and is setting up a new far right party. He didn't mind disregarding the views of his electorate.

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In other words you're happy to give hundreds of thousands not just to the BNP but also to other far-right anti-semites.


One of the two elected BNP MEPs has since left the BNP and is setting up a new far right party. He didn't mind disregarding the views of his electorate.



You mean like BLIER and STRAW,


Funny how their true thoughts come out when needed,


"Tony Blair was not happy with me. On a diplomatic mission to Saudi Arabia as Foreign Secretary, I had given an off-the-record briefing which some took as showing a softening of Britain’s attitude to Hamas, the Islamic group in the Gaza Strip.


It was now blazoned all over the papers, and the affronted Israeli government had been on the phone to Tony in a flash to complain.


Normally very polite, he was acerbic. ‘You and your Muslim constituents,’ was his rebuke.


I resented this. Yes, my parliamentary seat in Blackburn is one-third Asian, but not a single one of my constituents, Muslim or otherwise, had said a word to me about the Hamas issue.

And if I’d really been kowtowing to them, as he implied, I would hardly have taken the unpopular step of supporting the Iraq War — to the extent of my seat now being in greater jeopardy at an election than his was.


I felt like making some sharp comment in equally pejorative terms about his ‘Jewish backers’, and about not judging me by his standards. But I said nothing. Gradually, Tony and I came to a different place over Israel. He often seemed too willing to give Israel the benefit of the doubt, even when nothing was in doubt.



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