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Triple dip ,are we in a mess

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Nowhere near a banana republic you daft 'appworth!



What happened to this 're-balancing' of the economy then. Even now when everybody is telling them to abandon Plan A, they will not change course.

It's like the 1980's all over again, but this time there is no North Sea Oil to bail us out.

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What happened to this 're-balancing' of the economy then. Even now when everybody is telling them to abandon Plan A, they will not change course.

It's like the 1980's all over again, but this time there is no North Sea Oil to bail us out.


Everybody isn't telling them to abandon plan A and why should they listen to the people that are.

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What do we all think of the mess this country is in.


It's something that's been ongoing since probably WWI.


Britain has been in a steady economic decline for many decades.


We had a boost with North Sea oil and the Big Bang in the 80s, but the decades long credit bubble that fueled our borrowed "prosperity" has popped.


No more of a mess than we've seen in the past. It's all cyclical.


There's a spanner in the works this time, Peak Oil.


Our economies were geared to work with cheap, plentiful oil. They choke on $90/$100 a barrel oil.


They really won't like $200 a barrel.



Not quite a banana republic yet then


Funny you should mention Banana Republics. :D



Judge slates 'banana republic' postal voting system


A senior judge made a scathing attack on the postal voting system yesterday, condemning the government for complacency in the face of fraud which would disgrace a "banana republic".


Richard Mawrey QC, presiding over a special election court in Birmingham, warned that there were no realistic systems in place to detect or prevent postal voting fraud at the general election. "Until there are, fraud will continue unabated," he said.


He found six Labour councillors in Birmingham guilty of carrying out "massive, systematic and organised" postal voting fraud to win two wards during last June's elections for the city council.



That was 2005.


"Complacency in the face of fraud". Now, refresh my memory. Who was in government then?

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Everybody isn't telling them to abandon plan A and why should they listen to the people that are.



Because many of the people have a much better insight into economics than 'Chancellor' George who doesn't have the qualifications to run a chip shop!


---------- Post added 27-01-2013 at 20:12 ----------


It's something that's been ongoing since probably WWI.


Britain has been in a steady economic decline for many decades.


We had a boost with North Sea oil and the Big Bang in the 80s, but the decades long credit bubble that fueled our borrowed "prosperity" has popped.




There's a spanner in the works this time, Peak Oil.


Our economies were geared to work with cheap, plentiful oil. They choke on $90/$100 a barrel oil.


They really won't like $200 a barrel.





Funny you should mention Banana Republics. :D






That was 2005.


"Complacency in the face of fraud". Now, refresh my memory. Who was in government then?


Are they your views or those of the 'Taxpayers Alliance'?

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Because many of the people have a much better insight into economics than 'Chancellor' George who doesn't have the qualifications to run a chip shop!


---------- Post added 27-01-2013 at 20:12 ----------



Unlike you who does........do you mean?
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Because many of the people have a much better insight into economics than 'Chancellor' George who doesn't have the qualifications to run a chip shop!


Are they your views or those of the 'Taxpayers Alliance'?


Like Balls and Brown, yes they knew a lot didn't they, Brown couldn't even predict the crash after it happened, and many people with no insight into economics new it was going to happen long before it did.

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Society is still functioning. Utilities are still running. Plenty of people are in employment. We still have a welfare system for those who arn't.

The shops are stocked. The crowds are still there up and down the shopping malls and streets. The bars and restaurants are still busy. Nightclubs still have queues. The roads are still clogged up at rush hour. National Infrastructure is still intact. Bascially, people are still going about their business living their lives.


We are a very very very very very long way off being destitue. Take a look at what really being in a mess looks like. Really poverty. Real breakdown in society.


YES we are having to tighten our belts. YES time is getting tough for some. However, we have survived worse than this before and we will have to go through this again at some point. Boom and Bust is always happening. 70s depression became early 80s boom which became late 80s depression which became the 90s boom and the real birth of a real consumer society along with the housing boom and of course now currently in a a depession again which will become...... Round and round it goes.


Despite what the scary media is trying to report. What actually does a triple dip recession actually mean. Nobody really knows. Particuarly the headline writers who only care about trying to sell more papers


So we go into a "triple dip" Think about what that actually means to you. What exactly will change in YOUR own life.


You MAY become unemployed. So what? you have to try and get another job. We are lucky enough to have a welfare system to help with that and support you whilst you do.


You MAY have to tighten your belt a bit and cut out some luxuries - so what? We all have to adapt thorughout our lives. We buy pretty things when we have the money. We cut back on such when we dont. Nothing special there.


You MAY lose a few of the non-essential public services. So what? The necessary will always be there. We are a civilised society. However, those deemed not may close. Things change and you have to cut your cloth accordingly. That's what the government (whichever colour they are) have to do. They can all talk bull on the television about what THEY might do if they were in power. However, anyone with half a brain knows that whoever was in power - they all would have the same choice to make. Cuts.


I am getting bored of the Media's contstant attempts to dramatise, panic and generally s***stir. When we still have tweenagers queueing up for the latest got to have it mobile and unemployed or low paid people still going out for meals and drinks on a weekend in city centre bars dont try to persuade me we are in a mess.


Nobody is being forced on the streets dying of starvation. We have infrastructre to proctect EVERY citizen. Our states puts a roof over your head, food in your belly and treats you when you are ill. If of course you CHOOSE to use it. If you dont, that's your problem.


Until that basic human welfare stops we are not or anywhere near being in a mess.


There speaks someone who as not been personally affected by the recession and seems to have very little imagination or empathy for those that have.


Ask yourself what decline actually looks like and I think you'll see it's happening all around you. Remember also that a lot of the bad stuff is not reported on the TV which has a vested interest in keeping the people complacent.


As for the highlighted statement, I wonder just how long you've had your head in the sand. You obviously don't realise just how thin that infrastructure has become and how often it lets people down when it is most needed.


Let's hope you don't have to find out the hardway...

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There speaks someone who as not been personally affected by the recession and seems to have very little imagination or empathy for those that have.


Ask yourself what decline actually looks like and I think you'll see it's happening all around you. Remember also that a lot of the bad stuff is not reported on the TV which has a vested interest in keeping the people complacent.


As for the highlighted statement, I wonder just how long you've had your head in the sand. You obviously don't realise just how thin that infrastructure has become and how often it lets people down when it is most needed.


Let's hope you don't have to find out the hardway...


We're hardly Greece or Spain are we? Times are a bit tougher, so we need to adapt, get more competitive and get real about the 21st century and what we can offer the world, not whining that the Diversity Monitoring Officer at PCShire Council has lost their job.


The BRICS aren't slowing down, so we need to speed up and stop thinking the world owes us a certain standard of living.

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