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Panorama BBC News Channel Sun 27 Jan 8.30-9 pm

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The 'Suburban Slumdogs' article appeared in October.


How long does it take to either:


1. Get the local authorities/police/Border Agency/ government to act?




2. Get rid of the present incompetent income-bents and replace them with people who will act?




3. Remind us all of the reliability of the press via Leveson.


Just saying.

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Have you just watched tonights Panorama about Illegal Immigrants. Don't you just despair and where are these folk living and working in Sheffield ?


I stopped watching Panorama as it was becoming bad for my health because of the huge pinch of salt you have to take with their exposés.


They've become a scaremongering tabloid style show.


Just google "Panorama wrong": Wrong on green energy, wrong on health tourism, gets its sums wrong on benefit fraud, wrong on school technology procurement fraud.


And these aren't simply the opposing points of view stating their side of things.

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Wasn't there a programme on the TV a couple of months ago about illegal immigrants in (or just to the West of) London living in converted sheds/garages?


There was also 'Suburban Slumdogs'


If you rounded them all up and sent them back home, who would do the work they used to do (at the wages they were paid for doing it?)


How would the 'landlords' who lost their slumdog tenants make up the shortfall in their incomes?


If the employers (often supermarkets and other low-paying retailers) were obliged to increase their rates of pay and if they passed those costs on to their customers, how many of those British customers would cheerfully dig more deeply into their pockets to pay for their food and how many would complain about yet another rise in food prices?


It's not supermarkets employing illegal workers at below Minimum Wage, it's mostly restaurants and car washes. Who would do the job they do? Legal workers would, and they'd have to be paid more for it as well, as there wouldn't be a ready supply of people with no legal rights for employers to manipulate.


We might like to moan about this issue, as people with legal status, but it's the illegal immigrants that suffer most, living in sheds, working full-time for paper round money. If you want to do something to stop this as an individual, don't spend money at those car wash places and don't buy from cheap and nasty takeaways.

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It's not supermarkets employing illegal workers at below Minimum Wage, it's mostly restaurants and car washes. Who would do the job they do? Legal workers would, and they'd have to be paid more for it as well, as there wouldn't be a ready supply of people with no legal rights for employers to manipulate.


We might like to moan about this issue, as people with legal status, but it's the illegal immigrants that suffer most, living in sheds, working full-time for paper round money. If you want to do something to stop this as an individual, don't spend money at those car wash places and don't buy from cheap and nasty takeaways.


I posted a link to this the other day, slavery is becoming a problem in many wealthy countries, and anyone paying to have a car washed could be supporting the trafficking of slaves.

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