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Cherishing your parents

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My dad turned 62 today and last night we drank a fair bit and talked about all manner of subjects, including: what is reality, what kind of political ideology will prevail in the future, the significance (or lack thereof) of mankind's survival, consensus opinion and what is "normal", the nature of dreams and the unconscious mind and various theories of the origins and nature of the universe.


He is one of the few people I can have a fairly deep and meaningful discussion with face to face. Of course, much of this is alcohol fuelled rambling (makes us feel like we know more than we actually do!), but it's fun nevertheless.


Made me realise just how much I will miss him. I know that seems like a premature sentiment, but now he is passed 60 I am thinking about it more, even though he is in good health.


I am going to make the effort to see my parents more. I've not cherished them enough in the past and I know I will sorely regret that when the inevitable happens.

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My dad turned 62 today and last night we drank a fair bit and talked about all manner of subjects, including: what is reality, what kind of political ideology will prevail in the future, the significance (or lack thereof) of mankind's survival, consensus opinion and what is "normal", the nature of dreams and the unconscious mind and various theories of the origins and nature of the universe.


He is one of the few people I can have a fairly deep and meaningful discussion with face to face. Of course, much of this is alcohol fuelled rambling (makes us feel like we know more than we actually do!), but it's fun nevertheless.


Made me realise just how much I will miss him. I know that seems like a premature sentiment, but now he is passed 60 I am thinking about it more, even though he is in good health.


I am going to make the effort to see my parents more. I've not cherished them enough in the past and I know I will sorely regret that when the inevitable happens.


Quite right, my Mum went at 64 totally unexpected, within a short time I had lost my Mum,Brother,Sister,Dad. Luckily after the first loss, I had a chance to tell the others how much I felt for them, and had a chance to appreciate how fragile life is. We are not a family that "gushes" normally, and it was difficult for some to accept fond words from me, but I am glad I said and did the things I did before it was too late.

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Me and my bro used to have those sorts of conversations and he passed away he was only in his 20s so yes cherish the people you love no matter how old/young they are.


It's many years since he went, but I still miss him because i've never had quite the same relationship with anyone else. I have friends and family I love and get along with but no-one fills that gap.

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I definitely tended to take my parents for granted as I expect others do/have done too. Mum lived to 84 and Dad till he was 92. I wish I'd have appreciated them a little bit more when they were alive. To those of you with parent(s) still alive, its never too late to start caring that little bit more.

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I'd say this: If you fall out with your parents, make up as soon as possible because one day they may not be around and the rest of your life will be filled of regret. Pay heed to the Mike and the Mechanics song - The Living Years:


Every generation

Blames the one before

And all of their frustrations

Come beating on your door


I know that I'm a prisoner

To all my Father held so dear

I know that I'm a hostage

To all his hopes and fears

I just wish I could have told him in the living years


Crumpled bits of paper

Filled with imperfect thoughts

Stilted conversations

I'm afraid that's all we've got


You say you just don't see it

He says it's perfect sense

You just can't get agreement

In this present tense

We all talk a different language

Talkin' in defense


Say it loud, say it clear

You can listen as well as you hear

It's too late when we die

To admit we don't see eye to eye


So we open up a quarrel

Between the present and the past

We only sacrifice the future

It's the bitterness that lasts


So Don't yield to the fortunes

You sometimes see as fate

It may have a new perspective

On a different date

And if you don't give up, and don't give in

You may just be O.K.


Say it loud, say it clear

You can listen as well as you hear

It's too late when we die

To admit we don't see eye to eye


I wasn't there that morning

When my Father passed away

I didn't get to tell him

All the things I had to say


I think I caught his spirit

Later that same year

I'm sure I heard his echo

In my baby's new born tears

I just wish I could have told him in the living years


Say it loud, say it clear

You can listen as well as you hear

It's too late when we die

To admit we don't see eye to eye


Say it loud, say it clear

Say it loud

Don't give up

Don't give in

And don't know what you can do next

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I loved my Dad very dearly I miss him every day he was my best mate and he always looked after me,he was always there for me he would listen to my stories and make me feel like I was the only person on earth, he never laid a finger on me and never did me a bad turn,he had hands like shovels and he could put his hand an my head and say come on lad whats up with you, I could feel the love in his touch, hes been gone twenty years now, I held him in my arms as he took his last breath on that dark day he passed away, and there is never a day goes by were I don't think of him, cherish your parents as they will not be here for ever,the mistake I made was thinking my Dad was immortal.

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I don't think that this thread is just about cherishing parents, but cherishing everybody that you love and making sure that they know that you care for them.


It is my eternal regret that I never got to tell someone who told me he loved me that I loved him too (we were still at the 'gosh, aren't you wonderful?' stage at the start of the relationship) because he was dead before I got another chance to see him. I told his corpse, I wrote it in a letter to him that went in his grave with him, but I couldn't tell him and nothing will ever change that.


Tell them, love them, cherish them, look out for them, protect them and live a good life with them- whoever your 'them' may be.

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I wasn't there that morning

When my Father passed away

I didn't get to tell him

All the things I had to say


I think I caught his spirit

Later that same year

I'm sure I heard his echo

In my baby's new born tears

I just wish I could have told him in the living years



deffo for my dad my dad commited sucide in 1996.and later that year i gave birth to my son

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