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To the people who left the very scared staffy outside tescos


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Oh Dear Fabc, how heartless - I hope they rott in hell.

I love staffies, they are just so loving and give their huge hearts over to their owners - and get repaid with this.


Lets hope someone does come for him and the owners get done with abandonement but we all know it won't happen. the RSPCA are dealing with crappy people like this every single day of the week. I don't know how they can do it all the time.


Rott in hell horrible people and good luck little staff


i couldnt agree more our little fella is amazing with my kids! i was not into staffys at all if im honest but since having him from 8 weeks old hes been one of the most gentle, caring dogs you could ever wish for around! i hope the people who did this feel good about themselves! that poor thing might never trust another human again for fear of being abandoned. hope hes ok xx

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I think we’re just going to have to agree to disagree on this one; I prefer to look at the bigger picture, where a wait in the cold is a small price to pay for the people who did it possibly getting prosecuted, and the dog not ending up on the PTS list or ending up in the wrong hands again and being used for breeding or worse.


The dog is probably more scared and confused in the pound (as it would be in any rescue kennel) than it was tied up outside Tesco. It has no concept that it has been rescued.


If the dog is friendly then there are ways to keep it warm, (especially if it’s a friendly staffy!) For all we know this dog could be used to being kept outside anyway.


I’m not saying what the couple did for him wasn't good, and a lot more than some would do, but people are just going to carry on abandoning dogs as long as they know that they can get away with it, and like it or not, the RSPCA are the only people who have the means to prosecute them and act as a deterrent.


I am not trying put down the pound in anyway either, they do a great job with Sheffield’s strays, but any dog going into the pound when it could have gone somewhere else is a possible death sentence for another dog already in there.


Just out of interest Fabcakes, do you know how long they actually waited before deciding that the RSPCA had taken too long?[/QUOTE]


whether it was right or wrong whether these people waited or not i think what they did was a wonderful thing & i know i would have done the same & if i ended up with the responsibility of finding it a home then so be it

its a sure fact i wouldn't of let it go to just anyone & i would of made sure it was spayed or neutered & had all shots before it left :(

& no i don't know how long they waited my hubby was just glad

the dog was in safe hands that's all that matterd to him :?


---------- Post added 04-02-2013 at 20:21 ----------


hubby forgot to tell me until now when he went to

tescos yesterday the lad who left the dog tied up

outside turned up for it the next day only to be told

it had been taken to the police dog pound & if he

wanted it back to go there the staff who worked in tescos

found it hard to not say anything to him

the lad who left the staffy tied up outside tried to say

it was his mate that had left it outside tescos

when the staff could clearly see it was him on ctv

he said he wanted it back as he missed it :|

if they have him on ctv can't they prosecute him ?

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