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Car insurance up despite yet another year of NCB ? This is why..

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I've always argued for a central third party only insurance scheme that is paid for out of VED (would need to be renamed of course and adjusted so everyone paid something rather than electric vehicles getting it free). Then every single vehicle on the roads automatically has third party tax so any not at fault driver would be able to claim every time.

This would then make fully comp insurance optional. By doing this you'd hugely reduce the number of people who want/need fully comp and therefore you reduce the demand for private insurance and thereby reduce the price drastically too. The ONLY reason insurance costs are so high here is because it's compulsory. Clearly not making it compulsory isn't a good idea so this gives a middle ground solution.

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The Association of British Insurers (ABI) has recorded its highest ever UK insurance prices and blames the surge in premiums on inflation, Insurance Premium Tax increases as well as higher repair costs for new cars. Fraudulent claims, such as whiplash injury claims have also put unnecessary upward pressure on prices, according to the body.


Since July 2015 there have been three separate increases in the Insurance Premium Tax, bringing it from 6 to 12 per cent. Vehicle repair costs have also surged by 32 per cent in the last three years, due to new cars featuring increasingly more complex technology. The average repair bill for insurers is now £1,678. Fraudulent whiplash claims have previously been found to add up to £90 premiums.



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I've always argued for a central third party only insurance scheme that is paid for out of VED (would need to be renamed of course and adjusted so everyone paid something rather than electric vehicles getting it free). Then every single vehicle on the roads automatically has third party tax so any not at fault driver would be able to claim every time.

This would then make fully comp insurance optional. By doing this you'd hugely reduce the number of people who want/need fully comp and therefore you reduce the demand for private insurance and thereby reduce the price drastically too. The ONLY reason insurance costs are so high here is because it's compulsory. Clearly not making it compulsory isn't a good idea so this gives a middle ground solution.


Er no thanks. I'm not paying for all the knobbers out there who wont give a damn. NCD is a great tool for making people drive safer as it hits them in the wallet if they don't.


My last renewal in 2016 I was paying £302 in total for a Landrover, and three BMW's fully comp. I doubt any compulsory scheme would be cheaper than that

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I've always argued for a central third party only insurance scheme that is paid for out of VED (would need to be renamed of course and adjusted so everyone paid something rather than electric vehicles getting it free). Then every single vehicle on the roads automatically has third party tax so any not at fault driver would be able to claim every time.

This would then make fully comp insurance optional. By doing this you'd hugely reduce the number of people who want/need fully comp and therefore you reduce the demand for private insurance and thereby reduce the price drastically too. The ONLY reason insurance costs are so high here is because it's compulsory. Clearly not making it compulsory isn't a good idea so this gives a middle ground solution.


I think there need to be a strong element of personal responsibility. People who drive recklessly need to bear the consequences of doing so.

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Never just renew. The meerkat is your best friend.


Well I just looked at Compare the markets and it is over £100 cheaper with the AA than what Sainsbury dropped it to. Only thing is it could go up as some companies require you to have business use on the policy when you are not in the same place every day so will need to ring.

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