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Car insurance up despite yet another year of NCB ? This is why..

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Mine has gone up £27 this year, I had a look on confused.com last night and there is a policy with Churchill that is about £125 cheaper so will be giving Endsleigh a ring see what they can offer.


My renewal came in at £15 higher than last year..shopped around and saved £40..so I'm paying less than last year..

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I'm happy with my car insurance.

£283.46 comprehensive, insured & spouse with full protected no claims bonus,

and slightly cheaper than last year. Saga Insurance over 50s.


My Saga quote for the coming year was £526 which is £110 up on last year. I rang them up and was told 'all car insurance quotes are up by 30/40%#. This includes breakdown insurance. I rang RIAS and got the same cover for £230 through Liverpool Victoria. A saving of £296.

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Yobbos driving without insurance are pumping up premiums too.


Driving without insurance doesn't affect anyones premiums,having an accident increases premiums.


---------- Post added 05-02-2013 at 15:54 ----------


If only that were true, but it isn`t what my insurance broker told me. She said that insurance companies regard a few thousand pounds as a small amount so often just pay out to these scrounging scumbags rather than risk a potentially expensive court case. The thing is most of these fraudulent scroungers don`t think a few grand is a small amount so that`s why they keep trying it on with the assistance of their shyster lawyers.

I don`t know whether you`ve looked at the picture on the earlier link but that`s a fraudulent case of whiplash if I`ve ever seen one and it makes me absolutely seethe that she might get away with it......


Why is it a fraudulent claim?


The owner of a car had an accident with that red car - tough, don't crash.

She will "get away with it" because you have no proof that the poor driving didn't affect her,she may be suffering stress or it may have made her scared of driving but she'll only get paid for whiplash,you never know the consequences of your actions.


I rear ended a car at a motorway roundabout 15 years ago,if i'd moved a foot to touch her car i would have been amazed. She claimed including for whiplash and probably got paid, but just like speeding fines if i don't do it then i don't have to pay for it.

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My Saga quote for the coming year was £526 which is £110 up on last year. I rang them up and was told 'all car insurance quotes are up by 30/40%#. This includes breakdown insurance. I rang RIAS and got the same cover for £230 through Liverpool Victoria. A saving of £296.



I think Saga were telling you porkies because mine went down this year, I haven't got breakdown cover included though as I don't need it.

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Why is it a fraudulent claim?


The owner of a car had an accident with that red car - tough, don't crash.

She will "get away with it" because you have no proof that the poor driving didn't affect her,she may be suffering stress or it may have made her scared of driving but she'll only get paid for whiplash,you never know the consequences of your actions.


I rear ended a car at a motorway roundabout 15 years ago,if I'd moved a foot to touch her car i would have been amazed. She claimed including for whiplash and probably got paid, but just like speeding fines if i don't do it then i don't have to pay for it.


That, if you don`t mind me saying, is a total load of tosh.

It wasn`t actually me involved in the accident but I know exactly where and how it happened. In my opinion, and that of every person I`ve described it to, that accident would not have happened if that other driver had been driving with due care and attention. But unfortunately there were no independent witnesses.

However, in actual fact all that is totally irrelevant, what we`re talking about here is whether that woman could possibly have got whiplash from scraping her car along the side of the other vehicle. Even cursory examination of the photograph of the "damage" on her car would make it totally obvious to anyone that she couldn`t have got any injury whatsoever. She`s a liar whether she was at fault for the accident or not, and it`s fraudulent scumbags like her who are costing all those who have to pay car insurance premiums an absolute fortune, you might be happy about that, me, and every other right thinking person, isn`t.

I`m constantly amazed by posts such as that quoted above, in fact I`ve even coined a name for them "Forum Answers", that is to say an answer which you would never get from anyone except on a forum......

Edited by Justin Smith
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... what we`re talking about here is whether that woman could possibly have got whiplash from scraping her car along the side of the other vehicle. Even cursory examination of the photograph of the "damage" on her car would make it totally obvious to anyone that she couldn`t have got any injury whatsoever. She`s a liar whether she was at fault for the accident or not, and it`s fraudulent scumbags like her who are costing all those who have to pay car insurance premiums an absolute fortune,...


I wonder whether insurance companies keep a list of people who try to rip them off? If they do, I wonder whether they share that list? They have access to your driving record, why shouldn't they have access to a detailed record of claims?


If they did , it could lead to some 'cash for crash' scammers finding that their premiums had increased dramatically. They might not lose their NCB, but if the gross premium was to increase by, say, 1000% that would make a difference.

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Insurance companies like to blame US for insurance cost hikes which if insurance companies profits were going down then maybe but that isnt the case.There is a massive increase in Insurance company profits which points to it not being us at all but greed.

If they were to put up the insurance costs and tell you its because they are greedy then it wouldnt sit well so they blame it on 'them' !

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Insurance companies like to blame US for insurance cost hikes which if insurance companies profits were going down then maybe but that isnt the case.There is a massive increase in Insurance company profits which points to it not being us at all but greed.

If they were to put up the insurance costs and tell you its because they are greedy then it wouldnt sit well so they blame it on 'them' !


There may be an increase in insurance company profits but I wouldn`t have thought that was significant as compared to the amount they pay out to fraudulent scumbags. It probably is fair to say that the insurance companies aren`t quite as bothered about all this "no win no fee compo" as they claim because, quite simply, if they have to pay more out they just put up the premiums ! It`s us poor drivers who are being mugged by these lying dishonest scroungers..... I wonder how many of these low lives ever criticise benefit cheats, that really would make them hypocrites of the highest order because they`re just as bad.

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