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Car insurance up despite yet another year of NCB ? This is why..

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Ok to answer your question, no the government don't encourage the insurance firms to fix prices as that would be illegal.

The reason prices are high is due to nobs making false whiplash claims.


yes, i realise that, and i think the whole system is wrong. i get phone calls now and again "regarding your recent accident etc"... i have not had one.


False claims affect us all, but the govt DONT fix insurance prices, but the do recieve a "commision" on every policy sold, so a little pressure to keep premiums as high as possible is in their interests.


I am not looking for a arguement, but am getting increasingly cheesed of with my insurance rising, despite full no claims and no significant change in circumstaces

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You may not be experiencing a change in your circumstances, but others are and if the aggregate effect of their changed circumstances means that insurance payouts increase, your premium is likely to rise along with that of everybody else.


You are indeed paying for their claims - but that's the way the pool works.

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Mine is due to renew in the next few days, I had a renewal price of around £600 so I shopped around and the sister company admiral was £140 cheaper than what I would be charged. So all it took was a single phone call to Elephant for them to match it (they had all the details from my elephant and admiral quote on the system). Moral of the story is don't expect them to give existing or loyal customers the best prices, shop around and then present them the option to match it or not.


£600 :o what are you driving?

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I just see people like you as media sheep who believe any old tripe!




"The company, speaking on condition of anonymity but which makes revenues of up to £500m a year"


"said it did had no need to raise its own prices but had done so to avoid becoming too cheap and being swamped by new customers."



Its like all the other big companies,they rip us off just because they can!


I must confess I`m not really sure what tripe you`re saying I`m believing......


---------- Post added 10-02-2013 at 15:26 ----------



Interesting, but I`m not suggesting that the scrounging driver of the scratched vehicle (who is claiming for whiplash) had the accident on purpose, What I`m saying is she`s taking advantage of the situation to gain financial compensation for an unprovable (and almost certainly non existent) soft tissue injury. I`d have thought it was scroungers like her rather than deliberate crash scammers who cost those paying insurance premiums so much money.


---------- Post added 10-02-2013 at 15:37 ----------


There you go , in your opinion. Your'e not a medical professional and sudden sharp impacts or shocks can cause whiplash type injuries,i know people with whiplash type injuries from sneezing.

In my opinion the car who was deemed at fault had a crash and compensation was paid out,thats the law.

Thats my genuine opinion,i've been there and experienced it. I don't think hikes in premiums is right and the car at fault should have to pay double for having an accident.


I also don't think calling her names is doing your claims of virtuosity and attacks on hypocrites much good either.


Just look at the picture.......

Most car park bumps are worse than that.

There was no sharp impact (it was a "rub", not a bump), that`s just the point.

I`ll spell it out :

s h e - h a s n ' t - g o t - w h i p l a s h - f r o m - t h a t - s c r a t c h.


And it makes no difference whose fault the accident was (though in my opinion it was hers anyway).

Edited by Justin Smith
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Insurance companies are private businesses which are there soley to generate income for themselves. They will look for any excuse to keep premiums high and avoid paying out claims. The premiums you pay and the amount they pay out are stacked in their favour and they use all kinds of tight and dirty tatics to maintain and increase their income.

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I don`t know how many of you saw that article on the "Crash for Cash" fraudsters who ended up causing the death of a woman on the M40 ? Apparently the BBC reckon that 1 in 7 injury claims to insurance companies could be a "Crash for Cash" scam, and they reckon that cost about 390 million pounds a year putting about £50 on everyone's premium.

I still think that`s a drop in the ocean compared to the scroungers who use a genuine accident to get some shyster no win no fee lawyer to claim compo for an unprovable* soft tissue injury, aka "whiplash". I reckon that puts far more than £50 on everyone's insurance premiums than the more obviously criminal "Crash for Cash" brigade.


* In my experience and that of my friends the great majority of those "injuries" are very minor or even totally non existent.

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  • 1 month later...

I`ve just found out that woman, who, if you look at the pictures of the damage to her car, had no injury whatsoever, got paid out £5700. Now, let`s be honest, she stole that money off every person paying for insurance in this country. I`m so mad I could scream. Even if you`re not an idealist like me, and you think it fair enough for anyone to screw anyone else for anything they can get, if you pay for car insurance you should be seething, because you are paying that........

Edited by Justin Smith
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Mine's gone down by over 10%


I`m pleased for you, I can only assume you`ve got more NCB or swapped insurance company or your car. My insurance goes up virtually every year despite the fact I`ve got 20 odd years NCB and that goes up by another year, every year. But the point of this thread is to highlight whiplash fraudsters, and I`m surprised, nay, shocked, that so many people apparently don`t seem bothered by these liars ripping everybody off.

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