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Anti social behaviour committed by elderly people

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We have to remember that many OAP's listened to crazy music in the past. I feel sorry for house owners when the next crop of 'techno grannies' appear - blasting Prodigy and that scary video based around some high rised flats.


I need to know who did that one? 'Come to daddy' or something?

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Another possibility is to see whether this man's behaviour could lead him to be sectioned under Mental Health Act. A patient can be sectioned if they are perceived to be a threat to themselves or other people & I certainly think the potential use of a Stanley knife fits the bill here.


Generally, a patient can only be sectioned if two doctors and a social worker or a close relative of the patient believe it is necessary. It may be that his son would be glad to have his father taken into care, so that he's no longer bothered by reports of his behaviour.


You need to contact Social Services & I'd suggest you do this either through or with the support of one of your local councillors. You'll find their names & contact details at http://www.sheffield.gov.uk. Click on Your City Council, then Councillors, then select Mosborough from the drop down. For info, their names are Isobel Bowler, David Barker & Tony Downing.

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Put everything in writing to the son, stick to the facts, make sure it's an 'amicable' style of letter, expressing your 'concerns' for his father, etc, perhaps offer him the opportunity of a meeting with yourselves to discuss concerns and ways forward, and send it recorded delivery.

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Thanks for all the advice, we and our neiughbours used to speak with the barrister son when his father first started his decline, after many telephone discussions with the son he politly declined to take further calls, which is when we were forced to involve Police, they have tried every thing to help bringing CPS to take court action of course the barrister son then had to get back involved and help his father as you would expect, over recent months Police have called the barrister son and his father to attend Police station to discuss how the old guy should try to understand his attention and harressment of neiughbours is not welcome and maybe he can change his ways, after Police have served a on the spot fine on the old guy for £80.00 for abusive and threatening behaviour to his even older neighbour of 83 years old it is clear these meetings are not working, we await the latest Police call to the old gent to attend Police station to answer charges of swearing and abusive laungaue following a incident with snow clearing only last week, we are now advised to take out a anti harressment injuction against the old guy with all neiughbours on the order, we will follow that up but the point is the old guy is declining fast he needs help, we live with the guy and note his decline over the years we started off by trying to get his son the barrister to visit his father more see for himself the way neiughbours etc have to live with the old guy, over the years the son appears to have taken to doing every thing possible to cover up his fathers incidents there by making the old guy believe he is untouchable as he tells any one he goes head to head with these days.

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I think a better title to this thread would have been " Anti social behavior by an old person ". Your title seems to imply that this is normal behavior by old people. I am an old person too, I live in a senior environment along with a lot of other seniors. We all have our aches and pains and yes, a litle idiosyncracy, but we're generally quite likeable and clean.:)

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Point taken buck!


We have a number of elderly neiughbours and friends and all are friendly give their time to others and are extremely good company, it is a pity we are saddled with this old gent, every one we speak to about this old gent comes to the same conclusion he needs help!

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we have an 72 year old near us hes locally known as the Ganja man for obvious reasons .He is a total pain in the rectum .the smell was so strong you didn't need to smoke it to get high, you just walked past his house and breathed in ,he was totally paranoid and thought we were all out to get him ,then he got raided and not only did he get done for growing weed he was done for credit card fraud too

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