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Extreme Poetry. Any tips?

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Originally posted by Sidla

I had a vision of extreme poetry being similar to extreme ironing before I opened this thread. I'm dissapointed.


I was not aware of extreme poetry until today,all though sam will disagree,it can be taken in the same context as single word stories.

These stories are not to everyones taste,you must delve into your innermost regions of being to grasp the concept of the story,and to feel the content upon your soul.


This was my first attempt at it,I think you will agree it is a powerfull piece of work.

It is however no match for the might of Sams Extreme Poetry.





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Sorry to disappoint you there, Sidla, but I am talking about 'Neo' extreme poetry, of which I am the inventor. I do take your point.


Extreme poetry written during very trying circumstances, is not related to the neo variety.


Also, is anyone familiar with appliance poetry? I also instigated this during the Green Syntax Revolution of some twenty years ago.


One poem by Jamie Fitz-Reptileface always stays in my mind.




White and sleek they have controls

to brown your bread - more or less

I've seen them chrome

I've seen patterned ones

And they start as cheap as a tenner

Grilled bread in seconds.


I think he was poorly when he wrote that one.

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It is a rather deflating poem. I feel the juxtaposition of 'patterned' and 'ones' does little to 'lift' the syntax, so to speak.


Although it is an important piece, the obviously metaphorical resemblence between a toaster and the current government is perhaps, one does feel, a little too obvious.


Having said that, it is probably the best example of its sort.


Then again, I won't be voting toaster next time round.


Of course, I am always encouraging my students to exploit pen and paper and not to be afraid to experiment. Donald Hitchins was a student of mine for many weeks and went on to produce a splendid anthology of one-line appliance verse.


Consider this:


'My Hoover sucks!'


Quite brilliant, I am sure you will agree.

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Originally posted by tango2

Glad it was of some help to you sam,I like to warn people when the weather is in anticipation of being slight of brisk.

I did,however fail to inform you of,


Swirling demons,grasping out towards our very inner selfness

clawing inwardly at your soul.

Heartless manifestations,wreeping your fruits of conciousness

your minds eye be their goal.

Salvation be thy only dream,wishing,wanting,loathing

seek out your desire

Though walking on to lower plinth searching,earthen folds

hearts of wind and breath of frozen fire.



Moral,dont forget your brolley.


You know, you can almost smell the texture of this one. 'Swirling demons'. Dynamic stuff. 'fruits of consciousness'. Oh, yes please!!I can almost taste the next line!!


But what does it for me is the final four words. 'breath of frozen fire'. Splendid.


It evokes the very essence of life and provokes our minds to search for the answers to the impossible questions we ask ourselves in our subconciousness.


Finally, the full-stop represents the end of the poem. Clever stuff in a 'neo' sort of way. Well done Tango, well done!

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I too feel that the fullstop was a turning point in my last work.almost teasing you to the end of it.


The very texture of the fullstop can sometimes be taken in a very emotional context,almost to the point of being sensual.

A comma often tries to emulate the same situation,but the tail at the bottom is always a give a way (to the trained eye).


I have observed,on many occasions the fullstop carressing the page....taunting the words to come to an end.



Having just heard this next piece of work,it has inpired me to live the life of a pauper,and to write poetry on old bus tickets.



Lighters,lighters, six for a pound

.......I also have mobile facias for Nokia 3310.

10 yellow dusters only a quid,

sorry got to dash the old bill are comming.


This was passed to me by a relative of Ernie Coleskuttle the renound street poet of the late 19th century.

His work has gone undiscovered for some years,it is said he had an insight into the future,this may be evident from the content of his work.

The above piece was actually written arround 1893 on christmas eve.

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It seems, it most certainly does, that the human essence strives to destroy and multiplicate problems.


For instance: poetry, (and in particular neo-hard verse with social overtones) alights the sole which is a small bottom-feeding flatfish which happies at the bottom of deep seas.


Sod the cod.

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Ahh bottom feeding flat fish,now you are talking post decimation of the stromoliphic period.

These were hard times for all the stromo poets of the early 20th century,they have since been driven into low cost housing projects in order to rekindle there work.


It was once said that,the bottom feeding flat fish was to the life force of all beings.

We were to behold its splendor,but alas we discovered the humble Goldfish and its purity and stealth of mind.


Samuel Hardworthy once wrote:


A fish is golden,,majestic and bold,unless it flat and feeding on the bottom.


I can understand where he was going with this,he was trying to stress the difference in our characters.

To be the goldfish is to be the observer in the speculate of life,the flat fish however is to be flat and seeks its wealth from the soul.

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Sorry to disagree,but i think it would be an Aldi cashier and a bottle of Dutch Beer,a cheese and tomato sandwhich (with pickle).

Not as vast as an aquarium,but a cheap plastic fish bowl,had maces pet shop still been there.


Get your apples 3 bob a pound.

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