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Can anyone beat this?

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I have just had my 4th puncture in 8 months. One June ,one August,one December and one today.4 new tyres.Anyone better that?


Not I, that'd really be rather annoying. Had one last month, brand new tyre :( Was on the edge so no repair. Prior to that, several years ago.

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I have just had my 4th puncture in 8 months. One June ,one August,one December and one today.4 new tyres.Anyone better that?


It perhaps says more about your driving than your tyres. Hit kerbs and pot holes and you will have punctures. Drive down roads in the East End of Sheffield where the scrap dealers operate and you will get metal in your tyres and get punctures.


I can better it. I didn't get any punctures during the same period.

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I have just had my 4th puncture in 8 months. One June ,one August,one December and one today.4 new tyres.Anyone better that?


You don't park up near a builder's skip do you? I had two punctures in as many months when a neighbour was having renovation work done – lots of old tacks, nails and screws on the road – which I didn't notice until too late.

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It perhaps says more about your driving than your tyres. Hit kerbs and pot holes and you will have punctures. Drive down roads in the East End of Sheffield where the scrap dealers operate and you will get metal in your tyres and get punctures.


I can better it. I didn't get any punctures during the same period.


I know we live in pothole city but my van and my classic 1959 Austin don't suffer the same fate.Just the car with £75 tyres...

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I used to work at what was British Steel Stainless and the car park was on the other side of the plant from the entrance. I used to get so many punctures that I ended up buying a hydraulic jack which I kept in the car. I think I had about 10 in the period of 1 year, that included a near fatal burst tyre on the M25.

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