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Any Stilt Walkers on here? (or people with other circus skills)

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I used to have a friend who was a stilt walker, he'd dress up in his clown costume and longed legged trousers and do promotional work on Fagate, I've always fancied having a go at stilt walking ever since :)


So, can you stilt walk, breathe fire, juggle or ride a monocycle?


Share your Circus skills and experiences here :partyhat:

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Many (many, many!) years ago, I did a static trapeze course - good fun, but it made me realise that tightrope walking was much easier! Poi and diabolo were great fun, as was stilt walking, but I was useless at juggling (I don't think juggling two balls counts!) and at ball walking, that was scary! Fire eating was amazing fun though, much easier than it looks!

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