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Things that you just don't see now!


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Bath night on a sunday for us all.we all wanted to be first for the fresh towels as the next one had to wait till the towels had dried over the back of the chair in front of the fire.I can still smell them scorching.We used to have to let our hair dry naturally or hold our head in front of fire often smokin through getting to close!our hair was washed with soap(not shampoo)and occasionally mum would put a bit of vinegar in the rinsing water to make our hair shine.


Listening to Radio Luxenburg while having said bath to Dan Dare pilot of the future.

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I havent seen fussels milk what you could in tins I use to love spreading that on hot toast. what about the man on the moon chewing gum from 1969 also you dont see the bay city rollers now or the streets full of punks with the hair all stuck up or what about space hoppers.also what about that song mouldy old dough by lieutenant pigeon or even chirpy chirpy cheep cheep by the middle of the road.all things that are gone but not forgotten

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As young "Villain" in the late 60's, a gang of us were "Scrumping" in the orchard at the rear of the Button Factory on Church Lane, Hackenthorpe. It was dark and the owner came out and chased us. We all legged it and jumped over the wall, but one of my mates tried to clinmb over a high bit which was covered in Glass shards. Both his hands were lacerated and was bleeding profusely. We just took him home and let his mum deal with him. Never a thought about suing, we were just glad to escape without getting a kicking. How times have changed. He recovered and became a popular Drummmer on the club scene.


What a coincidence.


My wife, who shall remain nameless, is the daughter of the then Owner of that particular orchard. Although it was adjacent to the Pearl Button Factory at Hackenthorpe, he employed a Gardener to tend the orchard and did not reside on the site personally. It may have been the Gardener who sent you all packing.


The adjacent house was owned by a Doctor...perhaps it was one of these two people who drove you off.


The wall boundary to their property was not topped off with glass shards, so we assume it was the walls of the Button Factory upon which your pal was injured which caused the damage.


My wife asks if she can have the apples back.:)

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I've not read all these posts so you will have to excuse me if I am repeating any.

Pop bottles with 10p refund on return.

Newsagents closing on a Wednesday.

Junior Star.

Fish & Chips in newspaper.

Photo of coins on buses.

Bus conducters.

You should look at my old thread about toys & games of old.

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