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Things that you just don't see now!


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Beech-Nut Spearmint machines, get one free every fourth penny.

Wagon Wheels by Burtons, real wagon wheels covered in chocolate, so big you had to roll them out of the shop, it took a week to eat them.

Mars Bars they were so thick and hard you wood swear they were frozen.The Trianagular shaped lolipops in cardboard, they were called Joy-Sticks.

Penny tram rides.

Running out of the house if you heard a Ambulance or Fire Engine bell, Its just an every day sound now.

Listening to Josef Locke on the wireless.

Whitsuntide Clothes and Whit Walks.

Being able to walk all the way to School in the middle of the road.

Children sharing apples, trying each others new clothes on, sharing an ice lolly.

Having a cycle rim and stick.

Making trolleys out of old bits of wood and pram wheels.

Flying kites.

Playing Marbles.

Playing Kick Can.

Playing Farmer, Farmer.

Having a dog and no one complaining about it as everybody had one.

Hearing cocks crowing and Skylarks on the Manor (true)

The Car Brook that ran at the back of St Theresas School and ran all the way to Tinsley, till some fool decided to fill it all in after it had flowed for over a thousand years.

Children playing without destroying property.

Short trousers.

Little girls looking like little girls instead of images of their Mothers.

The Rag Man coming round.

The original Dandy & Beano.

Black and White T.Vs.

Dear friends that have passed away.

Street Cleaners using horse and carts.

Ice Cream carts pulled by horses.

Sunshine every day in Summer.

Snow every Winter.

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There have been a lot of things mentioned on this thread that do bring back fond memories . The one thing I have not seen mentioned , and loved playing this as a kid , Conkers , remember the chestnuts on a string . One had to bash the other guys conker off of the string to win . Anyone ever play that game ?

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Beech-Nut Spearmint machines, get one free every fourth penny.

Wagon Wheels by Burtons, real wagon wheels covered in chocolate, so big you had to roll them out of the shop, it took a week to eat them.

Mars Bars they were so thick and hard you wood swear they were frozen.The Trianagular shaped lolipops in cardboard, they were called Joy-Sticks.

Penny tram rides.

Running out of the house if you heard a Ambulance or Fire Engine bell, Its just an every day sound now.

Listening to Josef Locke on the wireless.

Whitsuntide Clothes and Whit Walks.

Being able to walk all the way to School in the middle of the road.

Children sharing apples, trying each others new clothes on, sharing an ice lolly.

Having a cycle rim and stick.

Making trolleys out of old bits of wood and pram wheels.

Flying kites.

Playing Marbles.

Playing Kick Can.

Playing Farmer, Farmer.

Having a dog and no one complaining about it as everybody had one.

Hearing cocks crowing and Skylarks on the Manor (true)

The Car Brook that ran at the back of St Theresas School and ran all the way to Tinsley, till some fool decided to fill it all in after it had flowed for over a thousand years.

Children playing without destroying property.

Short trousers.

Little girls looking like little girls instead of images of their Mothers.

The Rag Man coming round.

The original Dandy & Beano.

Black and White T.Vs.

Dear friends that have passed away.

Street Cleaners using horse and carts.

Ice Cream carts pulled by horses.

Sunshine every day in Summer.

Snow every Winter.

Lazarus..You are the only one on the forum that remembers the "Joy Stick"..I recall a time when "Joy Stick" waxed cardbord tubes littered Concord Park, all chopped to pieces after the grass cutter had got at them..I remember they were blue with white letters, and a dotted line across the middle so they could be sold in halfs..2 pence for a full one & 1 penny for a half one...Did they do any other flavour than orange?...and who made them was it Wall's?.
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A child of the 50's I can remember wearing my dad's old socks on my hands to go sledging and snowballing (I understand some schools have banned that now!)

cutting cardboard insoles when I had holes in my shoes

Fetching the hobbin foot on pay day and Dad repairing my one pair of shoes

asking for scraps, splits or fish pieces for a few coppers

The scarlet fever ambulances with red blankets

Tru Fruit lollies, shaped like pears

Robinade crystals in little paper sachets for a penny

Whit Walks


Can anyone remember the cardboard masks on the back of cornflake packets?

and those plastic submarines that you put bi.carb or something in and then put them in an old pop bottle of water

Playing two balls up against the school wall

Playing 'Queenie o' coco'

penny bars of Cadbury's chocolate

skipping with someone's Mum's washing line across the road (obviously not on a Monday)

Fetching a jug of beer from the side window of the pub down the road for Dad and trying not to spill any

The fantastic smell of allotment bonfires

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There have been a lot of things mentioned on this thread that do bring back fond memories . The one thing I have not seen mentioned , and loved playing this as a kid , Conkers , remember the chestnuts on a string . One had to bash the other guys conker off of the string to win . Anyone ever play that game ?


I think that kids still play this, clocker, soaking them in vinegar to make them hard/winners!

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  • 1 month later...

I remember going round scrap yards to get pram wheels which we used to make a four wheeler.


We would take it in meersbrook park and come down the big hill like a bat out of hell.


Such good days :hihi::thumbsup:


I remember going to the sasparela shp on abbeydale road and we would get a pint of it, sit out side and think we were super cool, never got into any bother though.


Such simple days but really good

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  • 1 month later...

Under 10s helping with the slum clearance, like we did in the long hot summers of the 70's, Woodbourn Road was cleared (with our help ;) ) in double quick time.


chabbies rushing out to get a long balloon off the rag and bone man (Mrs Grinder doesn't believe we had a man come round with a horse and cart collecting rags, she is sooo posh ;)) I never new anyone who took bones but they had bones on the cart.


Youngsters walking from Wire Mill Dam to their estate with a couple of sticklebacks and a few tadpoles in a jam jar.




sadistic teachers


bobbies who have respect


Kids getting lost in the various dead end stairwells on Park Hill and Hyde Park flats.


Grass fires


Penny chews

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