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Things that you just don't see now!


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My grandma lived with us for years and suffered with reumatism. She drank a horrible brownish liquid concoction called Waller's Backache Mixture. Apart from curing her bad back, it helped to wash down her daily dose of Carter's Little Liver Pills.

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Can anyone remember the cow in the dairy window on Broadfield Road just down from the clinic and the swimming baths? It ws in one of those cusrved windows! Happy memories going swimming on a Sunday after Sunday school and home for roast beef n yorkshire poudding!

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Can anyone remember the cow in the dairy window on Broadfield Road just down from the clinic and the swimming baths? It ws in one of those cusrved windows! Happy memories going swimming on a Sunday after Sunday school and home for roast beef n yorkshire poudding!



Yes, Express Dairies, the old cow was there for years !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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I'm not half as old as some of you guys but here's a few things I remember from my childhood.


Old buildings with the kitchen in the cellar.

Coal Chutes.

Anyone remember the 'Johnny 7' guns from the sixties, posh kids had 'em.

Kids sat on the garden wall with a stick of Rhubarb and a cup of sugar.

Fire ash sprinkled over icy pavements in winter.

That really nice orange juice in a milk bottle which got delivered on Sundays.

The Lion, Tiger and Valiant comics.

Eating pigeon eggs for tea.

Steam trains.

Castle crisps with the little blue bag of salt in the bottom.

The pop man, ginger beer in those brown pot bottles and the mucky coal man.

Penny arrows and sixpenny lucky bags.

Izal toilet rolls (now please wash your hands)

Batman, Stingray, Thunderbirds and Fireball XL5 on the telly.

The testcard!

Really dangerous fireworks (Air bombs)

Those cast iron boot cleaners/scrapers posh people had outside their front doors.

Capstan full strength and Woodbines.

1001 cleans a big big carpet, for less than half a crown lol.

you can still use Izal toilet paper at the toilets at the bottom of the morr!

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Don't seem to see milk floats anymore either.


still plenty about but I agree you don't see them a lot. probably because we sensible people are asleep when they come down't road. :rolleyes:


Dare I admit I used to sell them ? Oh yes!!!!!!! (in a churchill insurance dog sort of way)


Mind you I'm better now :huh::huh:


What about those blue bags they used to pack sugar in at the Co-op

and huge great blocks of butter which they would cut a pound off and wrap it cleverly in greaseproof paper of some sort AND the cones of paper that sweets were sold in ! :gag:

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I used to have a spoonful of brown sticky stuff, I think it was called malt and ???? cant remember what else was in it, but it tasted lovely, can anyone help with this and can you still buy it? :confused:

Cod liver oil and malt, I remember it being in brown jars. I too loved it and would like to know if still available.

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you can still use Izal toilet paper at the toilets at the bottom of the morr!


Well I'll be... Are you sure they're not just using up some surplus stock from the 60's :)


I remember an Izal factory in Chapeltown, on the left just before the big hill leading up to the turn off for Harley and Hoyland common.


I'm just wondering if the message printed on each sheet of toilet paper was hygiene related, or a subtle warning about the stinky chemicals they used.


And... what ever happened to -> MothBalls


Did all the moths die? lol

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