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Things that you just don't see now!


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Do any of you remember this type of situation?


ISTR in infants/junior school it wasn't unusual to have prayers for kids who were seriously ill or had died, I certainly remember a pal of mine at school in 1952 died of pneumonia. One of my sisters spent about three months in Lodge Moor I think because of suspected TB - she was always considered to be 'delicate' afterwards and not allowed to do PE and sports etc at school.

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Must have been awful being brought up as a dog turd Sax. :hihi::hihi:






That was me waiting for the car to squish the turd vike!! My little brother was brought up as a turd. Grew up to be 'cack' handed, and a jobbysworth. (only joking bruv!!!)


Kid's push bikes with pumps and tool bags attached.


Kids walking home from the shop eating the crusty bits off the loaf they'd been sent to get.


SWD's purple lorries.


Coppers on point duty - in white gauntlets .... even when the traffic's gridlocked.


YZ chewing gum machines outside shops.

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Home-made catapults, made from a forked twig, with a strong Rubber Band as a propellant (2 Rubber Bands if you could get hold of them)


The "Pop" Man bringing Exley's best Limeade and Ice Cream Soda in a crate once a week


Mum making Ginger Beer from a "Ginger Plant" in a Glass Carboy.


'National' Dried Milk in Cardboard "Tins" in the larder.


"Camp" Coffee...made from Chickory Essence....tasted nothing like Coffee.


Making Paper Chains at Infant School from coloured strips for Christmas Decorations around the School.


Mixed sex classes at Infant level School, then sex segregation at 7/8yrs old for the Primary.......different playgrounds for Boys and Girls.


On the ugly side of life....Tuberculosis, Polio and Diptheria contagion for the most unfortunate of children.


Old men with "Bowed" Legs as a result of Rickets.


A very rare sight was an aeroplane in the sky.....propellor driven only, a Hastings or Douglas DC3.


No smoke contrails in the sky on sunny days.


Never saw a helicopter of course.

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:Kids walking home from the shop eating the crusty bits off the loaf they'd been sent to get.



I still do that - we sometimes (if I do the shopping) buy real bread - I love pulling bits off - really can't be doing with the 'modern' bread - all chemicals.


Something else you don't see these days is money back on the bottle - I remember as a kid collecting empties from all the houses on my block and taking them back for the coppers on them - there was one old fellow who used to try to palm me off with bottles with nowt back on them - soon got wise to that trick. Also on bottles from pub - take them back to off-licence kiosk at Wordsworth Tavern and get a bunch of sweets. Happy days they really were.

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Making Paper Chains at Infant School from coloured strips for Christmas Decorations around the School.


You can still buy the gummed strips from Early Learning Centre so to bring the fun of making your own decorations at Xmas.


I also remember when at school and mumps going round and everyone getting it - you don't hear of it these days at all - there was a recent message home from my daughters school about a suspected chicken pox case - which is equally rare. When I was a kid if any of the neighbours kids got anything my mother used to send us round to try to catch it - seems it was better to have whislt you were young, it was worse if you were older - how misinformed were people in them days.

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You don't see now!


Kids with glasses and either a patch over the lens or frosted glass in one lens.


Snake belts


Rag and bone men.


Bob a job week.


Rubber girdles(with sussies)


Motor bikes and sidecars


3 wheeler cars (other than Relient Robin's)


I don't see me nan anymore.

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winter warmers moulded out of clay with bits of burning twigs in them, balaclava helmets, home made kites. One toy for Christmas and one for your birthday. Toy sailing boats for Millhouses boat pond. Millhouse swimming pool, the coldest water on earth. Do they still have rag day and the Star walk?

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