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This government have so much blood on their hands.

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it was the banks what caused the recessions - and let's get things dang straight, we could afford to invest in more jobs, and a better society, if corporations took less profits and paid more taxes.


It's the taking of ott profits, without paying enough back to society... that's the main cause of unhappiness in this country.

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it was the banks what caused the recessions - and let's get things dang straight, we could afford to invest in more jobs, and a better society, if corporations took less profits and paid more taxes.


It's the taking of ott profits, without paying enough back to society... that's the main cause of unhappiness in this country.


the problem the way i see it is people have forgot how to be patient, everyone expects big returns instantly, everyone is too interested in get rich quick schemes, when the matter of fact is businesses, corporations and indeed countries/infrastructure take time/energy and patience to build, nothing happens overnight apart from winning the lottery,

if people could learn how to be patient again then we could see a change coming our way.....

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the problem the way i see it is people have forgot how to be patient, everyone expects big returns instantly, everyone is too interested in get rich quick schemes, when the matter of fact is businesses, corporations and indeed countries/infrastructure take time/energy and patience to build, nothing happens overnight apart from winning the lottery,

if people could learn how to be patient again then we could see a change coming our way.....


yes, I agree with that - it's all about instant gratification nowadays.


(we'd better stop there or we'll get reported for having a sensible discussion.)

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The suicide rates have declined under Labour and begun to rise rapidly under the tories.


There's a big bump around 1997, which is still higher than where the graph finishes.


Personally I find the 1997 peak understandable, having Gordon Brown as chancellor often made me feel suicidal.


Some 6,045 people killed themselves in 2011, an increase of 437 since 2010.


Compared to the 110,000 civillan death toll in Iraq, a war that Tony "nice guy" Blair signed us up for.


Now, which government has blood on its hands?


Oh but I'm forgetting. They're only brown people. And they do live a long way away. And they probably have a different religion to us. Fair game really.


Forget I mentioned it.

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The problem is that many people expect the government to provide them a living. Socialism has caused so many problems in this country. The answer is to promote self-reliance and responsibility.


I agree wholeheartedly that we should promote SELF-reliance. An excellent step towards this would be to ban inheritance and confiscate everyones inherited wealth. This will allow the people who have inherited stuff and were about to inherit stuff to become SELF- reliant. Well said that man! Self reliance is the answer! We can use all the inherited wealth to pay off the national debt and create a fairer society of SELF-reliance. What an excellent idea you had.

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