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Bipolar disorder, anyone know anything about it?

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  • 4 years later...

You should really talk to my wife about the **** she's been through with me because of this condition. Is your partner impulsive, inconsiderate, rash with money and physical risks, loud and entirely full of himself? I know I am when I'm on the "up cycle" of this condition.

If this sounds familiar he should be on fairly serious meds. Part of the problem may be him denying there's any need for help; after all, he's the one having fun on the tightrope, showing off, whilst you're holding the safety net knowing that he's gonna fall, sooner or later. BTW, don't make too many excuses or allowances. I've always known what I've been doing in the manic phase, just been enjoying the energy etc too much to want to come down or stop to think about the impact on others.

There's a support group on third Thurs each month. Google sheffield bipolar supt grp.

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