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Did anyone see the shooting star?


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Just saw it shoot past our house and I thought there was going to be a hell of a bang as well! I saw a large green ball with long tail that seemed to be going slower than a shooting star, it sank below the tree line. I've never seen anything like that in my life before!

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Just saw it shoot past our house and I thought there was going to be a hell of a bang as well! I saw a large green ball with long tail that seemed to be going slower than a shooting star, it sank below the tree line. I've never seen anything like that in my life before!


Perhaps it wasn't a shooting star, maybe it was a peice of space debris or something; whatever it was I'm suprised that there was nothing on the news about it in advance advising us to look out for it as it was such a spectacle.

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Me too, I saw it in S6, I am near the Barracks, it was in the sky to the north east. Very bright, very fast, bluish green, coming down at a steep angle. Thought it was a firework, it was so bright.

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