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Experiences of Tramadol?


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I took 200mg for the first time at the weekend and for the first four hours they took the pain away. however five hours later i was vomiting more thn i have every done in my life!!.

god knows whats in them but they turned my stomach into a acid bath.. i wont ever touch them again.

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Well i don't want to hijack this thread with that sort of debate but... :hihi: It is bloody stupid that there's a natural remedy out there that works better for some of us but we're force fed chemicals just for a few hours respite in sleep, it's upside down and backwards. :(

Well said!

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I was given Tramadol (something different from my regular prescription)for chronic pain relief in July by my GP. After taking one tablet I had the most horrendous experience. Was so ill that I couldn't get out of bed to go to work. Not had a day off sick for years but that one tablet did it for me! I now have pain relief injections at the pain clinic as I'm sick of taking strong medication.

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