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Loan Required: (other than Bank or Payday loan) Quickly


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for a loan shark to lend you 1500 quid over 24 months you will end up paying back around 5000 grand or more . you will be paying around £210 per month and the risk of broken legs if you miss a payment . so if your paying less than that per month i would stick to what your paying now ....

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I need a £1500.00 loan... I have bad credit from my past and cant get credit anywhere. I don't have family that can help me i'm not looking for people to comment saying I don't need a loan etc.


If you can help me or know of a private loan shark please can you private message me.


I'm looking for £1500.00 for 24 months.


The reason I am wanting this is to consolidate my debts so I have one monthly payment.


Thanks guys


If you want to consolidate your debt then go to debt management. Taking out a loan to pay off loans is going to get you nowhere.


If you only have the option of high risk high interest lenders you are going to put yourself in a bigger hole. Firstly, there would be very few willing to lend you that much for so long. You might find your only option would be 30 day lenders which means you would be stuck paying 1500%+ interest on your balance every 30 days for 24 months!


Even if you did get a £1500 loan over that period with a more reasonable rate. You are still going to create more interest than actual payment because of your high credit risk.


That will mean in 24 months time you would end up with one payment but almost triple what you are paying now.


Dont even think about it.


Get some Debt Management. Whoever they are they will do a proper full assessment of all your income and expenditure and pay out the remainder to your creditors.


Ashley Park are a local one based in Rotherham I think Either that a quick search on google will bring up the alternatives.


That's the only way you will sort yourself out.


PS: When someone asks you what its for when you actually bring up the subject on a public forum, you will find it IS their business. they are trying to help you. Stop being so defensive. Believe me a loan company and/or debt management will ask you far more personal questions. You had better get used to it.


Now, take my advice. Find a debt management and talk to them now. Dont hesite. The quicker you can get them involved the better.

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There really are some quite special people on here...


It appears that asking a legitimate question is deemed to be 'sticking my nose in' (I did not realise it was for debt consolidation).


Best of luck in getting your loan sorted out.


To be fair it did say so in the first post..

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