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Controlling how people think.

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This is done by telling a story, or mentioning an incident, but laced with hidden ingredients, a bias, a prejudice littered with forgone conclusions, facts mixed with specific opinions.


So once for instance there were three classes Upper, middle and lower, simple and straightforward and each gave an indication as to educational, skills, job and wage levels. So the middle looked sown on the lower and up to the upper, with lower normally not giving a toss about either, and at best disliking both.


But this class simple to understand class system bonded masses of peoples together, in the middle and working class. Thatcher encouraged the working class to migrate to the middle classes, through changing their value system, mainly through selling them shares and selling off council houses, while smashing up the unions. So the working class became divided, and as manufacturing and mining were destroyed the working class became the unemployed, the looking for work

, scroungers, cheats, lazy, spongers, working poor, deserving poor and so on. The fact the government created unemployment through businesses relying on manufacturing and mining going out of business was never discussed. We suddenly had millions of parasites, with no future for them their families, as 120 thousand families lost their homes a year, as a result of unemployment, which was none of their fault.


So since then we have a parasitic class, swelled by the inclusion of the deserving and undeserving poor, the lazy disabled, workshy sick, who we all have learned to loath and hate. These groups, although single mothers wanting council homes have disappeared for the moment, we are reminded over and over again, are ruining everyone’s life. As for the sick, they are being divided into the obese, smokers, drinkers and others who have made themselves ill, and questions regarding their suitability for NHS treatment are periodically discussed.


So slowly we are discovering who to loathe, who to revile, led by politicians on the make, and their lapdogs a compliant media. We are constantly fed stories to create prejudices, and to point us in the direction who to vilify, this week. We do not have to think anymore, its all done for us by other people.


So targeting scapegoats, blaming foreigners, Muslims, the unemployed, the sick, disables, and the rest allows people to choose the flavour of the week to blame for current ills. But all of this is a smokescreen, a clever ploy to take people gaze from what policy makers, corporations and banks the puppet masters who regulate all the money the rest of us get. So Muslim are fed pork, and we all are fed horse and donkey meat, various chemicals, as its all about corporate profits, and sod the rest. Meanwhile the war industry is booming, as military adventures are ongoing, as being a client state of the USA finds us fighting anyone that will not allow our corporations to plunder resources they need. Liberating people from certain dictatorships, using depleted uranium, contaminating their land for hundreds of years, while the media informs us that these foreigners are all terrorists and deserve liberating into environmental, economic and social chaos. We consume these distortions of reality like its mother’s milk, which help turn us all into the mean, selfish idiots, easily persuaded to swallow any official lie, all for the benefit of corporate profits.

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I detect the presence of hidden ingredients in your monologue, bias if you will, prejudice maybe...


The government didn't "create" unemployment of course, it's always existed.


Are you trying to lead us to loathe politicians, creating an attitude of prejudice against them?


Your last paragraph lost me entirely, it seems self contradictory and only loosely based in any reality that I recognise.

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So Thatcher did not create unemployment???


The banks and financial industry do not create unemployment???/


Politicians can be judged by their actions, which sadly often contradict their sweet soothing words. Caring all in it together was really about politicians on the take, they were all in it together, including Clegg and Cameron, despite their personal wealth. It was then used in a wider context to veil what it was about. very clever!


last paragraph is to summarise the fact scapegoats are created by smiling caring politicians who through their lapdogs the media, help to spread and perpetuate the message. The point is to divide people, set neighbour again neighbour, community against community. Thus one can rule them all, go to war, steal their money, provide government controlled banksters with massive bonuses, that all comes from our pockets!


Envy is a great tool to use, as through it people look up to the greedy, thus positioning themselves well below them.

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Am I allowed to loathe the 1% who own everything else, and exploit every level of society in order to take every last drop of wealth they can squeeze from the system for no better reason than they can?


Because I do.


I loathe that same one percent too. Most of it is inherited wealth. Someone just mentioned self-reliance on another thread. I stated that I agreed with self reliance and that the next step towards it should be for the state to claw back inherited wealth, thus allowing the people to be self reliant.

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I couldn't give a toss how wealthy you are (I've never been against bankers bonuses, for example), but if earning or using said wealth causes harm to others or society as a whole, whether directly or indirectly, in the short or long term, you ought to pay compensation to those negatively affected.


"Do what you will, so long as it harms none (or more accurately, nobody ELSE)" should theoretically be a simple law to live by and from which to build the foundations of a free and fair society. Everything else is just people/government sticking their noses in based on self interested ideology.

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So Thatcher did not create unemployment???


The banks and financial industry do not create unemployment???/

Are you claiming that no one was unemployed before either Thatcher became PM, or banks existed (which is it by the way, banks predate Thatcher to some large extent)...


Politicians can be judged by their actions, which sadly often contradict their sweet soothing words. Caring all in it together was really about politicians on the take, they were all in it together, including Clegg and Cameron, despite their personal wealth. It was then used in a wider context to veil what it was about. very clever!

So you are trying to influence people to dislike politicians.


last paragraph is to summarise the fact scapegoats are created by smiling caring politicians who through their lapdogs the media, help to spread and perpetuate the message. The point is to divide people, set neighbour again neighbour, community against community. Thus one can rule them all, go to war, steal their money, provide government controlled banksters with massive bonuses, that all comes from our pockets!

Wasn't it the media and big corporations who were in charge the other day, now it's the politicians. Who we get to vote for. Crikey, next thing you know it'll be a democracy.


---------- Post added 31-01-2013 at 15:25 ----------


I couldn't give a toss how wealthy you are (I've never been against bankers bonuses, for example), but if earning or using said wealth causes harm to others or society as a whole, whether directly or indirectly, in the short or long term, you ought to pay compensation to those negatively affected.


"Do what you will, so long as it harms none (or more accurately, nobody ELSE)" should theoretically be a simple law to live by and from which to build the foundations of a free and fair society. Everything else is just people/government sticking their noses in based on self interested ideology.

Some harm is obvious, but in a lot of cases it's very difficult to define.


Most business for example is trying to make a profit, you could define harm against someone else as charging them more than you "need" to for an item. But who is to define what is a fair profit, and what you "need" to charge?

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Some harm is obvious, but in a lot of cases it's very difficult to define.


Most business for example is trying to make a profit, you could define harm against someone else as charging them more than you "need" to for an item.


Not really, since any transaction has two parties and both must agree for the transaction to go ahead.


But who is to define what is a fair profit, and what you "need" to charge?


I don't see any need to define what is fair profit. Profit is profit. Picking an amount that could be deemed fair would be purely arbitrary. Such a thing can only be negotiated by the transacting parties.


I agree that identifying harm and the appropriate compensation is not always easy. We have dispute resolution laws that handle a lot of this (where contract law has proven too loose or the government hasn't intervened already), and those laws could be tweaked further to allow individuals/groups to challenge parties who they deem to have acted in a harmful or coercive manner.

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But who is to define what is a fair profit, and what you "need" to charge?


Society. For example, there was general public unhappiness when energy firms were seen taking more than 10% of their revenues as profit.


The 'free market' has become a smoke-screen to hide exploitation. As such it might be time to curb such behaviour through regulation.

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